As we’ve been saying, the 2019 session has taken off with a fast and busy start. The bill count thus far illustrates that, with more than 1,400 bills introduced this session. That means there are a lot of proposals to sort through, and it can be challenging to know which bills to focus on in these early days. Your AWC Government Relations team is doing the best they can to quickly triage through the avalanche of bills and pick out those we believe are most likely to impact cities, and then do a deeper dive. Afterall, a simple bill introduction does not mean the bill will necessarily gain traction this session.
We use this weekly Legislative Bulletin to flag the bills that are scheduled for public hearing and to highlight where we need cities to take a closer look and provide feedback on potential impacts. We always appreciate the feedback we receive from our city officials. So please, keep it coming!
Last week AWC hosted a Mayors Exchange in Olympia. We were thrilled to have around 50 mayors and city officials attend. We had a strong line-up of speakers on topics like the Governor’s behavioral health transformation plan and the state of the state’s budget, as well as a great presentation from the state’s economist, Dr. Steve Lerch. The main information that city officials wanted to know from Dr. Lerch was the likelihood of another recession. The good news is that one isn’t being predicted for the next two years. However, slower economic growth is more likely over the next two years.
This week we are excited to see some of AWC’s legislative priorities get introduced and scheduled for hearings. SB 5564, which provides a sales tax value capture tool for economic development, was introduced and has a hearing on January 31. Also introduced this week is HB 1680, which would end the diversion of REET revenue out of the Public Works Trust Fund (PWTF) so that it could be available for loans for infrastructure projects that help communities with housing development. Infrastructure funding and restoring the PWTF is one of AWC’s priorities for 2019.
We will continue to use the Legislative Bulletin to keep you posted as these and other bills continue through the legislative process. Again, thanks for your engagement and feedback, we can’t do this without you!