Employee Benefit Trust
Choice | Health | Service
The AWC Employee Benefit Trust is Washington's premier local government benefit pool for cities, towns, and other local
governments. We provide quality, efficient, and cost effective benefit and health promotion programs with the highest level of
Medical | Dental | and more
Benefits | COBRA | Retiree
Worksite wellness
WellCity | Resources | Toolkits
Billing & eligibility
Coverage | SIMON | Participation
Forms | Benefit packets | Administrative guide
About the Trust
Joining the Trust | Governance | Our members
Legal | Mailings | Policies
Conferences | eLearning | Workshops
News & media
For Your Health | Wellness newsletters | Videos
Budget constraints are making reductions in force a very real possibility. Join the webinar to get strategies for minimizing negative impacts to your entity. Access to the webinar is limited to those who solely represent the interests of management. Register now!
Healthy Worksite Summit is the Northwest’s premier training event dedicated to making workplaces healthy places. Explore ways to create a thriving workplace. Register today!
Understanding HDHP’s and HSA's
Note to Financial Statement
Administrative guide
Dependent verification
Notice of nondiscrimination – AWC Trust health programs do not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability or sex. If the member’s primary language is not English, we can assist them in their preferred language, and can provide aids to people with disabilities to effectively communicate with us.
AWC Employee Benefit Trust HIPAA notice – The AWC Trust is committed to protecting the confidentiality of any health information collected about you. View our HIPAA privacy policy notice.
Transparency in coverage – The Transparency in Coverage Rule establishes new standards for price transparency. View links to these machine-readable files.