This week, the state House of Representatives will hold public hearings on bills expanding mental health support for law enforcement officers and improving efforts to recruit a diverse police force.
HB 1000, sponsored by Rep. Jacquelin Maycumber (R–Republic) and Rep. John Lovick (D–Everett),
establishes behavioral health supports and suicide prevention efforts for law enforcement officers. Subject to funding, the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC) will establish three pilot projects focused on behavioral health
and suicide prevention for law enforcement personnel. The pilot projects will be funded through a competitive grant program with a requirement to report on results by October 1, 2022. AWC supports this bill.
HB 1001, sponsored by Rep. Jacquelin Maycumber (R–Republic) and Rep. John Lovick (D–Everett),
creates a grant program through the Criminal Justice Training Commission (CJTC) to improve outreach and recruitment efforts for law enforcement. The program is designed to promote diversity in law enforcement so that departments better reflect the
demographics of local communities. Grant recipients will be selected by December 1, 2021, and a report from the CJTC will be submitted to the governor by December 1, 2022.
Dates to remember
HB 1000 and HB 1001 are scheduled for public hearing in the House Appropriations Committee at 3:30 pm on Tuesday, January 19.