After successfully passing out of the House, a bill tripling city contract limits with community service organizations now faces the Senate.
HB 1086 passed through the House on a vote of 84-9 on February 6. After languishing in the Senate Local Government, Land Use &
Tribe Affairs Committee for a month, it is now scheduled for a public hearing this week. The bill received only minor amendments in the House Local Government Committee rewriting a few sentences in the intent statement of the bill; however, the newly
proposed contract limit of $75,000 remains in place.
As a reminder, under RCW 35.21.278, cities have had the ability to bypass competitive bidding laws and contract directly with community service organizations
on projects to preserve, maintain, and enhance local parks, trails, and open spaces. Since 1988, these contracts have been limited to $25,000 or two dollars per resident within the city limits, whichever is greater. HB 1086 increases
the contract limit to $75,000 or two dollars per resident, whichever is greater. This increase will be beneficial to cities with a population under 12,500 as it will greatly expand the scope of projects which with they can partner with community service
Dates to remember
HB 1086 is scheduled for a public hearing in the Senate Local Government, Land Use & Tribe Affairs Committee on Thursday, March 9 at 10:30 am.