Later this month, AWC’s Board of Directors will consider recommendations from our Legislative Priorities Committee on which priorities we will focus on for the upcoming 60-day legislative session. A lengthy list of potential issues, both policy and fiscal, are being considered. It is likely the AWC Board will adopt a short priority list for the (hopefully) short session and a longer priority list to continue working on in advance of 2019.
We are very aware that most city officials – and those seeking to become ones – are focused on building budgets, engaging in community conversations about local issues, and for many, campaigning for office. We are very interested to hear about and learn from these experiences as we prepare to advocate for ways the state can support strong cities. In early October after the AWC Board adopts our priorities, we will share them in various publications and discuss them during a six-week series of Regional Meetings around the state in October and early November. Please consider attending a Regional Meeting near you.
Fall is also a great time to check in with your legislators. After an extra-long 2017 session, they are happy to be home and usually welcome the chance to connect with constituents. They are likely following conversations you are having as you develop budgets or run campaigns. Inviting them to a budget briefing or to a meeting share views can help them understand your needs and vice versa. Generally, cities fared quite well during the 2017 session. Connecting with legislators to say thank you is always a good idea. While there are many unresolved issues still facing them to support strong cities, take a look at our City Priorities Outcomes, which summarizes issues addressed and ones still unresolved.
Finally, as AWC prepares to travel around the state for our upcoming Regional Meetings, we will also be seeking opportunities to visit nearby cities to hear firsthand what you are accomplishing or what frustrates your efforts. If you would like us to stop by, please let me know and we will see what we can arrange.