While it is only July, AWC is already talking about the 2020 legislative session. 2020 brings a short, 60-day session in a big election year. In addition to the presidential election, all statewide offices, all House members, and half of the Senate are up for election. The 2020 session will take place with this big election as the backdrop that will likely influence much of what happens during the session.
Because the Legislature just wrote the biennial 2019-2021 budget, they will only be doing a supplemental update to address any issues that need to be adjusted. Given the political environment, it is important to keep realistic expectations about what is possible in the short 2020 session. There’s always important policy work to do, but it may not be the session for large budget asks since legislators will only be doing a supplemental budget and are unlikely to want to take many controversial votes.
AWC’s Legislative Priorities Committee met in June to kick off the process of identifying issues for cities’ 2020 legislative agenda. The committee will continue its work throughout the summer and make recommendations to AWC’s Board of Directors in September.
If your city has an issue that you would like to see considered as part of the 2020 agenda, please let AWC Advocacy staff know as soon as possible.
Year-round advocacy
AWC’s Annual Conference launched our focus on year-round advocacy. Hopefully you were able to attend one of our Advocacy Academy sessions. If not, you can check out the materials or revisit AWC’s Pocket Guide for some tips and inspiration.
Legislative advocacy is a year-round effort. Advocacy doesn’t just take place during the legislative session. In fact, now is the best time for your city to build stronger relationships with your local legislators. You’ll likely have more time and attention from your legislators during the interim, rather than waiting for 2020. Contact your legislators now and through the fall to schedule a time to share your city’s story, talk about your city’s challenges, and identify your legislative asks.
Building relationships now and talking with your local legislators during the interim will make for better results in the 2020 session.