Legislators are set to hear two additional bills with different approaches to for virtual public meetings.
HB 1180, sponsored by Reps. Vicki Kraft (R–Vancouver) and Robert Sutherland (R-Granite Falls), allows cities to hold virtual public meetings
for all public meetings, including during an emergency situation. However, the bill also requires cities to provide time for public testimony at every meeting, be it special or regular, online or in-person. During a virtual meeting, cities would need
to allow for public testimony either by video, phone, or comments submitted in advance to be read aloud during the meeting.
HB 1329, sponsored by Reps. Emily Wicks (D–Everett) and Gerry Pollet (D–Seattle), requires cities to have a remote access option for all
public meetings. Cities that meet remotely would not have to offer an in-person option for the meeting. The bill does exempt cities with fewer than ten full-time equivalent employees or cities where the cost to provide remote access would be more
than one percent of the city’s annual budget. The bill also includes a waiver for holding a public meeting in case of equipment failure, lack of staff, or other extenuating circumstances. Additionally, the bill requires that all cities offer
a public comment period before the City Council takes any significant final action.
Previously, the House Local Government Committee held a public hearing for HB 1056, which allows for local governments
to hold virtual public meetings during a declared emergency. Additionally, the bill removes an exception for cities with fewer than ten full-time equivalent employees or who do not have a website. AWC has requested an amendment to exempt smaller jurisdictions
from that requirement. HB 1056 passed through committee and now awaits action from the House.
Currently, cities must hold virtual public meetings under a concurrent resolution passed by the legislature on
January 18 through the end of the declared emergency.
Dates to remember
HB 1180 and HB 1329 are scheduled for public hearing in the House Local Government Committee on Tuesday, January 26 at 10 am.