Published on Feb 10, 2025
Bill limiting traffic stops could impact car tab fees paid
A new bill looks to reduce traffic stops for some types of infractions. It will be heard in committee on February 10.
HB 1512, sponsored by Rep. Chipalo Street (D–Seattle), aims to prioritize violations such as moving violations, seatbelt violations, and serious equipment failures. Minor nonmoving violations (like expired tags or broken lights) could only be enforced as secondary offenses after a driver has already been stopped for a primary reason.
As written, the bill:
- Creates low-income grant program: Establishes a grant program to provide solution-oriented responses to nonmoving violations for low-income road users.
- Limits traffic stop interactions: Limits the circumstances where peace officers may stop or detain the operator of a vehicle and specifies additional process requirements for traffic stops.
- Allows mailing warnings: Authorizes peace officers to mail a warning of a traffic infraction to the registered owner of a vehicle without stopping or detaining the operator of the vehicle, under certain circumstances.
AWC has some concerns that this bill would have the consequence of fewer road users paying their car tab fees, and thus lowering this vital revenue source for cities.
Dates to remember
HB 1512 is scheduled for public hearing in the House Community Safety Committee on Monday, February 10 at 1:30 pm.
Public safety & criminal justice
Electrical inspector qualifications limited in adopted amendment, heads to opposite chamber
City concerns addressed in “Dig Law” striker; stakeholder work still under way
Local government input reflected in Senate-adopted version of vehicle debris bill
Parking preemption bill continues to advance—Act now!
2026 City Business License Model Threshold update
Senate passes UI benefits for striking workers
Prevailing wage bill linked to proposed fix to collective bargaining problem
Update to business license minimum threshold finalized for adoption by January 1, 2026
Community custody requirement for unlawful gun possession passes Senate
After back and forth, AI bargaining bill passes House
Plan to sweep $3.3 billion surplus from firefighter and police pensions introduced
Still no agreement on federal budget as March 14 deadline approaches
Growth Management Act appeal bills amended
Firearms ban in public buildings, parks passes Senate, moves to House
Pet accommodations bill HB 1201 amended, passed by House
Share AWC’s letter with your legislators, calling for protection of the Public Works Assistance Account
How to explain Washington’s property tax (and the tax cap)
AWC testifies in opposition of bill that would cap competency evaluations and fine cities
AG police department investigations bills fail to make cutoff. Thanks to the cities that engaged
Bill undermining grievance settlements awaits floor action
Cities propose fixes to responsible bidder bill on its way to House floor
Bill would require development regulations are “clear and objective”
Update to performance bond requirements could lower costs for public works projects
The Housing Accountability Act advances
State property tax relief for residential owners and renters moves out of committee
New funding method for local public libraries passes the Senate
Camping on public property bill doubles the litigation risk
AWC testifies in support of bill changing public safety sales tax to councilmanic
No action on county utility tax proposal before the cut-off
Bill with three-tiered approach to public safety funding advancing in House
Public defense funding bill fails to pass fiscal cutoff this legislative session
Youth athletic facilities sales tax exemption not moving forward
STEP housing bill amended in fiscal committee, concerns remain
Fish landing tax proposal amended to add counties, but does not survive fiscal cut-off
Senate bill to create $100 million law enforcement hiring grants amended, advancing
What city workers can do to protect their student loan info amid federal upheaval
Mobile dwelling bill doubles-down
Governor Ferguson releases proposal for additional $4 billion budget reductions
Several AWC amendments added to VRA preclearance bill
PFML job protection bill leaves Appropriations with helpful amendments
Three priority public safety funding bills alive and well
VRA claims bill survives committee cutoff
AWC needs your city’s input on how volunteers aid public safety work
“Shared streets” designation amended to include required traffic safety reporting
House advances expanded medical exemptions to drug, paraphernalia prosecutions
PFML premiums bill working its way through the process
Ranked choice voting scheduled to advance out of committee
See who signed on to AWC’s letter asking the Legislature to revise the 1% property tax cap
AWC seeking amendment to ease prompt-pay implementation; asks for city input
More changes to the Organics Management Law proposed
Amendments trim definition of ‘co-response’, remove supports for co-responders
Amendments to permitting home grows includes more requirements for local law enforcement
Senate version of public facilities bill squeaks out of committee
I’ll drink to that! Bill permitting libation zones survives the policy cutoff deadline
Recycling Reform Act bills pass the first hurdle
WUI substitute bill provides a balanced approach
City relocation assistance payments to small business owners may increase four-fold
Cities oppose proposal to redirect traffic safety camera revenues to the state
CPARB self-performed work bill pulled from hearing, not expected to return
Changes to pension contributions getting consideration
Commercial to residential conversions law faces changes
How to meet with your state elected officials during session
House companion to sales tax credit for housing bill is up for a hearing
Cities voices needed on presumptive workers’ comp claims for city jails
Bill to improve the PRA protection against commercial use sees action
New bill clarifies existing PRA exemption on employment investigation records
Local government email list PRA exemption expected to move this week
Congress expected to reintroduce local wireless and cable preemption bill
Bill would reduce the amount of space required between cannabis businesses and other public buildings
Bill proposes new penalties for eluding police and resisting arrest
A new “sales tax for new police officers” bill could be improved for cities
Washington’s temporary lodging tax idea takes the field with hopes to score big on World Cup revenue
Public safety sales tax credit proposal would fund officers & criminal justice needs
Environmental justice SEPA bill is slashed in committee
AWC legislative priority to revise the property tax cap needs your help to bust myths
Bill reduces number of required affordable units for religiously-owned properties
New requirements proposed for developers seeking city utility connection charge waivers
Do you use a hearing examiner? This bill would require it
AWC working to amend costly update to public water system planning requirements
Are historic landmarks a thing of the past?
The perfect match – Taxing short-term rental lodging for affordable housing
Another permit streamlining proposal
Local governments removed from EV charger labor standards bill
This year’s road usage charge bill introduced, assumes city gas tax distribution formula
“Shared use paths,” roundabouts and Complete Streets policy affected by proposed active transportation updates
The Public Works Assistance Account: At risk again
Washington, Oregon lumber prioritized for state-funded public works projects under new proposal
Cities “encouraged” to develop, allow small-scale energy projects under new legislation
Bill limiting traffic stops could impact car tab fees paid
Unlawful firearm possession for violent offenders bill intends to address gun violence
County treasurer cost recovery bill hits city taxpayers twice
State-funded training could help train EMTs for behavioral health calls
City employees to get choice between PERS plans under new proposal
Keeping up with the impacts of executive actions on your community's federal fund awards
Voting access in jails bill passes committee with amendments
Police grievance arbitration bill up for action this week
Technology for employee monitoring and employment decisions may be curtailed by new bill
And yet another transit-oriented development bill…but with a new focus
Legislature continues to amend design review statute
Multiple, helpful REET proposals are unveiled
Prescriptive GMA bill passes out of committee with changes
Museums could see more available county funding
Utility relocation bill pulled from hearing, not expected to return
The Public Works Assistance Account needs cities’ help: advocate for ongoing, full funding
Embodied carbon emissions reduction requirement may be coming to Washington
Bill implementing court interpreter changes comes with cost concerns
Another lot splitting proposal enters the fray
Automatic permit approval idea returns
Two very different approaches to impounding vehicles of indigent owners
Warning: The electric fence bill is back
Childcare siting bill moves forward and is joined by a companion
Jail standards oversight bill gets amended into a new version
Personnel records bill gets amended and moved out of committee
New rule proposed to limit use of driver license requirements in job applications
Hearing this week on expanding presumptive occupational diseases for firefighters
Plan for even year city elections rejoins the conversation
Mixed-use housing and mass timber preemption bill
Large retail stores coming to a neighborhood near you!
Proposed expansion of Building Code Council membership significantly increases private sector representation
Could the state share more cannabis revenues with local governments?
Quick House action on local tax rate change notification
A unique bill targeted at preventing impaired driving
Sales tax for new police officers
Proposal to address backlog in crime lab testing for DUI cases gets hearing
Federal Buy America requirements may be coming to state-funded projects in Washington
Surety issue for self-insured employers on the schedule this week
Pension Policy Committee bill on “Month of death” benefits payments getting heard this week
Two new state legal holidays being considered
Bill tidying up collective bargaining statutes getting committee action
Cities may see new authority to require energy labels on homes for sale
Condo reform bill focuses on construction defects issue
Bill authorizes motorcycles to travel on highway shoulders
City transportation planning to include tribal impact assessment under new proposal
Senate to set speed threshold on reckless driving
A new idea to incentivize tree banking ordinances
Learn how to navigate the Washington State Legislature’s website
Plans 1 merger on the docket for this week
Municipal bonds are at risk in federal budget reduction discussions
Bill proposes to lower the impaired driving threshold & assess substance use disorder treatment needs
New bills let small city and town police arbitrate contract disputes
Bill undermining workers compensation system scheduled for hearing
“Sunshine Committee” bill scheduled for hearing
Pension policy committee’s bill for ongoing PERS 1 COLA up for a hearing this week
Neighborhood cafes bill returns
Learn how to sign in and testify
Best practices and practical tips for testifying on a bill
Bill seeks to lower the impaired driving threshold
Changes to law enforcement questioning juvenile witnesses and victims to crimes
New bill explores creating a “transparency ombudsman” for public records
New version of lot splitting bill returns
No movement yet on State Supreme Court indigent defense caseload standards impending decision
Hot car? Break glass: New bill permits breaking car windows to save vulnerable people and pets
Bill proposes testing of PFAS in biosolids
Work session on Wealth Tax Report
Public Works Assistance Account at risk of losing over $100 million
AWC submits comments on proposed PRA Model Rules changes
AWC Listening session: New transportation funding ideas
PFML job protections and concurrent PFML/FMLA leave may see changes in 2025
Tips for employee recognition during the holidays
Watch the 2025 legislative session preview webinar
Key takeaways from AWC’s childcare access listening session
State transportation revenue forecast declines further, budget writers to face difficult decisions in 2025
Lower revenue forecast sets the stage for tough decisions in 2025-27 budgets
Secretary of State kicks off 2025-26 Local Records Grants
LCB has set the process for issuing social equity cannabis licenses
Check out NLC’s City AI Governance Dashboard
I-2066 appears to pass, prohibits cities from disincentivizing natural gas use
I-2066 predicted to pass in close election and other three initiatives fail
Washington Supreme Court leaves clarification of police liability exception in place
Paid Family and Medical Leave premiums set to go up in 2025
Retail delivery fees as a transportation funding tool
Cities urged to comment on Financial Data Transparency Act federal rulemaking by October 21
Minimum wage to increase to $16.66 per hour in 2025
L&I proposes 2025 workers’ compensation rates, first responders to see large increases once again
Big changes to ambulance billing coming soon
AWC’s 2025 Legislative agenda taking shape
Deadline to participate in newest opioid settlement with Kroger extended to September 11
It’s budget season – Have you obligated your ARPA funds?
Pension Funding Council and LEOFF 2 Board adopt new contribution rates for 2025
OSHA sets public hearing dates for Emergency Response Standard rulemaking
OFM is looking for data on Public Service Loan Forgiveness borrowers and employers
How local leaders can help safeguard the integrity of elections
A path forward: Fife’s Jobs Program
Planning for deeply affordable housing
Seven tips to help find funding for your city’s projects
What cities should know about the EPA’s new PFAS drinking water standards: Six takeaways
U.S. Supreme Court reverses public camping cases, Grants Pass and Martin
State population surpasses eight million – Cities see 66,000 new residents
AWC working to identify sustainable revenue source for city transportation needs
The top five things we learned at the 2024 LRI
Two more HR bills going into effect July 1
Deadline to establish different permit timelines under SB 5290 looms
Learn about proposed updates to AWC’s Statement of Policy
HR bills going into effect in June
Federal Trade Commission bans noncompete agreements nationwide
Expanded city authority to use automated traffic safety cameras takes effect in June
Prepare for new public works prompt payment requirements taking effect in June
Lodging tax reporting system is open – submit annual report by May 17
How can cities retain their men and women in blue?
Lots of elections reforms proposed, but none make the cut
For a short session, the Legislature makes significant progress on behavioral health
Legislature approves three emergency management bills in 2024
Status quo session means modest budget and financial impacts for cities
Preserving tax increment financing
Land use issues continue to strike the Legislature’s fancy
Another quiet year for open government legislation
Organics and packaging and water, oh my!
Affordable housing continues to get a lot of attention
Another light year for legislation tackling homelessness
With public safety a top concern in 2024, Legislature approves a handful of bills
HR, labor relations, and pensions had a fairly a quiet session
PWAA remains untouched, Legislature looks closely at prompt pay practices in public works
Project cost overruns and traffic safety loomed large over the 2024 short session
Legislature continues to prioritize decarbonization and energy assistance for low-income households
Washington state prepares for BEAD funding, but work remains to expand digital adoption and equity
Update to lead service line replacement funding issue: IRS fixes flaw in federal tax code
Sunshine Week 2024 highlights the importance of open government
Council on Public Defense proposed revised standards for indigent defense and caseload limits
Office of Public Defense grants for cities less than 200,000 for drug possession cases
L&I restarts rulemaking for “good faith and fair dealing” rules for self-insured cities
State tourism funding passes Legislature
Supplemental budgets pass with funding for city priorities in final days of session
Unemployment for striking workers stalls at the final legislative cutoff
LEOFF 2 bill makes it through the Legislature
Bill addressing impaired driving passes the Legislature
Legislature passes adult entertainment workplace standards bill with preemption
New ground ambulance billing protections pass Legislature with minor impacts to cities
Legislature passes expansion of Equal Pay & Opportunity Act
Extreme weather response grant passes Legislature, headed to Governor’s desk
Temporary disability bill makes it through the Legislature
Direction to the State Building Code Council
It’s (still) not a condo!
Cities cannot ban beehives
Expanded eligibility for “1406” housing funds
Assistance to access federal grants soon to come to underserved communities, pending inclusion in state’s final operating budget
Legislature passes income tax initiative
Mandated organics collection bill passes
Legislature passes bill to send prompt payment proposal to CPARB for review
Bill to update electrical inspector requirements passes Legislature
CERB rural broadband program codification passes Legislature
Bill to increase early-adopter incentives for clean buildings compliance passes Legislature
Workforce Housing Accelerator Program passed, but not funded
Legislature passes vehicular pursuits initiative into law
Watch our end-of-session roundup
Senate passes first responder wellness and peer support bill
Cities eligible to receive support from proposed emergency infrastructure assistance program
Legislature incorporates benefits portability into WA Cares Fund
Tower crane safety bill passes Senate with amendments, returns to the House
Local option agreements to share local sales taxes passes
Bill clarifying tourism promotion fee exemptions passes the Legislature
Levy lid lift flexibility bill passes
Paid sick leave bill passes the Legislature
Parking bill passes House with amendments
Stay-at-work bill passes the Senate and heads to the Governor
Middle housing fix-it bill passes Senate with one change
911 operators arbitration bill passes the Legislature
Wildland Urban Interface bill passes the House
Flexibility for business license rate changes passes House
UGA land swap bill passes
Employer speech bill finds its way through the Legislature, heads to Governor’s desk
Congress passes fourth continuing resolution to prevent partial government shutdown
Behavioral health bills head to Governor’s desk
House passes bill on flexible work for law enforcement officers
House passes bill allowing DACA recipients to serve in law enforcement
Senate passes bill adding additional requirements for public comment periods
Senate passes PERS 1 COLA, sending it to the Governor’s desk
Bill extending liability protections for alternative response teams clears Senate, heads to Governor’s desk
Capital gains tax initiative not scheduled for hearing, likely headed for ballot
Updates to 2023 public works procurement law fail to pass; AWC determining next steps
City authority to require home energy performance reports may soon be codified in state law
GMA update extension bill passes Legislature
Expansion of firefighter best practices grants passes the Legislature
Co-housing bill passes Senate
Learn more about the initiative to make the state long-term care program voluntary
Transit-oriented development bill is amended as it passes the next hurdle
Revived bill from 2023 looks to expand Stay-at-Work program access
A fix-it bill for last year’s housing SEPA exemption law continues to move
WA Cares bill gets amended on its way out of the Senate
Bill to allow neighborhood cafes advances
House of Representatives considers establishing a wildfire mitigation and resiliency workgroup
Bill proposing agency oversight of transitional housing siting changes course
Online ticket seller regulation does not shake off Rules Committee
Two childcare bills make it past house of origin cutoff
Senate passes crime victims and witnesses bill
TIF bill passes the Legislature, awaits Governor’s signature
Senate passes law enforcement training bill unanimously
Bill addressing catalytic converter theft passes House of Representatives
Cities may soon have the local option to switch to even-year elections without concerning binding provisions
Local option short term rental tax passes Senate
Budget season begins with Valentine’s Day revenue forecast
Senate passes expanded training opportunities for public defenders and prosecutors
Bill to revise the outdated property tax cap dies under weight of anti-tax rhetoric, despite strong start
Amendments to jaywalking bill address one safety concern while creating a new one
PFML premiums bill dies at the cutoff
Personnel records bill dies at cutoff
HR & labor relations legislative roundup
AWC Drug & Alcohol Consortium: Impacts of SB 5123 on drug testing
Prejudgment interest fails to make the cut at cutoff
Public safety and criminal justice funding bill fails to make it past cutoff date
News on co-response legislation, plus AWC member testimony
Electronic monitoring optional, not mandatory under amendment to HB 2390
AWC testified in opposition to cannabis preemption bill
Exemption threshold for nonprofit bingo and raffles did not pass out of committee
Amendment to 911 taxes for emergency communications limits changes to one county
Six ballot initiatives for 2024 likely going to the Legislature, then the voters
Bill replaces redirected Byrne JAG Multijurisdictional Task Force funding
New terminology for “competency to stand trial” under consideration
ARPA reports are due April 30 – Take steps now to prepare
Workplace AI bill passes committee and waits for floor vote
Clarifying amendment helps co-response bill to move forward
Two impact fees bills intend to shift costs from developers to taxpayers
Bill creating a path to recovery for high users of behavioral health crisis and criminal justice systems heard in the Senate
Gambling treatment diversion court pilot could be passed this session
Thank you to all the cities and other local governments that came out to support limiting vexatious public records claims
Legislature revives bill to allow AG investigations of police departments
AWC requests city feedback on proposed amendments to Washington’s Safe Dig law
Autonomous vehicle regulation the subject of two proposals considered by the Senate
Washington’s transportation electrification strategy results in new legislation with city impacts
Bill to encourage hiring “hard-to-place” job seekers
Read AWC’s letter on city budget priorities
New approach to creating more affordability in the rental market
Automatic UGA boundary expansion proposed
Assault of an off-duty law enforcement officer felony under bill passed out of Senate last week
Bill creating a new diversion-type program, without prosecutor support, passed House policy committee
Bill giving cities the option to move to ranked choice voting scheduled for public hearing
Property owners owing municipalities for infrastructure upgrades may see adjusted contract terms
New bill makes small increase in funeral benefits for pre-LEOFF firefighters
Washington’s Digital Equity Act updated, expanded in new bill
Bills designed to help address municipal water supply issues come forward
Real estate excise tax proposal for funding affordable housing emerges
Bill would require agency approval of GMA Housing Elements
Objections to state apprenticeship programs to follow a more consistent, efficient process per newly proposed standards
Electric utilities’ may see changes to state requirements for energy assistance programs for low-income households
An update on “good faith” rulemaking for self-insured cities
Check it out! JLARC releases 2022 public records data
State considers aerial imagery program
Five recent opioid settlements to make first payment
Meet your AWC lobbyists
Public utilities could make interest-free loans available for residential energy efficiency upgrades under updated bill
Bill to address towing a vehicle used as a residence returns
Two approaches proposed to improve Washington’s recycling – only one addresses the problem
Two bills attempting to lower administrative barriers for childcare are scheduled for hearings this week
WA House of Representatives schedules emergency management bill for hearing
PDC updates guidance on agency and grassroots lobbying
2023 City Conditions Survey results for human resources
Workers’ Comp Advisory Committee hears updates on IME recordings, first responder PTSD, and ergonomic rules
Using DoD’s SkillBridge program to find and train your next hire
PFAS settlements – Important information for every city
ARPA obligation deadline is December 31, 2024 – Are you ready?
Check out the new JLARC report on Cannabis revenue spending
2024-25 Local Records Grant cycle announced
Your city’s feedback requested! Adult entertainment bill likely back in 2024
Revisiting how to avoid holiday party pitfalls
U.S. Department of Justice releases new report on recruitment and retention for the modern law enforcement agency
B&O tax cities need to adopt technical update to B&O model ordinance for SB 5199
AWC proposes changes to the Wildland Urban Interface Code
PFML premium rates to come down in 2024
Ballot Initiatives for 2024 going to the legislature
Cities with a population of 200,000 or less can now apply for funding to help provide public defense services for individuals charged under SB 5536
End of year focus on state revenues and budgets
Motor vehicle theft and an update on litigation involving Kia and Hyundai vehicles
Information for cities on McKinsey class action opioid settlement
U.S. Dept. of Labor seeks comments on proposed federal overtime rules
Contact your U.S. Congress members now to oppose federal American Broadband Deployment Act
Proposed PFML rules implementing 2023 legislation nearing adoption
Self-insured cities have the chance to weigh in on new “good faith” rules
Washington minimum wage increases to $16.24 per hour in 2024
OIC publishes ground ambulance balance billing study, provides policy recommendations
Congress takes action to avert federal government shutdown
City input needed: New clean buildings performance rules in the making
Congress dodges government shutdown with last minute bipartisan agreement
Federal government shutdown appears imminent
Board of Directors adopts AWC’s 2024 legislative agenda
L&I proposes new workers’ comp rates for 2024, first responders to see large increases
Auditor announces 2024 audit billing rates
AWC’s 2024 Legislative agenda taking shape
Feedback requested from B&O tax cities on update to model ordinance
WA Supreme Court rules in public employee records case
Proposed rule for state and local governments – Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) website/app accessibility
$62.6 million from the Opioid Settlement with Walmart coming to Washington
Temporary restraining order extended for PRA requests by inmate
Comment period opens for the 2024 Reissuance of the Municipal Stormwater Permits & updates to stormwater management manuals
Climate planning grants available
Give the WA Health Care Authority feedback on community-based crisis teams on Sept. 18
Advocacy roundtable on Justice Department's ADA website and app accessibility proposed rule for state and local governments
Provide your feedback on potential updates to city model business license minimum threshold
Proposed fish passage rules expand state authority
AWC Celebrates 90 years of strong city advocacy
2024 AWC legislative agenda in the works
Questions abound as cities implement recent housing legislation
City input needed for WSDOT’s highway rest stop strategic plan; submit your comments by Aug. 30
EMS and peer support highlighted at Tumwater Fire
The importance of employee handbooks and policy manuals
An update on this summer’s new outdoor heat and wildfire smoke rules
Around agency-land: Recent reports from agencies and committees
SCOTUS raises the bar for “undue hardship” in religious accommodations
New extreme heat law goes into effect July 23: Eight roundtable takeaways
State releases updated population numbers – Cities increase population by 1.3%
New funding available to help cities with costs of Blake refunds, public defense costs
Don’t forget to report your 2022 public records data - JLARC has extended the deadline to August 1
New cybersecurity plan released with best practices for cities
Missed it? Watch the recording of the joint AWC and WAPA webinar on the new drug possession legislation
Cities to see impacts from debt-limit legislation; ARPA funds protected from clawbacks
Opioid settlement update
Federal Communications Commission releases national broadband map 2.0, prepares to announce BEAD funding allocations by June 30
L&I looks to adopt permanent wildfire smoke rules for outdoor workers
New employer contribution rates adopted to reflect changes to unfunded liability surcharge
Five things we learned at the 2023 Labor Relations Institute
Join our June 16 extreme heat workshop and roundtable discussion
Contact your U.S. Congress members to oppose local wireless and cable preemption bill
WA Cares Fund payroll tax to start July 1
JLARC collecting 2022 public records data: Due July 1
Legislators take notice of small city challenges – Increase limits in two critical areas
Big year for tax bills being introduced but not much to show
A busy session for public safety legislation, clarifying police pursuit restrictions, adopting a “Blake fix” addressing drug possession, banning assault weapons, and more
Open government bills were debated in 2023 with little action taken
Behavioral health was a significant priority for the 2023 legislative session
General government bills were far ranging in topic and outcome, from advisory votes to adult entertainment
Cannabis social equity program moves forward again in 2023; other cannabis-related bills do not pass
Exciting pension changes this session
Busy session for HR & labor relations related bills
Legislation specific to homelessness was light
Land use & planning bills, non-housing edition
Environmental issues peaked early in session
Traffic safety, project delivery, and collaborative partnerships take center stage in transportation arena this session
The year of housing?
Infrastructure funding, equity, and standardization key outcomes for public works in 2023
Accessibility prioritized in this year’s utility and energy legislation
State support for broadband comes through as Washington prepares to receive millions in federal dollars
Blake fix bill passes Legislature during one-day special session
Legislators return to Olympia tomorrow for special session to address drug possession law
Governor signs police pursuits bill into law, law takes effect immediately
Complete AWC’s 2024 Legislative Priorities survey by May 30
Legislature meeting next week to debate drug possession law
Governor announces May 16 special session to pass drug possession bill
2023-25 budget deal passes before Legislature adjourns – funds significant programs for cities
Taking stock of the AWC Housing Solutions Group Proposal
Washington Legislature fails to pass Blake fix before end of session
Doxing bill on Governor’s desk
Two behavioral health bills head to the Governor’s desk
Property tax cap fix doesn’t make the final plan
Legislature passes bills impacting PERS costs
Bill to create “good faith” standard for self-insured cities bounces back and forth in session’s final days
TIF fixes make it across the finish line
Cities to see higher contract bid limits and other positive changes to procurement standards thanks to final passage of public works bill
Apprenticeship utilization study provision shaped up to get bill shipped out by sine die
New peer-learning opportunity for engaging in local clean energy transitions
Support rail safety legislation moving through Congress and share your city’s rail story
Police pursuits bill heads to Governor’s desk
AWC lobbyists cover the 2023 legislative homestretch
New bill, new hope for property tax cap fix
The REET bill is on the move and needs your continued support!
Status of key affordable housing bills
Pension bills still working their way towards the finish line
Important HR bills still in play as Legislature enters final week
Two bills benefiting small cities survive cutoff, set to become law
President Biden ends COVID-19 health emergency – Impacts some uses of ARPA funds
House passes a vehicular pursuits bill with amendments; and a round up of other public safety bills
Blake bill passes House; AWC sends message to legislators on reconciling the Senate and House versions
Voting Rights Act expansion signed by the Governor, two open government bills fail to make it past cutoff
Future of transportation revenue forecast just around the bend
Prospects are high for a statewide small works roster, more equity in public works procurement
WA Cares Fund releases new employer toolkit ahead of July payroll tax
WA Supreme Court limits “public duty doctrine,” impacting city employee liability
House passes pursuits bill with amendments
AWC moves to support on the middle housing bill
Voting Rights Bill passes Senate; other bills face uncertain futures
State Auditor resources for May 30 annual report deadline – see who has already filed
Rural county development sales tax ready to move to Senate vote
Rumors abound that property tax fix may still be endgame option, with new bill revising state and local cap
Clean energy siting bill aligned with EFSEC expedited process under new amendments
Five things to remember about ARPA report due April 30
Blake bill faces another round of amendments as final deadlines near
Contact your legislators to urge support for vehicle pursuits bill
Act now to ask legislators to move the REET bill forward!
HR bills on the move as Legislative session heads down the home stretch
Bill to scale back unfunded liability surcharge passes House
Freight mobility, transportation revenue forecast and bond authority still in action
Broadband mapping proposal takes yet another turn, narrows intent and definitional language
Eligible cities have until April 18 to sign on to the Attorney General’s opioid settlement
New budget summary highlights best versions of budgets for cities
Senate and House Transportation budgets ain’t half bad, acknowledge city priorities
City perspective interview with Senate Majority Leader Andy Billig
Transit-oriented density bill gets restructured
Cities permitted to phase in apprenticeship utilization through 2028
Legislators hearing from cities that passing pursuits bill is a priority this session
Both ADU bills positioned for floor vote
Blake bill passes out of House committee with significant changes
Legislature prioritizes investments and policy changes to state’s behavioral health system
Bill that adds additional requirements to public comment periods acquires new amendments
AWC continues to work on improving union privilege bill
The continuing saga of “good faith” for self-insured cities
Senate plan for “glide path” away from unfunded liability surcharge gaining lift
Procurement standards bill amended to include policy review by CPARB
Lodging tax expenditure reporting due April 20
2023-25 House budgets use bond and climate dollars to fund programs for cities
Act now! Add your name to letter to legislators urging the House to take action on pursuits
It’s budget season, starting with the Senate Operating and Capital budgets for 2023-25
AWC still working to refine apprenticeship utilization proposal as it nears its end goal
Middle housing density bill clears another hurdle
Washington may not see a state broadband map any time soon, given recent amendments to House broadband bill
Keep pace with the transportation bills rolling through the Legislature
L&I moving ahead with permanent ambient heat exposure rulemaking
Act now! Police pursuits bill scheduled for vote in House committee
HR & labor bills seeing action as second policy cutoff approaches
Blake bill scheduled for committee vote in the House
Senate moves forward on Voting Rights Act expansion without AWC amendments to protect cities
There’s still time: express your support for procurement standards bill in committee Tuesday
Prevailing wage bill rescheduled for hearing this week – express your concerns to legislators before it’s too late
State revenues show modest decrease in March forecast as budget season launches
Update on AWC’s Housing Solutions Group proposal
Talk to your U.S. Congressperson about the U.S. House Lower Energy Costs Act
Impact map for transit-oriented development bill released, reveals broad scope
Support bill prohibiting extreme heat utility shutoff in Committee this week
Monday’s state revenue forecast will kick off release of budget proposals
Share your concerns about prevailing wage bill heard in the House this week
Bill imposing undefined “good faith” standard on self-insured cities scheduled for vote
Bill on sharing employee info with unions rescheduled to this week
Eligible cities have one month left to sign on to the Attorney General’s Opioid Settlement with five companies
Street racing bill scheduled for hearing in the House
Blake bill scheduled for first hearing in the House
Cities, not Liquor and Cannabis Board, could soon be responsible for regulating cannabis retailer signs
Contact your legislators about the need to support vehicular pursuits legislation
Two behavioral health bills offer regional solutions
Public comment notice bill scheduled in the Senate
Washington could have an Office of Independent Prosecutions if bill passes Senate
Voting Rights Act expansion scheduled for vote in the Senate
Employer access to PFML data in the lineup this week for House labor
Retire/rehire bill heard in Senate
Union privilege bill scheduled for committee hearing
As we round the halfway point, where do the ancillary housing bills stand?
Housing funding bills that need your support
Feedback needed by March 31 on federal Farm Bill
Express your support for procurement standards bill moving through the Senate this week
Utility connection waiver bill tweaked to align with current law
Don’t get duped – scams charge cities hundreds for free service
Sunshine Week 2023 highlights the importance of open government
Both major housing density bills receive an early hearing in opposite chamber
City confidentiality protected in latest updates to clean energy siting proposal
Rural county development sales tax scheduled in Senate
TSWIFT consumer protection bill on ticket sales still in the House
Property tax cap fix stuck in House, with hope it could become part of a budget deal
More HR bills on the week 10 hearing schedule
Police liability bills dead after mid-session cutoff
Two bills focused on requiring employers provide employee information up for hearings
PERS 1 changes back on the hearing schedule
One bill imposing “good faith” on self-insured cities survives cutoff
AWC wants to hear your city’s success stories when it comes to recruitment and retention
Union-member privilege bill survives cutoff
Bill exempting domestic violence survivors from the PRA passes House
New federal fact sheets highlight cities’ work with ARPA and BIL funds
Fixes to the Tax Increment Financing program pass through the House
Surprise Senate move keeps vehicular pursuits bill alive
Trueblood bill amended, removing costly provisions for cities
A bill establishing an Office of Independent Prosecutions in the Attorney General’s Office passes House
Bill expanding the Washington Voting Rights Act passes House, scheduled in the Senate
Extreme weather grants bill passes out of the House
Several lower profile bills continue to advance and receive hearings
A murky future for proposed Public Works Revolving Account
Catch up to speed with these key transportation bills traveling through the Senate
WA to see a statewide small works roster and greater equity in public works procurement in Senate bill now moving through the House
Legislative floor action update – 5 pm deadline
Blake fix passes Senate, needs your support to advance in the House
Watch as City Inside/Out unwraps the WRAP Act
Cities from Anacortes to Zillah sign on to support the Affordable Homes Act!
Vehicular pursuits bill only has until March 8 for House floor vote
Ask House members to support HB 1670, the property tax cap fix
Transit-oriented density bill passes the Senate
Bill implementing several AWC regulatory reform recommendations moves forward
Lot splitting bill passes chamber
Changes to prevailing wage law pass the Senate, head to the House, and may be on their way to cities
Bill increasing contract limits between cities and community service organizations passes through the House
New use for transportation impact fee revenue may be within cities’ sights
Extreme heat utility shutoff bill simplified, re-aligned with existing statute
Apprenticeship utilization expansion bill scaled back, loses subcontracts provision
Very prescriptive and overlapping ADU bills continue to move
Bill allowing cities to switch to even year elections up again this year
Adult entertainment bill limiting city regulations passes the Senate
Nearly unanimous support in Senate for bill to curb illegal street racing
Senate passes bill promoting social equity in cannabis
No advisory vote on your next ballot? Senate moves to abolish confusing advisory votes
Bill aimed at reducing impacts of redacting and releasing body worn camera footage passed out of House
HR & labor relations bills past the halfway point
Where do city liability bills stand at the mid-session cutoff?
Yee haw, it’s a pensions policy roundup: Cutoff edition
The end, for now: Prejudgment interest is dead for session
Legislative floor action means it's crunch time – your help is needed
Act now to add your name to a letter supporting HB 1628 – The Affordable Homes Act!
Bill on sharing personnel records with employees amended, voted out of committee
Eligible cities have April 18 deadline to join the five new opioid settlements for a portion of $217 million
Middle housing bill passes fiscal committee
Problematic and expensive police liability bill advances
Hold producers accountable for the packaging they send into our state
Homeownership assistance for those affected by racially restrictive covenants
Prevailing wage proposal fails to make cutoff in one bill, makes it past deadline in another
Blake bill passes out of fiscal committee with modifications
Support the annexation funding bill to pass out of the House
Bill limiting use of traffic stops for non-moving violations passes out of House Transportation Committee
Vehicular pursuits bill passes out of House Transportation Committee
This was a big week for behavioral health resources
Energy project siting legislation governs city participation
Phone support returning, new rules incoming, and annual reports due soon – Here’s your ARPA update
Autonomous vehicle proposal parked, for now
Bill banning hiring discrimination against cannabis users passes Senate
Apprenticeship utilization expansion amended, improved for cities
Jaywalking bill tempered somewhat to address safety concerns, passes out of committee
State broadband map proposal refined, expanded, passed out of committee on unanimous vote
Finance bills march on to next step of process before legislative deadline
Companion lot splitting bills amended and moving
Property tax cap fix passes out of committee
Attorney General investigative power over law enforcement misconduct
Keep contacting your legislators to oppose these expensive and problematic bills, HB 1025 & SB 5059
Utility connection waiver proposal fixed to save costs for ratepayers
Bills imposing “good faith” on self-insured cities and third-party administrators amended, voted out of committee
Pre-cutoff pensions roundup
Bill expanding victims’ services heard last week
Trueblood and a new potential role for local jails
Wait, what does this bill do...? Senate proposes restrictions on automated decision systems
Bill requiring new voter approval on local cannabis bans and impacting local regulatory authority passes out of committee
Cities spoke and legislators listened on vehicular pursuits reasonable suspicion standard
WA’s disposable wipes labeling law updated to align with federal requirements
Bill to expand the definition of public work not ready for “prime time”
Housing priority revenue bill is amended as it passes the first hurdle
A prescription for going to the park? Legislature considers funding pilot programs to get people outside
DOR begins implementing capital gains tax while awaiting decision by Washington State Supreme Court
Property tax cap fix gets holiday hearing in the House and needs city support to advance out of committee by this week’s deadline
House hears State Tax Structure Work Group proposal to replace state B&O tax with margin tax
Voluntary road usage charge program proposed by House Transportation Chair, up for hearing this week
Watch AWC's legislative update on public safety bills
Over 200 city leaders representing over 100 cities and towns urge the legislature to take action on police pursuit changes
Share your support for the city budget priorities in AWC’s letter to budget leaders
Ban on police qualified immunity advances out of committee
Union-privilege bill passes out of committee with new lineup of exceptions
Separate prevailing wage proposals reappear, combine in a new bill with major impacts for cities
Bill to authorize additional sales tax for police hiring steps up to the plate this week
Safety squeeze: Making pandemic-era COVID infections a presumptive occupational disease
Stakeholder input helps shape Freight Mobility Board’s new path
House version of personnel records bill takes a swing this week
Implementation of extreme heat utility shutoff proposal clarified and improved
Use of traffic safety and toll system cameras for other criminal investigations
Bills attempt to crack down on illegal street racing
State may study creating pool of law enforcement applicants for police departments
One Blake bill to move forward
House introduces their version of social equity in cannabis bill
House votes on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and People cold case investigations unit
Authorizing a second deferred prosecution for DUI
Legislators show their love for cities by scheduling Valentine’s Day hearing on property tax cap fix
Bill on conversion of buildings to housing passes House
Small city leaders – House looks to increase contract limits between cities and municipal officers
Rulemaking for online case management system for land use appeals
PFAS restrictions for land application of biosolids and clean up level guidance
What job candidates want: hiring & benefits edition
Legislature looking to rework employer information sharing with employees, unions
PFML program gets attention early in legislative session
Pensions policy roundup: COLAs, credits, and flexible work, oh my!
Act now! AWC asking city leaders to sign-on to letter to legislators urging action on vehicular pursuits
Priority housing revenue bill up for hearing
TSWIFT consumer protection act seeks to protect ticket buyers, but could impact local admissions tax
Washington sets rules of the road for fully autonomous vehicles
Washington may soon have a state broadband map showing high-speed internet coverage statewide
AWC calling on cities to oppose costly prejudgment interest bill this week
Learn how legislative cutoff dates work
Planning bills not aimed at housing? They still have those? And relief for small cities?
Tax amendment bills that support housing
Two more lengthy bills focused on permit processing
Senate proposal linking cap on property taxes to inflation and population
Rural county sales tax extension keeps moving through process
Bill raising the age of the juvenile court’s jurisdiction scheduled
Blake bills scheduled in Senate Law & Justice Committee
Changes to pedestrian crossing laws could reduce jaywalking infractions, increase safety risks
Senate hears bill authorizing criminal justice sales tax
House attempts to preempt local authority to prohibit cannabis businesses
More HR bills with hearings in week five
Bill to limit city liability for police dogs gets a hearing
Bill to link cap on property taxes to inflation and population introduced
Transit density bill joins the fray
$200 million request made for Capital Broadband Investment Acceleration Program
Three more bills aimed at streamlining housing permits
Opening land for housing is a theme in recent proposals
Help may be on the way to low-income households making energy efficiency upgrades
Apprenticeship utilization requirements see further changes in response to stakeholder input
Three local option housing incentive bills emerge
Court security task force recommendations seek funding for small rural courts
Trueblood bill defers responsibility to local governments without new funding
Psilocybin bill scheduled for public hearing
State infrastructure bank proposal scheduled for hearing
Bill requires new workers compensation standards for self-insured employers
Bills to prevent “doxing” scheduled for hearings in the Legislature
Childcare and adult dependent care could be allowed as travel expenses under new proposal
Bill allowing access to PFML claim info scheduled for hearing
House and Senate introduce bipartisan bills that limit frivolous public records request lawsuits
Public Works Assistance Account 2.0
New procurement standards aim to support local government needs
Right turns on red lights prohibited near schools, parks, and other community facilities
Woof! Bill clarifies authority to care for abused and neglected animals
Bills related to police vehicle pursuits up for hearing this week
Senate to consider fixes to Tax Increment Financing program
Three bills have been introduced addressing Blake
More proposals on promoting alternative housing types
A fence by any other name…
New option proposed for critical area ordinances
Housing bills more focused on process than style
Margin tax proposed to replace state B&O tax
New process for new settlements from opioid litigation
Bills revising police vehicular pursuits restrictions introduced
Property taxes on the agenda for Senate Ways & Means
Rural economic development sales tax credit reintroduced
New bill on flexible work hours for police
Public works procurement bill to remove barriers for small and minority owned businesses
PERS 1 COLAs on the schedule for week three
Bill would grant Attorney General greater authority to investigate law enforcement misconduct
Firearms are a major topic of discussion at 2023 session
Bill to repeal prohibition on ergonomic injury rules returns to the Senate
Bills on paying interns, providing info to unions, and employer political speech all up for hearings
Bill eliminates qualified immunity for police and increases liability for cities
Cities to oppose prejudgment interest bill for increasing city liability costs at hearing this week
Waivers for municipal utility connection charges would be allowed under new bill
Bill proposes to expand definition of “public work”
“Zach’s Law” reappears for consideration this year, aims to deter bridge jumping
Early action supports AWC’s Housing Solutions Group proposal elements
11 hot advocacy tips and info for legislative session from the Mayors Exchange
Meet your AWC lobbyists
Bill proposes a housing benefit district grant pilot program
House to consider new ban on fentanyl manufacturing equipment
Several pension bills scheduled for hearings in week two
Bill creating a new “Union-member” legal privilege scheduled for action in the House
Bill on fixing PFML premiums gets a hearing in the Senate
Tax structure and transparency discussions in Senate Ways & Means
Producer responsibility for packaging—will Washington be next?
ADU preemption proposal emerges
Housing grab bag bill contains mostly positive provisions for cities
Municipal airport commission authority could expand to include operations, management, and enlargement
Clean energy siting coordinating council established in new bill – Contact AWC with your feedback
A potential new use for transportation impact fees emerges
Prevailing wage proposal with impacts for cities picks up its pace
Proposal to reshape the Freight Mobility Board to be heard in committee
Bill would allow cities to charge impact fees for law enforcement facilities
Workforce development a top priority for the Legislature as it eyes requirements to expand apprentice utilization in public works contracting
Office of Independent Investigations launches webpage
Check it out! JLARC releases 2021 public records data
Jury diversity bill amended to add $125 pay for low-income jurors
Feds okay additional allowable uses of ARPA Funds
State to consider increasing contract limits between cities and community service organizations
OPMA bill with new penalties for public comment deadlines
Middle housing mandate is back, with changes
Proposed state constitutional amendment aims to protect local government public works funding
Send us your feedback on public works contracting proposals
Proposal to reduce administrative burden of releasing body worn cameras recordings
Blake fixes are top of mind for Legislators as session begins
Attorney General clarifies law enforcement use of “physical force”
Attorney General announces five new opioid agreements with drug companies
Bill to amend the Washington Voting Rights Act scheduled for hearing
Extreme Weather Response Grant bill reintroduced this session
Water and electric utility shutoff during extreme heat prohibited under new bill
Finance Committee briefing on State Tax Structure Work Group recommendations
Governor’s 2023-25 budget proposals scheduled for hearings
Freight Mobility Board heads toward major bends in the road
Senate bills on employee records and discrimination in hiring for cannabis use up for hearings in week 1
House bills on recording independent medical exams and allowing “voluntary separations” access to unemployment benefits
Did your city provide direct financial support using ARPA funds? You may need to send out tax forms.
Conversion of buildings to residential uses
Critical housing bond proposals will be heard the first week of session
Bill would eliminate external design review boards
New requirement proposed for tree protection ordinances
Governor’s proposed budget for 2023-25 includes funding for several city priorities
Act now: Send your comments on FCC proposed rulemaking by Dec. 27
Happy holidays—but first, an election recap and final prepping for session
L&I hosts webinar series on new rules for job postings
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant applications to open in January
HCA and DOH provide recommendations for State's portion of opioid settlement distribution
Spokane ordinance on collective bargaining in public held unconstitutional
State Tax Structure Work Group recommendations expected soon
Positive revenue forecast sets the stage for release of Governor’s proposed budget for 2023-25 this week
Update on HB 1220 – Significant new responsibilities around planning for housing
AWC Housing Solutions Group releases proposal
Land use appeals case management system going online
Middle housing grants for Puget Sound cities still available
L&I issues new guidance for preventing COVID-19 as emergency ends
Resources from across the AWC city-verse
L&I adopts new workers’ comp rates for 2023
PFML Premiums Task Force recommends proposal to fix program solvency issues
Payments for opioid settlement distribution beginning this month
Help improve Washington’s broadband access - invite your residents to review broadband speeds
Election season comes to a close – What does it mean for the legislative session?
Reductions to DOR business license service handling fees for online licensing and renewals proposed
Proposed rules would require replacement of city culverts
Work session to provide updates on revenue forecast and State Tax Structure Work Group
Select Committee on Pension Policy considers proposals on PERS 1 COLA, moving 911 operators to PSERS
Ecology resources on new organics management law
Two new grant opportunities for affordable housing
New state and federal resources aimed at climate action
Legislature to take up Blake discussion during Committee Days
Opioid settlement funds set to flow in December – Is your region’s OAC in place?
December 1 deadline: Submit use of force policy to Attorney General’s Office
Solvency surcharge added to PFML premiums starting January 1
AWC’s 2023 legislative agenda set & budget priorities shared
Liquor and Cannabis Board revises proposed cannabis equity legislation
Uncertainty drives drop in state’s revenue forecast
Update on AWC’s Housing Solutions Group
Supreme Court case offers seasonal reminder for recreational trails
Draft land use planning and permitting retention schedule out for comment
2023 city-county assistance estimates released
Contact your U.S. Senators on proposed amendment mandating costly federal financial reporting
State Tax Structure Work Group set to narrow policy options in November
NLC 2022 City Fiscal Conditions report shows impact of federal assistance on pandemic recovery
Federal cybersecurity grant funds coming to Washington state
Opioid settlement funds set for distribution in December
National Culvert Removal, Replacement, and Restoration Grant Program now open
New rules adopted for domestic animal waste
Agency-land roundup: Tracking what agencies are up to
City Conditions Survey highlights some of the HR needs of Washington’s cities
L&I announces 2023 minimum wage increase
L&I proposes workers’ comp rate increases for 2023
Final Joint Transportation Committee State/Local split memo now available!
Cities invited to participate in state aerial imagery study
AWC’s 2023 legislative agenda comes into focus
AGO holds second opioid settlement call with city leaders – deadline September 23
Washington's COVID-19 state of emergency to end October 31
Updated COVID-19 booster shots are now available to protect against omicron
How student loan forgiveness may impact city employees
Treasury publishes ARPA spending reports – Here's how cities spent their funds
$1.9 million in grant funds available for city alternative response programs
Congratulations to the 2022-2023 Local Records Grant Program recipients!
City Transportation Equity Study under way
State Tax Structure Work Group continues evaluation of potential changes to tax structure
Condominium conversions or relocations reporting time
New Community Wildfire Defense Grants
Reporting reminder for Affordable Housing Sales Tax (HB 1406)
New law requires compost procurement ordinance
Comment on State Broadband Office funding process by Oct. 4
The top 10 things we learned at AWC’s 2022 budget workshop
No big wave, but still changes ahead for the November election
Feedback needed on proposed cannabis legislation
Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and People Task Force issues first report
SAO releases report of state spending of federal COVID-19 funds
AGO holds opioid settlement call with cities – agreement deadline September 23
Treasury expands eligible uses of ARPA funds for affordable housing
Is your city owed funds from the state’s unclaimed property program?
New statewide plan for electric vehicle infrastructure to expand Washington’s EV grid
Growth Management Act reform survey
WSBO working hard for the broadband money
L&I Director speaks out about this summer’s heat and wildfire smoke rules
Local government workers can count more student loan payments towards Public Service Loan Forgiveness until October 31
HR Field Notes: A conversation with Amy Heller, President of the Washington Public Employment Labor Relations Association
U.S. Supreme Court overrules test for restrictions on religious expression in Washington high school case
Learn more about the benefits to cities of “unretiring”
2022 Salary and Benefit Survey results are in
Rulemaking roundup: Other agency actions you should know about
Pension rates to remain steady for 2023
ICMA releases results of study on local government DEI efforts
Register now: August 8 Washington opioid settlement meeting with AG's Office
Joint Transportation Committee Workgroup wraps up state/local split negotiations
Save the date: Aug. 8 meeting with AGO on Washington's opioid settlement
Celebrate parks & recreation during the month of July
Already looking ahead to 2023 with ideas for city legislative priorities
New housing and shelter grant opportunities now open!
More information on State’s opioid settlement with distributors and how cities can receive a portion of funds
Attorney General releases model use of force policy
Revenue forecast up again as state’s economic growth continues
No initiatives to the people on the November ballot
Curious about work on Blake? Check out the SURSA Committee
Lodging tax dashboard available
City authority to install traffic safety cameras significantly expanded July 1
New CETA rules governing public utilities take effect July 18
Seattle Times makes public records request for info related to public employee retirements
Take our Federal Infrastructure Funding Survey
Help AWC develop solutions for housing affordability and availability
OFM shares details on distribution of remaining ARPA funds
Strong city advocacy during the campaign season
Public records report due to JLARC, due date extended to August 31
Where’s our second tranche of ARPA funds?
AOC releases Blake reimbursement details
Department of Revenue hearings on leasehold excise and working families tax credit rules
The state settled with opioid distributors – Will cities get a share of the $518 million?
L&I adopts temporary smoke and heat rules
Highlights from LRI 2022’s featured speaker, Rev. Dr. Bryant Marks
DEI roundtable highlights – City of Renton’s DEI in hiring program
Never too early – DRS helping public employees with retirement readiness
PERC releases 2021 annual report
Is it a legitimate workplace injury?
An update on workplace COVID-19 proclamations
2022 interim kicks off with preparation for the 2023 legislative session
Five things we learned at the 2022 Labor Relations Institute
Significant new planning grants for Central Puget Sound cities
Several important land use laws go into effect soon
SCOTUS decides sign code case in favor of city, clarifies Reed
HR-related rulemaking updates
Where do things stand on the opioid settlement(s)?
NLC survey on expanded Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit
State Tax Structure Work Group begins evaluation of tax options
State Auditor annual report deadline May 30 – See who’s filed & find resources
CISA provides cybersecurity resources for cities
NTIA opens request for input on broadband grant programs application process
Submit session proposals for IACC’s annual conference by June 3
Utility customer assistance funding program now open
AOC hosting informational webinar on upcoming Blake grants
OPMA/PRA emergency proclamation to expire June 1
Treasury sends reminder – ARPA reports due April 30
Local Bridge Program at risk of losing federal funds, local jurisdictions encouraged to apply now
Learning about multi-factor authentication
Risk management tips for city volunteer programs
AWC answers frequently asked questions on PFML and FMLA
AWC returns to Yakima for Labor Relations Institute Conference, May 4-6
Don’t get scammed by fake emails
ARPA Treasury reporting portal now open – Reports due April 30
Recapping the 2022 session
Legislature continues making significant local broadband infrastructure investments in 2022
Good and bad news for city public works priorities this year
Historic legislative session for transportation in Washington
Pensions arena sees several important bills that impact cities
2022 was light for HR legislation, but important policies still passed
Quiet year for economic development proposals
A slow session for open government bills, with one exception
Legislature clarifies police reform laws, restricts open carry in local government buildings
General government bills run the gamut during a short legislative session
Washington grapples with equity in cannabis industry; Also increases funds for local governments
Supplemental budgets take center stage in a time of record state revenues
GMA gets its day in the sun, but the heat is too much for the biggest proposals
Although light on policy, it was a big funding year for homelessness response
A new front in the fight against climate change dominated the environmental wins this year
Housing policy discussions get heated, but session ends with the biggest issue still smoldering
Reminder to non-entitlement cities: ARPA reporting due April 30
Sunshine Week 2022 highlights the importance of open government
Celebrating sine die after an intense session
Final supplemental budgets approved as Legislature adjourns
EPA State Revolving Fund implementation memo and upcoming webinar
Washington State Archives announce 2022-2023 local records grant program
Celebrating one year of ARPA Local Recovery Funds
Bill to address PFML solvency passes Legislature
Two bills targeting methane from solid waste cross the finish line
TNC bill passes with city clarification limiting preemption
County rural economic development sales tax credit dies
ADU preemption bill dies
Bill to integrate climate planning into the GMA dies in the final hours
Final Move Ahead WA plan sweeps PWAA, makes small investments in local preservation & maintenance
Public Works Board to see new, expanded broadband programs
Clean Fuels Program rulemaking meeting this Tuesday
City authority expanded to make traffic safety improvements on nonarterial highways
Solutions to right-of-way encampments garner support in the end
Use of force bill passes Legislature, concerning language removed
Redistricting bill changes how certain individuals are counted
UGA and permit reform bills get mixed results
Under the radar SEPA proposal passes Legislature
Read our letter to legislative leaders urging them to protect the Public Works Assistance Account
Final days of session feel like a rollercoaster
Budgets are some of the last pieces of the puzzle remaining
Broadband speeds in WA set to increase; digital equity divide may narrow
Prejudgment interest is dead
Pensions bills nearing the finish line in 2022 session
State indoor mask mandate to end March 12, earlier than expected
OPMA bill final makes it across the finish line
No changes this year to WVRA
Concerns remain for PWAA as Move Ahead WA negotiations continue
State capital gains tax unconstitutional
Reduction in required reporting to State Auditor
Remedial action grants bill passes Legislature
Second time is the charm for voluntary GMA coordination with tribal nations
Bill extending GMA update timeline is headed to the Governor’s desk
Act now! Oppose the proposed sweep of the PWAA
Transportation leaders announce devastating plan to sweep public works funds
SEPA exemption for temporary siting shelter for homeless bill is weakened
A pair of land use and permitting bills move along
AWC priority bill on TBDs not slowing down
Cities see investments for local preservation in House supplemental amendment as both chambers hammer out their transportation proposals
TNC bill preempting cities amended to regulatory fees instead of all taxes and fees
Lone bill to address law enforcement vehicular pursuits advances with amendments
HR bill roundup—opposite house edition
Use of force bill receives problematic, last-minute amendment
AWC nominated by WEDA for legislative work on TIF
Clarification on proposed new revenue source for law enforcement
Washington Voting Rights bill amended to address majority of city concerns
Oppose prejudgment interest costs for local governments
Bill providing stopgap measure for vacancies in single-judge courts still moving
Senate committee retools OPMA bill to specifically allow remote meetings
Two positive housing related bills still advancing
County rural economic development sales tax credit continues to move
Another housing preemption bill gains steam
Sales tax holiday linked to budget negotiations
Bills to reestablish tax exemption for nonprofits hosting farmers markets still moving
Public comment period begins for rulemaking on government fleets reporting
Broadband bill to increase internet speeds moves closer to finish line
Senate and House supplemental budget proposals released
Budgets steal the legislative spotlight
Surprise $1.45 billion revenue forecast increase sets stage for operating budget release
Senate-proposed supplemental capital budget includes housing, broadband, & water infrastructure investments
AWC seeks feedback from member cities on preemption of regulating TNCs
Broadband bills benefiting cities to be heard this week
Status update on public safety bills
Sunset on hydropower license fee extended
Prejudgment interest, fireworks ban, and extreme weather—Where are they now?
Act now to ensure extended TBD authority for cities
Senate passes Move Ahead Washington transportation package
House takes up bill to require wage and salary info on job postings
Bill to repeal 19-year ban on rules preventing ergonomic injuries going to the Senate
Governor to lift statewide indoor mask mandate March 21
Local option revenue bills did not meet floor action deadlines
Bucking cutoffs, tax incentive bill receives a late public hearing
Legislature considering a new approach to sharing cannabis revenues with local governments
It’s back, Jack: OPMA bill continues its 2021 journey towards passage in 2022
Urban Growth Area land swap bill passes Senate
Multiple GMA bills continue to move, some receive amendments
Ever heard of biochar? Legislation would require cities to use it
Energy code bill advances to the Senate
Governor’s bill advances to address homeless individuals living in state rights-of-way
Landfill emissions bill narrows in scope
HR & labor relations cutoff roundup: Your one-stop-bill-shop at the first committee cutoffs
WA Paid Family & Medical Leave program running short on cash
Pensions bills roundup: Post-committee cutoff edition
Focus turns to supplemental budget proposals—City engagement needed now more than ever
Project permit reform bill
Watch this space: new guidance on indoor masking and COVID-19 testing expected soon
Voting Rights Legislation advances, arbitrarily places 64 cities in pre-clearance
Lone Senate bill addressing police reform passes with mixed vote
Hold the line: Exclude public agencies from prejudgment interest
JLARC lodging tax system open for required reporting by cities and counties
Bill would help modernize the state’s 911 system
Extreme weather grant program makes it through the House
Senate proposal would conditionally exempt emergency shelter from SEPA
Reduction in state auditor reporting requirements scheduled for hearing
Bills to reestablish tax exemption for nonprofits hosting farmers markets advance
Sales tax holiday scheduled to pass out of committee
Extension of county authority for local rural economic development sales tax credit
Digital equity divide bill expands & pushes ahead
AWC priority bill on TBDs maintains momentum in Legislature
Three ways city HR professionals can use ARPA funds under the Final Rule
How ARPA dollars can be used for community equity
Transportation funding package released with mixed results for cities
Contact your legislators now about mandatory density legislation
Mid-session crunch time—Floor action begins
HR & labor relations cutoff roundup: Your one-stop-bill-shop at the first committee cutoffs
WA Paid Family & Medical Leave program running short on cash
Pensions bills roundup: Post-committee cutoff edition
Changes to “Zach’s law” clarify question of city liability
Police liability fails to advance ahead of cutoff
House looks to expand cities’ ability to partner with outside organizations
$30 car tab cap returns in new bill, eliminates local authority to impose vehicle license fees
Bill amendments largely preempt cities from regulating TNCs
Two police bills to further define ‘physical force’
Vehicular pursuits by law enforcement officers addressed in new bill
Washington’s first road usage charge program impacts city funding source
Law enforcement clarification bills head to opposite chamber
Bill allowing cities to prohibit open carry gains momentum
Grant money for body-worn cameras may be in store for cities
Organics mandate bill changes and improves in committee
Social equity cannabis licenses move forward with clarifications for cities
Local finance bills move out of fiscal committees ahead of Feb. 7 deadline
City leaders use their voices as session nears its first cutoff deadlines
Missing middle housing mandate amended
More cannabis revenues may be headed to cities
2021 bill prohibiting certain traffic stops resurfaces
Senate attempts to adjust police pursuit and physical force language
Voting rights legislation advances without key amendments
Broader city authority for banning fireworks gains traction
Legislature looks to increase number of officers in communities
Two ADU bills pass out of committee, one with significant changes
Three GMA bills on the move
Transparency of local taxes on utilities
Pension bills round up: Updates ahead of cutoff
OSHA withdraws emergency vaccine-or-test rule, work on permanent rule continues
WA Cares long-term care program delay signed into law
AWC highlights cities’ state budget priorities
Local option parks and fire services bills move out of committees
September sales tax holiday proposed
State tax structure update and proposals impacting state revenues
New bill would require drive-up services to allow bikes and pedestrians
AWC priority bill on TBDs is on the move
Amended broadband infrastructure loan and grant program progresses
10 steps for a successful legislative session
City leaders “converge” on Olympia for AWC City Action Days
City feedback requested: Bill to create social equity in the cannabis industry expands licensing and siting options
Drinking water fluoridation bill
Bill goes after unpermitted shoreline development
Proposal to extend GMA update timelines returns
Changes to impact fee deferral program proposed
Smaller cities could assess a tax on cannabis producers and processors
Bill to bring body camera footage in line with discovery
House looks to streamline process to adopt council-manager form of government
Use of traffic safety cameras to expand under proposed legislation
House bill attempts to redefine “use of force”
Law enforcement clarification bills advance
Broadband bill to increase internet speeds
Bill to address legal and fiscal fallout of Blake decision
Prejudgment interest bill passes off Senate floor with an amendment
Senate looks to create new requirements for automated decision systems
Support the creation of an extreme weather grant program
Workers’ comp bills up for hearings
New bill strikes sunset from hydropower license fee
Proposal allowing cities to impose fire benefit charges rescheduled for hearing
Bill to cut state taxes up for hearing this week
Tax exemption for nonprofit farmers markets
Grant program for fire protection capital projects in rural counties
HR bills roundup: other proposals of interest to cities
WA Cares Fund bills pass the House, head to Senate
“Essential services” would be exempt from state and local noise standards under new Senate bill
Action Alert: Oppose prejudgment interest costs for local governments
City leader voices needed in this legislative session
Organics mandate bill aims to reduce food and yard waste in landfills
Pensions bills round up: Several bills considered in week two
A big week for housing related bills
Proposal to allow cities to impose fire benefit charges
Bill to authorize cities more control over speed limits and automated enforcement
Two House bills focused on salmon recovery, one concerning to cities
Lane departure program proposed under new bill, total funding amount unclear
Bill directs State to adopt energy management and benchmarking requirements for tier 2 buildings
AWC priority bill on TBDs to be heard in the Senate
SCOTUS reinstates stay on federal vaccine-or-test rule
Workers’ comp bills scheduled for hearings this week
Legislation introduced to prevent employers from firing employees for cannabis use
Bill to require certification for public safety telecommunicators
Transparency of local taxes on utilities
Local option parks funding bill returns this year
Senate looks to make courts subject to the Public Records Act
State considers COVID-19 relief grants for convention businesses
Municipal airport commissions could see new flexibility and new requirements
Proposal seeks to provide cities with an option to prohibit open carry of firearms
Legislature considers grant money to fund body worn cameras for law enforcement
Feedback needed: Stopgap measure in consideration for vacancies in single-judge courts
New bill would limit city elections to even-numbered years
Change to energy building codes requested by the Governor
Don’t forget to register for our final Friday city action call! Here’s the link for March 4
Wishing you a happy new year and a productive virtual 2022 Legislative Session
Methane emissions from landfills targeted in new bill
Extensive housing policy preemption bill introduced
Digital equity divide addressed in newly proposed programs
“Microtrenching” bill would preempt local land use authority
New bill introduces emergency broadband infrastructure fund program and updates existing loan and grant program
WSDOT announces availability of National Highway Freight Program funds for eligible freight projects
Bill allows cities to extend water and sewer infrastructure beyond the UGA
Proposal to require climate resilience element in water system planning
Tribal engagement in local planning and state budgeting
New bill to allow recording of independent medical exams
Paid Family & Medical Leave benefits may expand for some grieving families
Legislature to hear long-term care bills in week one of session
Accessory dwelling unit debate continues
Bill to remove fee cap on NPDES permits
Bill to amend the Washington Voting Rights Act introduced
Bill impacting city tax authority on county water and sewer facilities introduced
Treasury publishes final rule for ARPA funds; reporting deadline approaches
Police liability bill is alive and moving
State Tax Structure Work Group releases interim report and extends survey deadline
Department of Revenue releases local business licensing partnership plan
AWC President supports changes to state hiring and contracting practices that promote diversity
Governor’s 2021-23 supplemental budget proposals scheduled for hearings
Extreme weather protection grants may be on the way for cities
Police reform clarification bills scheduled for hearing
House looks to allow cities to ban fireworks during fire season
Legislators try a new path to substantially increase tort claims payment costs
Governor releases proposed supplemental budgets for 2021-23
Federal large employer vaccine and testing mandate is back on for now
Long-term care update: WA Cares Fund payroll tax collection paused to give time for legislative fixes
Treasury announces ARPA reporting tool for NEUs
Recruiting in the “Great Resignation”
Washington likely to move ahead with employer vaccine mandate, and other COVID-19 updates
Long-term care update: WA Cares Fund may be delayed in 2022
State Auditor releases guidance on pensions reporting as more pension plans become fully funded
Three suggestions for your final preparations for the 2022 session
Statewide Youth Access to Counsel hotline available in January
Proposals to increase PERS 1 and LEOFF 2 pension benefits expected for 2022
Washington State Archives seeks feedback on proposed update to Law Enforcement Records Retention Schedule
IRS issues guidance regarding ARPA assistance to individual taxpayers
State Supreme Court accepts electoral maps completed by State Redistricting Commission
What’s included in the Build Back Better Act for cities?
Join us for a full-day training on maintaining compliance while using ARPA funds
OFM publishes revised April 1 population estimates
November state economic and revenue forecast shows continued growth of almost $900 million
New housing infrastructure grant program opens
State Auditor releases guidance on pensions reporting as more pension plans receive full funding
Preliminary draft of GMA rules released
Commerce looking for input on energy retrofits grant
Cities receive $3 million to establish therapeutic courts
Cities encouraged to prepare for vaccine and testing mandate, despite court challenges
Cities report compliance with state and local vaccine mandates, mixed feelings on federal mandate
Washington State Redistricting Commission fails to meet deadline for new district maps
OSHA releases federal COVID-19 vaccine and testing mandate
Historic Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Passes House
How to be a strong city advocate
Density bonuses for affordable homeownership
Commerce to host discussions on draft GMA rules
JLARC releases preliminary 2020 public records data
Treasury issues clarification on ARPA spending under Interim Final Rule
Congratulations to the 2021-2022 Local Records Grant Program recipients!
Don’t miss out – Applications for SEEK summer funding due November 18
Are you using data sharing agreements? It’s now a requirement for cities
CISA issues advisory to US water and wastewater sector
PFML premium rates to rise in 2022
Plan for federal employer vaccine mandate nears completion
OFM taking comments on revisions to 2021 population estimates
Apply by Nov. 18 for SEEK funds for youth summer outdoor recreation
Cities prepare for 2022 while waiting on Congress for infrastructure funding
Washington State Broadband Office opens funding cycle for Infrastructure Acceleration Grants
Guidance released for recently passed HR laws – HELSA and law enforcement arbitrations
L&I announces increase in 2022 state minimum wage
A third of cites in AWC’s vaccine mandate survey are considering their own mandate
Join AWC for the latest installation of our municipal courts webinar series
Application period for youth summer outdoor recreation funding set to open Oct. 18
L&I publishes clean energy labor standards certification
September Economic and Revenue Forecast indicates strong economic recovery
Tax Structure Workgroup schedules tax town hall for city elected officials and staff
Should Washington use a state bank to fund basic infrastructure projects? AWC wants to hear your opinion
New funding opportunity for rapid housing development
Treasury extends deadlines for submitting 2021 ARPA reports
September Economic and Revenue Forecast indicates strong economic recovery
Treasury announces Capital Projects Fund guidance
Matching grants available for federal broadband infrastructure financing opportunities
President Biden’s vaccine mandate may impact city employees
Fall brings into focus three recommended 2022 City Legislative Priorities
New state program assessments to impact employer health plans
AWC seeks city input on local vaccine policies
New Commerce housing grants available
Gov. Inslee reaches deal with union on vaccine mandate
Shoreline Master Program and flood control grants available
State Tax Structure Workgroup to host Tax Town Hall sessions
Everything you need to know about the state’s Working Families Tax Credit
Reminder: COVID-19 public meeting requirements still in effect
Having trouble getting PPE? The State can help
Updated guidance released for applying state vaccine mandate to parks and recreation staff
Statewide utility late fee and shutoff moratorium ending September 30
AOC announces grant funding for therapeutic courts
State distributes remaining ARPA funds to NEUs
City impacts of Governor’s vaccine and mask mandates
Supreme Court ruling impacts parking enforcement of certain vehicles
Governor’s vaccine mandate covers some city emergency services employees
Blake decision causes cities to reevaluate municipal codes
Governor mandates vaccine for state employees and contractors
U.S. Senate passes historic $1 trillion infrastructure package
It’s time to celebrate and prepare for your fall advocacy efforts
Reminder: What cities can do above statewide minimums for cannabis
OSPI and AWC award $2 million for local summer youth programs
Grant funds available through EDA American Rescue Plan Programs
AWC’s next monthly Blake discussion set for August 11 – Register now
ARPA reports due August 31 for metropolitan cities, October 31 for smaller cities
Pension policy committee considers COLA recommendation for PERS 1
First laws on producer responsibility for packaging pass in the U.S.
COVID-19 Delta variant prompts return of masks – Cities should expect new public health measures
Have you heard? Cities receive $20 million to offset law enforcement and criminal justice costs
U.S. Senate poised to pass $1 trillion infrastructure package
UTC rail safety improvement grants now available
June’s “Heat Dome” leads to new emergency heat exposure rules for outdoor workers
L&I issues emergency wildfire smoke rule, continues work on permanent smoke rule
Rulemaking begins for oil handling and transfer
New resources for climate adaptation and resilience planning
Cities interested in opioid settlements invited to join a call with Attorney General
AGO affirms cities’ ability to participate in coordinated negotiations with opioid distributors
Cities to receive $20 million in assistance funds related to law enforcement and criminal justice legislation
Commute Trip Reduction Board seeking city feedback
New police use of force laws took effect July 25 – Training materials available from CJTC
Connecting your community: state and federal broadband financing programs now available
Capitol building reopens along with Washington
JLARC extends deadline for submitting public records request reports
How things look as the state reopens
Office of Public Defense opens Public Defense Improvement Program funding opportunity
Administrative Office of the Courts shares Blake disbursement plan informational sheet
Webinar: Learn about municipal court technology on July 21
Effective July 25, cities to implement data sharing agreements
Final behavioral health model ordinance and communications toolkit vow available
Department of Health makes PPE available to cities in need
Commerce opens grant program application for energy retrofits and solar grants
Double trouble? Dueling broadband bills finally resolved
Complete Streets grant nominations now open
AWC partners with Ogden Murphy Wallace for small cell siting and FCC updates webinar
City officials present transportation needs to Joint Transportation Committee
Governor issues final extension of utility shutoff and late fees moratorium
WSDOT releases quarterly report, transportation demand dashboards
Commerce seeking feedback on draft scope of GMA rulemaking
Ecology seeking input on new program to address potent greenhouse gas
ESD reinstates work search requirements for unemployment eligibility
Wildfire smoke emergency rule nearing adoption, permanent rulemaking continues
Apply to serve on EFSEC Transmission Corridor Work Group
Federal infrastructure plan to invest billions in critical infrastructure
Public meeting requirements as of June 30, 2021
Federal infrastructure plan receives bipartisan support
AWC to host monthly discussion on Blake legislation
Cities to receive disbursements of assistance funds by end of July
Tending your advocacy garden – What’s going on this interim and next session?
Where do things stand with OPMA?
Rulemaking and engagement opportunities with Clean Energy Transformation Act
State Treasurer’s LOCAL Program application cycle now open
Department of Transportation conducting equity baseline assessment
Tax Structure Work Group reconvenes after eventful legislative session
Fire insurance premium tax cities receive withheld distributions June 11
L&I to host stakeholder meeting on emergency wildfire smoke rule June 18
AWC launches HR Insights newsletter for coverage of human resources issues
Proposed rule change impacts indigent defense contract oversight
DRS adopts new pension contribution rates for 2021-23 biennium
New laws require review of your zoning ordinances
Don’t forget: JLARC public records request reports due July 1
State auditor sends Data Sharing Agreement to all Washington cities
Two new funding opportunities for affordable and transitional housing
State releases information to non-entitlement cities on how to receive ARPA funds
Treasury publishes guidance for non-entitlement cities
The pandemic created a unique and ambitious 2021 legislative session
Local government infrastructure investments spur hope for post-pandemic, climate-friendly economic recovery
State grants new broadband authority for local governments
Cities receive significant investments in local transportation infrastructure despite historical budget deficits
Signs of strong economic recovery bode well for state and local budgets
Legislature makes few moves to address city operations and open government
Busy year for land use issues, many proposals fall short
Washington takes steps to improve social equity in cannabis industry
2021 a major year for police reform in Washington
Legislature passes major overhaul to public health system, other human services programs
Affordable housing work continues, some big wins and signals of a new approach
Big strides for economic development tools
Pandemic generates a variety of legislative proposals in HR arena
Legislature gets high marks on housing stability priority
Environmental issues capture legislative attention
Public Works Board now accepting applications for construction and pre-construction loans
JLARC opens public records reporting system
Treasury releases guidance for American Rescue Plan Act
Utility customers seeking financial help should contact their county assistance programs
Curtain call for the 2021 virtual session
Legislature wraps up session adopting 2021-2023 budgets—How did cities fare?
Transportation revenue package fails to cross finish line
Correction: Non-entitlement cities do not need to register with SAM database
Legislature agrees on approach to address Blake
Legislative changes to GMA housing element are optional
Governor updates high-risk worker proclamation to allow employer verification
“Just cause” eviction reform passes after years-long effort
Paid Family and Medical Leave eligibility about to expand under two new laws
Cities may soon see increased health emergency labor standards for employees
Targeted Urban Area property tax exemption on its way to all cities
New use of force standards for law enforcement set to become state law
Bill to restrict police tactics poised to become law in Washington
New law to ban open carry of firearms at public demonstrations and capitol campus
Law enforcement officers to see increased oversight and accountability
Police now have legal duty to intervene when fellow officers use excessive force
Update: Legislators share their plan for Blake
An age-old problem: So much work left for the Legislature, so little time
Future of a state transportation revenue package remains uncertain
A heavily amended Blake bill advances out of the Senate – More changes expected in the House
Bills granting property tax relief advance through opposite chambers
Housing bills continue to pass, some big ones still outstanding
Two land use bills head to the Governor’s desk
Felony bar defense receives update creating new requirement for law enforcement
Treasury provides pre-award requirements for cities to receive federal ARP funds
State to invest in forest health and wildfire management
Incarceration status will not impact Medicaid eligibility
Local jails required to conduct investigations into unexpected fatalities
State offers free data management webinar on April 29
Legislature approves changes to Main Street Tax Credit Program to accommodate COVID-19 challenges
Senate fails to act on OPMA updates
Deadline to opt-out of long-term care payroll taxes extended
Environmental bills that have passed
Legislation establishing Office of Independent Investigations awaits Governor’s signature
Survey: Have you restarted in-person public meetings?
A big question about a grand bargain on a statewide transportation package
House and Senate release transportation revenue and spending packages
Governor issues executive order regarding archeological and cultural resources
Inslee announces updates to Healthy Washington criteria for county phases
More than 100 city officials lend their voices to highlight city priorities in state budgets
Bill expanding broadband retail authority approaches finish line
House passes ADU owner occupancy bill
Bill to erase effect of COVID-19 shutdowns on public pensions enacted
Police grievance arbitration bill signed into law
Law enforcement officers have new legal duty to intervene
Law enforcement to see increased oversight and accountability
Social equity efforts to expand in cannabis industry
New restrictions on police tactics poised to become law in Washington
TIF on the brink of becoming law
Plenty of legislative action left with three weeks to go
Budget negotiations begin – Be sure to add your voice to the conversation
We need your help to assist our advocacy efforts and to build momentum for utility assistance funding
President Biden unveils $2 trillion infrastructure proposal
New use of force standards amended, head to rules committee
House transportation spending proposal renews hope for long-term investment package
Police oversight and accountability moves forward with striking amendment
House shows strong interest in state bank proposal
Support law enforcement training: Fully fund the CJTC
Quick update on GMA planning funding
Ecology seeking comments on water right policy
Housing density incentive bill makes a comeback
Ways & Means holds public hearing for democratic proposal in response to Blake ruling
Potentially costly pensions policies find their way into House budget
AWC working to push back opt-out deadline in long-term care program bill
Vaccines in the workplace: All adults eligible for COVID-19 vaccine April 15
March budget madness – Legislature releases budget proposals
Legislature releases biennial budgets in wake of strong economic forecast and federal relief
Court denies FCC request to pause franchise fee fight
Five things to consider as you plan to use your city’s ARP allocation
Shelter preemption bill improves, still concerning to some cities
ADU proposal moves ahead with new amendment
Growth Management Act bills continue to move
Flurry of bills look to amend state law in wake of Blake decision
Commerce launches the Office of Firearm Safety and Violence Prevention
Secretary of State provides records management advice, asks for feedback on new requirements
Health emergency labor standards bill amended, advances out of policy committee
House Transportation Committee to hear additive spending bill
Vaccines in the workplace: Vaccine eligibility expands again March 31
High-risk utility workers eligible for COVID-19 vaccine starting March 31
Police arbitrations reform bill heads to Governor’s desk
Statewide suicide prevention hotline in development
Police reform bills roundup
AWC supports proposed changes to police tactics bill
Bill aimed at plastic recycled content mandates continues to move
Governor’s Office publishes Phase 3 guidelines
Legislature releases transportation budget proposals: How do these budgets impact cities?
We’re two thirds of the way through session – How are cities faring?
City budget priorities
Governor extends disconnection and late fee moratorium for customer-owned utilities
Bleak projections for state transportation revenues
State revenue forecast shows strong signs of economic recovery
New amendment provides clarity to use of force standards
Amendment to police tactics bill jeopardizes AWC support
What to expect from the Legislature in the wake of the Blake decision
Lodging tax expenditure reporting system now open
Local public safety sales and use tax revenue may be expanded to include other services
State bank continues to gain interest amongst lawmakers
Hope on the horizon: fiscal flexibility bill receives support in Senate committee
We tip our cap to you! Cities show strong support for one percent property tax cap revisions
Cities may have until 2022 to redistrict
Initial unanimous support for community engagement bills
Public health system may soon see overhaul
Worth the wait – updates to OPMA closer to becoming law
Striking amendment limits Main Street tax credit program
Let’s get TIF over the finish line – Contact your senator today!
Paid Family & Medical Leave bills continue to advance
Pace keeps up in state Legislature as congressional action in D.C. shifts spotlight from Olympia
Legislators warm up to addressing urban heat islands
Broadband accessibility remains priority for Legislature
Climate and carbon related transportation bills heating up
Rail safety bill chugs along, receives amendments
Changes in approach to greenhouse gas emissions in design of public facilities
Property tax deferral bill drops provisions for local government, moves to Senate
Out with the old, in with the new: Comprehensive Annual Financial Report receives new name
State public bank reaches historic milestone as it passes Senate
Not dead yet: Bill to revise property tax cap finally scheduled for public hearing
No, our city fiscal flexibility bill would not defund the police – Ask your senator to support HB 1069
Promising new amendment on climate GMA bill
Lawmakers recognize and support benefits of city trees to climate and salmon
Racial deed restriction bill removes costly mandate to local governments
American Rescue Plan extends emergency paid leave tax credits, no renewal of emergency leave programs
Vaccines in the workplace: New vaccine eligibility coming soon
Working Families’ Tax Exemption bill scheduled for hearing
Senate bill exploring changes to PFML scheduled for hearing
Attend a hearing on workers’ comp self-insurance administrator certification rules
All cities eligible to use Targeted Urban Area property tax exemption under new bill
Felony bar defense sees significant change after adopted floor amendment
OPMA bills on track to enactment
Sunshine Week 2021 highlights the importance of open government
Governor Inslee announces Phase 3 and updated reopening plan - Public meetings allowed increased capacity
Senate to consider bill extending critical rural economic development funding source
Simple drug possession no longer a felony – What now?
Impeachment disclosure clears Senate, heads back to House for reconciliation
House OKs proposed changes to Washington’s public health system
Traffic ticket payment process to change under bill advancing to House
Cities may be given more time to redistrict due to late census data
$1.1 billion for Washington cities in American Rescue Plan Act
Senate and House pass the American Rescue Plan Act – Maintains $65.1 billion in funding for cities
March Madness in the Legislature – Advocacy isn’t a spectator sport
Gov. Inslee holds press conference urging Legislature to pass transportation revenue package
Senate passes the American Rescue Plan Act – Maintains $65.1 billion in funding for cities
New “Community Project Funding” revives federal earmarks
Broadband bills to be heard in opposite chambers this week
Far-reaching preemption on homeless shelter siting passes House
Major growth management bills pass the House
HR & labor bills after cutoff: where they stand now
Bill harmonizing protection order also creates costly required updates for courts
House and Senate move several police reform bills forward
Amended affordable housing bills swap chambers
Recycling bill aimed at incremental change passes Senate
Police grievance arbitration bill scheduled for hearing this week
Paid Family & Medical Leave bills clear their respective chambers
TIF picks up amendments on its way out of the House
Bills updating the Open Public Meetings Act now in the Senate
Are you talking to your legislators? Are they listening?
Concerning preemption on homeless shelter siting – Action needed!
House passes American Rescue Plan Act including billions in aid for cities
Reminder: In-person meetings permitted under Phase 2
Force majeure public works contracting bill gains traction
Legislature considers striking limitation on sales tax funding mechanisms for transportation benefit districts
State Supreme Court strikes down criminalization of simple drug possession
Update on housing stability, AWC priority
How are growth management and planning bills faring?
Status of environmental bills impacting cities
Housing incentive bills – where are they now?
Does your city need fiscal flexibility? Let your senators know now.
UTC extends disconnection and late fee moratorium for investor-owned utilities
AWC calling on members to engage on Paid Family & Medical Leave bills
Updates on COVID-19 vaccines in the workplace
Call your legislator now to oppose police liability bill that creates financial burden for cities
Substitute bill language restores cities’ share of traffic tickets
How is police reform shaping up this session?
Legislative floor action underway this week
Congress on verge of historic action to support cities – Contact needed!
Bill to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and decarbonization of residential and commercial buildings
House Transportation Committee holds public hearing with local government representatives
Housing planning bill advances, shelter mandate remains
Climate Commitment Act receives public hearing and work session
Qui tam bill update
Health emergency labor standards update
New proposal would exempt emergency shelter from SEPA
Expansions for Paid Family & Medical Leave await Senate vote
Cities would lose traffic ticket funds under new bill
Public health funding and governance discussions update
Discrimination against tenants with pandemic rental arrears prohibited by new bill
Police liability bill with negative implications for cities moves through the House
Substantial increase to tort claims payment costs seen in new bill
New use of force standards for law enforcement move through Legislature
Local government liability would expand under new House bill
Increased oversight and accountability for law enforcement proposed in Senate bill
Ranked choice voting bill makes it through Appropriations Committee
Two of three OPMA bills survive first cutoff
Tax increment finance bills pass out of respective finance committees
Legislature appropriates $2.2 billion in federal funds while session reaches first cutoff deadline
Electric vehicle bills to be heard in Senate Transportation Committee
Work sessions on small cell infrastructure to continue
Proposed changes to governmental accounting standards would increase complexity and costs for local governments
Status of housing incentive bills at first legislative cutoff
Utility lien bill gains traction in House
AWC seeking city feedback on property tax bill
Good news on Multifamily Tax Exemption proposal
State to prioritize second dose of COVID-19 vaccine the week of February 15
Growth Management Act bills continue to evolve as they move
Agency administrative rules roundup
House looks to establish technical assistance grants for cannabis businesses
HR & labor bills: Where are they now?
New bill would allow info from police oversight reports into discipline process
Three police reform bills pass out of the House
McKinsey settles for its role in opioid epidemic – Washington to receive $13.5 million
Cutoff deadlines coming soon – Time to make your city voice heard
Preliminary language for fish passage rulemaking out
Bill preempting city utility lien authority scheduled for hearing
Bill to amend fuel tax rate for border area jurisdictions
Priority broadband bills receive amendments, work session, and hearing
Bill proposes to lift property tax cap, tying rate to inflation and population growth
Bill to expand Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council authority scheduled for hearing
Capital gains tax and wealth tax bills receive hearings
Bill grants attorney general new powers to investigate law enforcement
OPMA bills make their way through House and Senate
Tax Increment Financing bill heads to Ways & Means with technical amendments in tow
Last minute House bill would result in recycling solution setback
Bill to address backlog of land use cases due to COVID-19
Police reform bills moving through Legislature
Bill to provide options for preservation of affordable housing
Building permit legislation attempts a “default complete” for applications
Paid Family Medical Leave expansion bill trimmed down, voted out of committee
Citizen oversight bill picks up several key amendments
FEMA to retroactively provide reimbursement for COVID-19 costs
Cities spent 98% of State Coronavirus Relief Funds. Click here to see how they used it.
Police discipline arbitrator bill amended, passes out of policy committee
New bills may impact retirement systems and public employee pensions
Another GMA bill addressing housing element up for a hearing
Ranked choice voting could be authorized in Washington
State auditor suffers data breach, includes local government information
Two regions move to Phase 2 – What does this mean for OPMA?
Legislature finds its groove in week four of session
Cities seek transportation funding
Senate Democrats unveil transportation revenue package
Bill expanding broadband authority amended to clarify existing city authority
FMSIB releases annual report
Governor’s unemployment insurance bill advances through the Legislature
Bill to expand public works contracts, apprenticeship requirements
AWC fiscal flexibility bill moves out of House Finance Committee
Bill would change felony bar defense to allow people injured in the commission of a felony to sue
Duty to intervene, vascular neck restraints, and truth verification test bills considered
Effort to strengthen salmon recovery through critical area planning
Traffic ticket bill would divert funds away from cities and into state coffers
Pretrial release bill raises numerous concerns for courts
Noble yet costly mandate considered to address racial covenants on deeds
Juneteenth holiday proposal scheduled for public hearing and vote this week
Lawmakers take new approach on accessory dwelling units
Proposal introduced to extend comprehensive planning update cycle
Proposed recording requirement to be heard in committee
Bill to require LEOFF disability boards to provide coverage info to retirees
Bill to ban unjustified employee vehicle searches
Police oversight bills move through committee with new amendments
Proposed law mandates certain cities to provide overnight shelter
Police data reporting bill receives amendments, Senate Republicans propose competing bill
State task force recommends policies to support affordable child care
Legislators look to extend 2020 Main Street tax credits an additional two years
Busier than ever, the Legislature moves into week three
Bill expanding authority for public entities to provide telecommunication services receives hearing
AWC presents city transportation priorities to House and Senate Transportation Committees
House Democrats unveil transportation revenue package
Bill addressing greenhouse gas emissions in design of public facilities slated for hearing
Bill expanding public contracting opportunities for women and minority owned businesses scheduled for hearing
Bill granting property tax deferral scheduled for public hearing
AWC priority fiscal flexibility bill receives second hearing
State public bank bill scheduled for hearing
Under a new bill, cities and police will be liable for injuries
Legislature looks to integrate 988 and 911 call systems
COVID-19 vaccines in the workplace update
Building code changes go into effect February 1
Homelessness response bills on the move, including AWC priority bill
House considers new use of force standards and model policies
Establishing the Office of Independent Investigations to be heard by the House
Senate looks to establish task force on jail standards
Bill on employee PPE use to be heard this week
Substitute plastic packaging bill receives a hearing
Bill on temporary worker safety scheduled for hearing this week
Housing-related bills arriving fast and furious
House bill proposes establishing community oversight boards
Tax Increment Financing bill receives a hearing in the House
Two additional bills look to address virtual public meetings
Recognizing Martin Luther King Jr. Day while legislative work continues
Legislature enacts concurrent resolution extending emergency orders including OPMA proclamation
Health Emergency Labor Standards Act to receive hearing
Municipal finance bills scheduled for committee hearings
Bill limiting city authority of telecommunications infrastructure scheduled for hearing
Workplace whistleblowers’ private right-of-action returns for legislative consideration in 2021
Workers’ compensation bills up for hearings this week
New bill erases COVID-19 impacts on public employee retirements
Alternative public works contracting bill scheduled for hearing
OFM and WSDOT temporarily delay new transportation projects
Ecology releases draft offer list for water quality funding
CERB broadband financing bill slated for hearing
L&I updates COVID-19 emergency rules for businesses
Police discipline arbitration bill heard in the Senate
Lawmakers propose bills addressing growth management
Legislators introduce number of carbon related bills
More bills encouraging affordable housing introduced
Legislature addresses housing stability, an AWC priority
House to hold hearings for law enforcement grant program proposals
Bills impacting behavioral health and opioid addiction up for public hearing
President Biden announces $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan
Tax Increment Financing bill receives a hearing in the Senate
House considers changes to managing sexual assault cases and juvenile access to attorneys
Legislature to hold public hearings on several police reform bills
Learn how to sign up to testify remotely
Hear the lobbyists give their legislative hot takes
Kicking off the 2021 legislative session
Congress passes new COVID-19 stimulus bill
Police discipline arbitration bills in hearings this week
AWC priority bill slated for committee hearing
Tax Structure Work Group releases preliminary report
Governor releases biennial and supplemental budget proposals
State Active Transportation Plan open for comments and review
COVID-19 vaccines in the workplace
New bill significantly expands paid family and medical leave eligibility
Governor’s unemployment insurance bill introduced, scheduled for hearing
Federal COVID relief extends emergency paid leave credits, but not emergency paid leave programs
Permitting outdoor dining can support restaurants during the pandemic
Bill to adjust time period for redistricting
Bill proposes to restrict police tactics and equipment
Priority police accountability bill to be heard in opening week
Bill will codify virtual public meetings during a declared emergency
JLARC publishes preliminary 2019 public records performance metrics and data
Two bills propose more accountability for law enforcement
Growth management reform update and an early bill
Update to Wetland Program Plan for review
Public comment period extended for affordable housing standard
Legislature bursts out of the gate with several housing bills
Early action for several climate change bills
Bill proposes to expand air quality complaints to public spaces
Governor releases 2021-2023 budget proposals
Congress passes new COVID-19 stimulus bill
The results are in – Washington parks and recreation survey
OPMA and PRA emergency proclamation extended until January 19
Wrapping up 2020 and looking ahead to a brighter 2021
AWC’s 2020 Tax and User Fee Report now available
AWC joins coalition advocating for Tax Increment Financing in Washington state
Senate Transportation Committee reviews transportation revenue threats, COVID-19 impacts
OFM releases November transportation revenue forecast
November Revenue Review now available
Grade Crossing Protective Fund now accepting applications for funding
Department of Commerce releases Electric & Natural Gas Utilities Economic Impact Survey Analysis report
Commerce soliciting comments on 2021 State Energy Strategy
State launches COVID-19 exposure notification tool
2021 L&I workers compensation rates finalized
Proposed bill would change worker safety standards during health emergencies
2021 Legislative session to see ambitious police reform agenda
Expect OPMA proclamation extension with further in-person restrictions
State announces new funding round for small businesses
December 15 deadline for COVID relief reimbursement requests
Cities report over 130,000 public record requests in 2019
Update to affordable housing building standard out for comment
Request for feedback on early GMA reform bills
PDC publishes links and trainings for elected officials filing annual F-1 reports
Expect a new and improved OPMA proclamation this week
New Eviction Resolution Program established by Washington courts
Preparing for 2021 with election results pending
Meet your AWC Government Relations Team!
UW Growth Management Framework draft released
State releases quarterly economic review
Dept. of Ecology reports to the Legislature on water rights
Draft PFAS Chemical Action Plan out for comment
Seeing delays of federal permits for maintenance and repair projects?
Plastic packaging waste recommendations report released
AWC’s Tax and User Fee Survey data now available
Transportation revenue outlook improves in wake of I-976 decision, new packages under development
SAO FIT tool adds ability to project data into the future
Public Works Board approves nearly $18 million for broadband construction
Certificate of compliance for new cannabis businesses in rulemaking
L&I to develop wildfire smoke worker-safety rules
Behavioral health grants fund new beds and services across the state
2019 public records data now available
Commerce seeks participants for behavioral health facilities model ordinance discussion
Don’t wait to use your city’s CRF allocation
Washington State Supreme Court rules I-976 is unconstitutional
CDC and BJA seek participants for virtual roundtables on harm reduction
Commerce issues updated guidance and direction for CARES CRF usage
AWC adopts 2021 City Legislative Priorities
Quarterly state transportation revenue forecast now available
Washington State Tax Structure Work Group to convene in early October
State Legislature hears broadband and digital inclusion issues during committee work session
September Economic and Revenue Forecast isn’t as bad as June
SAO hourly billing rates remain the same for 2021
2020 Census deadline now October 31
OPMA & PRA emergency proclamation extended
Treasury retracts conflicting CRF reporting requirements
2021 minimum wage increases to $13.69
2021 L&I rates announced
Updated OPMA proclamation allows in-person meetings for areas impacted by wildfires
OPMA & PRA emergency proclamation extended to October 1
Fall brings focus on cities’ 2021 legislative priorities
AWC offers central contact list for Eastern WA city leaders
Public comment period for oil transport rulemaking now open
Feds impose eviction moratorium
Secretary of State issues emergency rule increasing 2020 general election costs
Treasury issues conflicting guidance for CARES Act CRF funds
ESD rejects AWC's call to repeal new PFML rule requiring employers to cover medical benefits
IRS issues guidance on Social Security tax deferral
PERC launches the Negotiation Project
JLARC extends public records reporting deadline
Proposed court rules change presence of a defendant requirements
State provides additional CARES Act CRF allocations
Quarterly State Economic Review now available
Joint Transportation Committee hosts Statewide Transportation Needs Assessment Advisory Panel
Take the state’s new broadband speed test
IRS issues guidance on Social Security tax deferral
Update from your AWC government relations director
Primaries, federal action, & 2021 prep – Things aren’t slowing down in August!
Action Alert: Contact your members of Congress – Direct federal funding for cities!
Updates to Prevailing Wage Program
Payroll factor guidance under Stay-at-Home orders
Lodging tax expenditure reporting due soon
New low impact development guide
Joint Transportation Committee releases Statewide Transportation Needs Assessment
Housing Trust Fund announces new grant opportunities
Governor extends eviction moratorium
Access to broadband has become increasingly important during the COVID pandemic
Pension Funding Council recommends lower pension rates
Public records reporting deadline September 1
New public records exemptions for visitor and employee logs
Commerce issues additional guidance for CARES CRF reimbursements
2020 Census to end one month early
OPMA & PRA emergency proclamation update
Senate introduces coronavirus relief proposal
Six takeaways from the CARES Act update from Commerce and the Auditor’s Office
5 takeaways from the Governor’s briefing with city and county leaders
10 tips for working with your legislators
Economic impact of the COVID-19 emergency hit home for cities and the state
OPMA & PRA emergency waivers and suspension extended for one week
Food insecurity ongoing challenge for Washington residents
Webinar to discuss new FCC order on wireless communication facilities
Governor’s Office releases updated proclamation on utility ratepayer assistance and disconnects
Governor Inslee extends Transportation Improvement Program annual update deadlines
Upcoming Public Work Board workshops
OFM releases quarterly transportation revenue forecast
Changes in Washington overtime rules effective July 1
New guidance and audit advice issued for use of CARES funds
Emergency changes to shared work program benefit employers and employees
Update on wetland mitigation guidance
Yet another report proposing to transform Washington’s waste system
New grant program for homeless shelters
Housing Action Plan guidance now available
Partnership opportunity for affordable housing and early learning facilities
Reminder: HB 1406 deadline at the end of the month
2020 Census moves forward despite COVID-19
COVID-19 survey finds big financial impact on Washington cities
New Statement of Policy to be voted on by AWC membership
Cities balance reopening, protecting public health, and conversations about racial equity and policing
State Public Works Board announces June broadband infrastructure webinars
WSDOT Local Programs Biannual 2020 Report
Changes to utility tax disclosures taking effect this month
New PFML rule takes effect soon – AWC advocates for repeal
New public records exemptions begin soon
Additional data breach reporting requirements
OPMA & PRA emergency waivers and suspension extended through June 17
New law impacts state & federal law enforcement actions at court facilities
New sexual assault kit storage requirements
Ecology requests reviewers for updated wetland mitigation guidance
First reports on statewide plastic packaging study released
Grants for affordable multifamily rental housing
Rulemaking to standardize climate impacts assessment for projects begins
Climate change planning grants available
Important HB 1406 deadline approaching
Two federal funding bills propose fiscal relief for cities
Take action: Support flexible, long-term federal funding for cities for COVID-19 response
COVID-19 may result in special session – Talk to your legislators now
PERS 1 one-time benefit increase takes effect July 1
JLARC extends 2019 public records reporting deadline to September
Comments due May 6 for Paid Family & Medical Leave proposed rule changes
Recently released recycling reports highlight producers’ role
New standards for faith organization hosting of homeless
Supreme Court rules that Clean Water Act covers discharges to groundwater
Budget and finance bills going into effect soon
State CARES funds to be shared with Washington cities
Lodging tax expenditure reporting deadline extended
State Auditor’s Office financial reporting deadline extension
Current status of Basic Law Enforcement Academy training
Supreme Court upholds I-976 injunction through appeal
Ask legislators to extend OPMA and PRA waivers beyond May 4
See who signed on to AWC’s letter to the Governor & read the good outcome
Senate approves $484 billion coronavirus funding package
Paid Family & Medical Leave proposed rules could drive up city medical benefit costs
Two housing bills vetoed, including an AWC priority
Governor vetoes $450 million in spending as the state’s budget outlook rapidly changes
Cities need direct and flexible funding to respond to the COVID-19 crisis
COVID-19 fiscal impact survey from NLC – April 3 deadline!
Injunction on I-976 remains in place for now until Supreme Court can rule on stay pending appeal
2020 session begins on an optimistic note and ends on a downbeat
Legislature funds study to expand MAT services in jails
The shadow of Ruckelshaus study on land use policy continues
The year of “net ecological gain”
Homelessness was a budget focus this year
Session started with strong economic forecast, but overshadowed by COVID-19 impacts
Social equity program moves forward, other cannabis bills fail to pass
Progress made on comprehensive culvert approach
Few major infrastructure policies pass while Public Works Trust Fund remains funded
State transportation leaders reckon with cuts due to car tab initiative
Busy and successful session for our housing priority
Bills mostly favorable for supporting general city operations
Exemptions for public employees pass, other PRA bills fail
Short session sees a variety of employee-focused bills
Cities bring attention to tax increment financing, but more work is needed
Public safety summary – Compromise is key
Congress enacts Family First Coronavirus Response Act
Rapid COVID-19 Housing Grant information
COVID-19: OPMA guidance from Attorney General & other resources
Legislature wraps up its work amid COVID-19 emergency
Legislature adopts final supplemental budgets
City officials in D.C. – COVID-19 and more
Trial court affirms I-976 decision and lifts injunction
Transportation budget contains numerous important studies and workgroups
Comprehensive plan timelines bill rescued from the grave
Net ecological gain proviso adopted
Watershed culvert approach gets a major boost
PERS 1 COLA heads to the Governor’s desk for signature
Several bills bring changes to criminal sentencing and protections
Legislature passes bill providing relief and resources for sexually exploited children
Affordable housing bills finalized
Bills impacting human resources make it through the Legislature
Several bills impact general government operations for cities
New training & certification requirements established for corrections officers
Bills increase access to substance use treatments
Administrative Office of the Courts to conduct study and pilot project for vacating convictions
Marijuana Social Equity Program heads for the Governor’s desk
“Block the box” bill passes both Senate and House
Autonomous vehicle testing bill heads to Governor’s desk
Legislature passes bill to help cities dependent on Streamlined Sales Tax mitigation funds
Bill that remits Boeing’s B&O tax preferences passes both chambers
Proposal that increases tourism fee awaits Governor’s signature
Final days of the 2020 session – Sine Die is March 12
Consumer data bill amended to retain preemption and report on city data
House passes amended facial recognition bill with private right of action added
Councilmanic authority to pass sales tax for affordable housing one step closer to law
Bill that would expand tribal property tax exemption passes House and Senate
Two density bills pass the Legislature
C-PACER bill advances through House and Senate
Compost use mandate passes Legislature
Voice your support for the “HB 1406 fix” bill
Proposal authorizing King County to adopt payroll taxes for housing and homelessness is dead
Annexation by interlocal agreement coming soon!
ADU preemption bill approaches floor vote
Legislature advances proposal for dig law updates
LOCAL Program funding cycle now open
Legislation requiring labeling of disposable wipe products passes House & Senate
Faith organization homeless hosting bill passes
Public records employee information exemption makes it through both chambers
Senate adopts amendments adjusting sexual assault kit storage requirements
Adopted amendment brings reasonable change for workers compensation self-insured employers
Bill limiting law enforcement actions at court facilities passes both chambers
Bill allowing for mobile gas operators passes both chambers
Governor ensures workers’ compensation coverage for quarantined health workers and first responders
Second Circuit Court rules that federal government can withhold grant funding
Action Alert: Ask your senators to pass HB 2804 to give cities more economic development tools
Action Alert: Contact your legislators now to pass HB 1590
We are in the homestretch for the 2020 session
Supplemental budget updates with some twists and turns
Short-term solutions used in both Senate and House transportation budget proposals
Bill allocating state resources for sexually exploited children advances
Urban density options bill adds more options!
Bill requires greater transparency for subcontractors on public works projects
Ask your senators to pass HB 1590 to give cities tools to address the housing crisis
Changes to facial recognition legislation require suspension of existing programs
The bill to amend HB 1406 continues to move
Amended bill adjusts rollout of program to vacate criminal convictions
Local Revitalization Financing remains alive in the House – Talking points for city officials
Senate amends PFML bill
State to help pay for elections, potential new costs for cities
Amended workers’ comp bills target employers with additional penalties and requirements
Unrelated home occupants bill is amended and moving
Bill modifies storage requirements allowing police to prioritize sexual assault kits
Bills creating employee personal information exemptions still moving
House and Senate include PERS Plan 1 COLA in budgets
Bill to address chemicals in drinking water
ADU preemption bill changes in committee
Changes to SEPA exemption bill for homeless sheltering
House & Senate release 2020 supplemental budget proposals
Budgets are here!
ADU bills video
Bill establishes pilot program for vacating 8.4 million criminal convictions
Transportation budgets to be released early this week
Revenue forecast predicts additional $606 million this biennium
Bill authorizes King County to adopt payroll taxes for housing and homelessness
Net ecological gain standard is back as a budget proviso
Two bills take different approaches for utility tax disclosure requirements
Bills to ban foam packaging and plastic bags advance
Police performance evaluation preemption bill moves to the House
Senate bill impacting independent medical examinations undergoes significant changes
Exemptions for records requests for employee data move forward
COLA for PERS Plan 1 participants sails through House and Senate
Senate passes bills on closed captioning, form of government elections, & data breach notices
Bill adjusts conflict of interest rules for small cities
Additional changes to onerous facial recognition bill adopted
Cities have a seat at the table to discuss opioid penalties expenditures
Several bills impacting the criminal justice system voted to move to the Senate
Program promoting social equity among cannabis retailers moves forward
Bill providing resources and relief for sexually exploited children moves forward
Bill adds minor changes to resiliency analysis of CETA
New annexation method for code cities moves forward
Bill prohibiting limits of unrelated home occupants passes Senate
GMA climate goal advances
Good housing bills advance, preemption bills lose momentum, but MFTE bill appears dead
Economic development legislation continues to advance
Action Alert! Contact your legislators now to pass Multifamily Tax Exemption
Kicking off the second half of the legislative session
Trial court upholds constitutionality of I-976 on all but two legal challenges
Bill authorizing King County payroll taxes for housing and homelessness in negotiations
Cities encouraged to complete survey on vehicle fleets
DRS and some cities receive large records requests for employee information
Key takeaways from economic and revenue forecast presentation at Mayors Exchange
Bike signal bill passes House
AWC priority bill on local transportation revenue options to be heard
Bill proposes to revise the 1% property tax cap
A bill to amend HB 1406 is advancing
Annexation alternative bill passes House
See why a comprehensive culvert approach makes sense
Wide range of bills impacting public safety and criminal justice advance
Public Works Board announces new workshop and grant opportunities
Electrification of Transportation Systems grants now open for application
Bill returns to regulate how cities allow homeless encampments hosted by religious organizations
New rules proposed for Paid Family Medical Leave program
Ecology’s drought response bill returns
Several human resources related bills advance
SEPA exemption bill for homeless sheltering
Plastic bag ban is back
Legislative session reaches midpoint—action now moves to floor votes
NLC “fly-in” and a voice for cities in D.C.
Your legislators need to hear from you to oppose state mandates of local land use decisions
Thank you for your support for Tax Increment Financing
Update on priority legislation to expand the Multifamily Tax Exemption program
Public records bill amended with adjusted employee information protections
LRF bill moves forward with amendments
Several bills impacting human relations move out of committee
Three problematic workers’ comp bills advance out committee
AWC priority bill on local transportation revenue options heard this week
Legislators amend program promoting social equity among cannabis retailers
Governor’s sheltering bill gets a complete rewrite in committee
Privacy bills move forward with changes
Amended legislation creates real-time verification system for courts
Census Bill of Rights progresses in the House
Changes to facial recognition fails to bring relief for local government
New process proposed for handling sexual assault kits
New amendments to seizure and forfeiture bill
Amended bill reinstitutes polygraph requirement for police
Legislation allowing for immediate fireworks bans is on the move
Sales tax reinvestment program for workforce housing bill
Proposed new SEPA exemptions for infill development
Proposal prohibits rail crews from blocking emergency vehicles
“Net ecological gain” bill improves significantly in committee
NLC released electric scooter and micromobility report with recommendations
Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board releases annual report
Bill to align GMA and SMA planning gets amended in committee
GMA climate goal bill passes out of committee
Week 4 of session with cutoff deadlines looming
Proposal to require cities to disclose utility taxes on billing statements
House bill and joint resolution pave the way for TIF in Washington
Bills modify public records requirements
Bills propose changes to several employee-related programs
New transportation revenue proposal to be heard
Sign up for the introduction to CETA webinar
Increases proposed for business license applications
Legislature considers limiting steel used for public works
Landscape maintenance rulemaking updates
Another bill proposes to change permit application timelines
2020 city B&O tax rates update
Updates to motorcycle parking requirements
Bill adds permanent affordable housing as eligible project for LRF programs
House bill provides greater funding for LRF projects
Streamlined process for changing form of government under consideration
Proposal would increase tourism fee but threaten tourism promotion funding
Compost use mandate amendment needs feedback
Bill requires additional protection of archaeological and cultural sites
JLARC’s lodging tax reporting system open for 2019 reporting
Senate to hear three bills reimposing Initiative 976
Proposal expands exemption to competitive bidding for community service organizations
Several bills propose changes to the criminal justice system
New process for handling sexual assaults kits
Growth Management Hearings Board reform bills diverge
Bill addresses police procedures relating to missing person cases
Legislators consider program promoting social equity among cannabis retailers
New requirements proposed for police seizing contraband from minors
Legislators look to tie county jail funding to MAT requirements
Mobile on-demand gas providers seek state standardization for permitting
New regulations seek to limit cannabis and vapor advertising
Bill seeks to address donation of utility property for affordable housing
Priority bill to expand the Multifamily Tax Exemption program
Shared housing bill up for hearing
Strong city voices filled City Action Days this week
Hoping to make an anonymous land use violation tip? Not so fast
Multiple gun regulation bills considered in the House
Bill allows city-owned utilities to donate low-value surplus property
Bill threatens to preempt cities’ utility lien authority
JLARC’s lodging tax reporting system is officially open for 2019 reporting
New bill modifies marijuana testing protocols during hiring process
Bill restricts ability to consider traffic citation information in officer performance evaluations
Several bills adjust workers’ compensation in Washington
Bill allows for waiving or modifying safety violation penalties incurred during an emergency
New bills clarify municipal authority to set minimum labor standards at airports
Greater access to opioid medication the focus of bills
Senate looks to alleviate burden on indigent defense
House and Senate consider differing facial recognition bills
Bill authorizes electric utilities and PUDs to encourage customer electrification
Bills authorize use of bicycle traffic control signals
Bill requires additional protection of archaeological and cultural sites
Bill authorizes cities to provide passenger-only ferry service
Senate bill proposes to institute per-mile charges on electric and hybrid vehicles
Bill expands use for city traffic safety cameras
LOCAL Program webinar recording and slides now available
Clean air, green streets, carbon sinks…oh my!
House bill outlines new protections and procedures at Washington court facilities
Changes proposed to make it easier for nonprofits providing affordable housing
Bill on local ballot measure committee membership scheduled for a vote
New requirements for fire and smoke control systems testing
Bill encourages pet adoptions over retail pet sales
Converting state environmental policies from “no net loss” to “net ecological gain”
Bill delays implementation of state energy code for two years
Comprehensive climate companion bill will be heard
Mandatory ADU bill back for round two
Three bills look address sexual assault and sexual exploitation among children and youth
Bill expands access to jail records for medical purposes
Governor’s homeless sheltering proposal has first hearing
Multiple bills impacting law enforcement will be heard on the Hill
Proposed state pilot program provides intervention and treatment funding to counties
Bill sets forth new reporting requirements for elected city attorneys
New approach to protecting consumer data
Bill to limit elections in odd-numbered years receives a hearing
Several cannabis bills receive hearings
Bill increases seizure and forfeiture reporting requirements
Proposal to create a home-sharing grant program
Bill to reduce unnecessary SEPA reviews
Three bills affect how impact fees are set
Phasing out single-use plastic food service products
First week of session kicks off with lots of action
Bill establishing facial recognition regulations receives a hearing
I-940 trainings available to law enforcement agencies
Bill proposes major changes to impaired driving statutes
Proposed changes to critical areas for salmon recovery
GMA bill reduces environmental review for density projects
Bill proposes modifications to permit application timelines
Legislators propose new methods to fund needed academy classes
House bill establishes centralized background check system
A new bill aims to modify city election dates
Bill proposes impact fee to fund opioid impact program
Legislators propose changes to police officer hiring process
Senate bill proposes sweeping changes to privacy regulations in Washington
Bill creates additional funding opportunities for local parks
Changes to securing vehicle loads law proposed
Bill codifies how large vehicles use roundabouts
Legislators propose protections for residents during 2020 Census
WSP Crime Lab develops new process for public records requests
Broadband ReConnect Program workshop in Seattle area
Bill proposes C-PACER financing option
Landscape maintenance rulemaking updates
Minor change proposed to resiliency analysis of CETA
New legislation requires labeling disposable wipe products
HB 2145 proposes to remove property tax cap
Bill threatens to preempt cities’ utility lien authority
Department of Revenue releases Local Business Licensing Partnership plan & report
JLARC’s lodging tax reporting system is officially open for 2019 reporting
Hearing on I-976’s constitutionality scheduled for early February
Proposal to align planning updates of GMA and SMA
Bill proposes to limit membership on ballot measure statement committees
Bill proposes to integrate salmon recovery efforts with growth management
Bill proposes increased data breach reporting requirements
Bills propose changes to the state transportation systems policy goals
Proposal to waive utility connection charges for shelters
Bills propose to address climate change through the Growth Management Act
Appointed municipal court judges may be eligible for PERS retirement benefits
State-funded reports highlight benefits of trails
Bill prohibits limits on unrelated occupants living together
Bill requires cities to address illicit discharges from RVs
Accessory dwelling unit bill proponents reaching out to city officials
The 2020 session is finally here!
New density bill will be heard in committee
PERS Plan 1 cost-of-living increase proposed
Proposed bill would restrict city authority to impose business taxes
New bill would expand tribal property tax exemption
Governor’s proposed transportation budget to be heard this week
AWC creates Clean Energy Transformation Act municipal working group
LOCAL Program webinar on financing options for local governments
Two bills propose changes and exemptions to Public Records Act
JLARC publishes 2018 public records request data
Is your city facing litigation related to public records?
WASPC announces RFP for Arrest and Jail Alternatives Grant Program
Restrictions on breed-specific ordinances take effect
2020 Census funds still available for cities
Governor proposes significant new homelessness investments
Rulemaking begins for oil transport
Commerce awards $91.6 million for affordable housing projects
Supreme Court declines to consider Martin v. Boise case
Commerce extends deadline for housing planning grant opportunity
Commerce seeks comments on draft rule for affordable and supportive housing
Do you have a new Complete Streets policy?
Washington still leads as #1 “bike friendly state”
Governor proposes multipronged climate change package
Governor releases supplemental budget proposals
2019 is a wrap – Looking ahead to 2020
OFM offers limited Census 2020 funds for cities
New minimum wage & overtime rules for 2020
Paid Family & Medical Leave benefits available Jan. 1
DRS receives large records request for employee information
National League of Cities announces 2020 advocacy agenda
New guidance in on accounting & reporting for leases
CERB approves over $5 million for community & economic development
NLC releases guide on opportunity zones
Public Works Board approves broadband study grants – See which jurisdictions received funds
Clean Energy Transformation Act rulemaking continues
New safe passing distance law for bicycles & others starts Jan. 1
Recycling Development Center launches
Housing Affordability Breakthrough Challenge
State’s Road Usage Charge recommendations move forward
Washington Supreme Court overturns years of takings law precedent
Commerce awards $1.7 million to help homeless students and families
Grant program to address local culverts accepting proposals
State revenue quarterly forecast updated
Court stays implementation of I-976
AWC responds to I-976 and resources for cities
Last chance to register for Wednesday’s PFML webinar
2019 election results will have far-reaching impacts
Year-end deadline for 46 B&O tax cities to make mandatory tax ordinance updates
CERB funding available
New guidance in accounting for and reporting leases
Sunshine Committee releases 2019 annual report
State affirmative action measure R-88 narrowly defeated
Where does cannabis revenue go?
Clean Energy Transformation Act proposed rules
Final report of Dig Law workgroup released
Public Works Board November meeting review
Order your city materials for the 2020 Census
Make it count! 2020 Census webinar on December 13
Public Works Board schedules public workshops on new broadband service access law
Grant funding offered for fish passage projects
New changes to recently updated Homelessness & Housing Toolkit
WSDOT City Safety Program call for projects
Housing Trust Fund accepting applications for multifamily housing preservation
Grants under HB 1923 awarded to 52 cities
AWC 2020 Legislative Priorities – Now is the time for your city to adopt its legislative agenda
New recommendations for Orca recovery
DOR Releases WA Sales Tax Rate Lookup mobile app
Public Works Board accepting grant applications for broadband project studies
Key takeaways from rural broadband workshop
CERB funding available
AWC webinar on 2019 B&O tax model ordinance
Coming soon: Paid Family Medical Leave benefits begin January 1
Department of Retirement Systems adopts new employer responsibility rules
2020 Census kicks off in less than six months
New NLC report: What cities should know about cybersecurity
Decision deadlines approaching for cities not partnered with FileLocal or state’s Business Licensing Service
Basic Law Enforcement Academy (BLEA) update
Washington Highway User Federation opens registration for annual transportation briefing
Autonomous Vehicle Work Group meets for final time this year
Check out AWC’s resources on the transportation-related Initiative 976
Funding available for new modular, homeless housing projects
Salmon Recovery Act rule changes being considered
Federal transit-oriented planning grants now available
Funding now available for new Defense Community Compatibility grants
Newly revised water system resources for review
Updated guidance on ‘piggybacking’
Preview the 2020 City Legislative Priorities
FCC cable order effective date set
Applications open for Drinking Water State Revolving Fund
Clean Energy Transition Act webinar
State Auditor’s Office hosting free local training
City B&O tax model ordinance update almost finalized
JLARC extends law enforcement mapping survey
AWC launches 2020 Census resource page
$2 million in mental health field response grants awarded to local law enforcement
L&I extends public comment period on new overtime rules
AWC needs your input on draft cannabis legislation
Auditor rolls out tips to help local governments #BeCyberSmart
Personal delivery devices can now be licensed
Grants for HB 1923 close soon
New online resource for affordable housing planning
Update on statewide Drug Take-back Program implementation
Rulemaking proposed for Oil Spill Contingency Rule – New hearing scheduled
Seeking feedback on cannabis related draft bills
Congratulations to the new Speaker of the House
Register for two free webinars covering FCC Order on cable franchising
Initiative 976 headed to voters with potential impacts to state and local transportation funding
Public Works Board approves $85 million in infrastructure loans
Space available at free rural broadband workshops
State Auditor announces hourly billing rate adjustment
Incentivizing the development of commercial office space
New state law incentivizes increased residential building capacity and density
Draft city B&O tax model ordinance sent out for review
L&I seeking feedback on proposed sick leave FAQ
JLARC reporting system reopened until August 28
Measure to repeal affirmative action initiative makes November ballot
The 2020 Census is hiring!
Law enforcement mapping system survey is now open
States & cities clash over potential opioid settlements
Public hearings coming up for proposed building code changes
Drinking Water Consolidation Study grants open
Reminder: Housing Trust Fund soliciting applications for affordable housing projects
Fish Consumption Rule in flux
JLARC recommends modification of the Multifamily Housing Tax Exemption program
Grant application period opens for freight rail capital projects
Guidebook on civilian-military land use now available to community planners
Rulemaking proposed for Oil Spill Contingency Rule
Learn how to advocate for your city during the legislative interim
Updates to City B&O tax model ordinance underway
Setting the stage for 2020
Public defense improvement grant applications open now
Washington Nonprofits and OFM releases 2020 Census resources
Law enforcement grant program due July 19!
PFML premium remittance & reporting due by July 31
Proposed overtime rules scheduled for a series of public hearings
Agency rulemaking begins on prevailing wage for landscape maintenance
NLC Housing Task Force releases report
Ecology releases 2020 water quality project funding list
Joint Transportation Committee hears report on city transportation funding needs
Feds seeking comments on changes to reporting blocked railroad crossings
Housing Trust Fund soliciting applications for affordable housing projects
Ruckelshaus Center releases report of new GMA vision & planning framework
Update on Ecology’s water resource policies
AWC files amicus in support of city rights-of-way in FCC legal challenge
Celebrating our 2019 City Champions and kicking off 2020
National League of Cities releases Micromobility Guide
Statewide initiatives and referenda update
“Keep Washington Working” bill signed into law; amends policy for when law enforcement can provide information to federal immigration authorities
Law enforcement training rulemaking adopted
Governor’s Smart Communities Award winners announced
L&I proposes new overtime rule
JLARC public records reporting now open
HB 1087 establishes new, long-term care insurance program funded by employee premiums
I-1000 to take effect July 28 – no mandates for local government
DRS announces new employer pension contribution rates
PFML premium remittance and reporting begins July 1
B&O tax surcharge on services
Nonresident sales tax changes take effect July 1, 2019
City B&O tax model ordinance update
Attorney General adopts new tribal consent and consultation policy
Ecology launches statewide recycling education campaign – Recycle Right
Rulemaking announced for railroad oil spill planning
New resource to identify project grant and loan funding
Newly passed affordable housing bills require city action on tight timelines
2019 was a solid session for cities – now we look ahead to 2020
Infrastructure funding takes a hit again, but some good news for public works contracting
A busy year for Washington transportation policy
Addressing the behavioral health system: improvements made, more work to be done
Tough budget decisions amid new revenue
Non-housing land use and planning bills
Many open government bills introduced, few become law
Economic development wins and losses
General government grab bag
Plastics, recycling, and orcas drive environmental policy changes for cities
A few major energy policy bills enacted this year
Key public safety and cannabis issues addressed this session
2019 Legislature passes an array of personnel bills
Progress made towards a systems approach to correct fish-blocking culverts
Late breaking proposal stabilizes and strengthens toxic cleanup and prevention systems
Affordable housing takes center stage; slower year on homelessness
Initiative 976 headed to voters; potential impacts to state and local transportation funding
2019 session adjourns on time – a solid session for cities
Legislature reaches deal on final state budget in last days of session
Graduated REET and state service B&O tax bills pass as part of state operating budget revenue package
Late-breaking MTCA bill a big win for cities, but it is not without risk
AWC priority housing bill passes during budget negotiations
Final status of recycling-related bills
Affirmative action initiative passed by Legislature, will become law
New law requires a searchable database of land use decisions
Legislature passed bills heard by Finance Committee on Friday
AWC’s public records reporting fix bill passes Legislature
May 15 is the deadline for submitting 2018 lodging tax reports
Legislature passes Governor’s broadband bill
Sunshine Committee recommendation bill passes Legislature
State passes transportation budget over weekend, heads to Governor
Amended public works bid limit bill passes Legislature
SR-167, I-405 tolling and bonding bill passes Legislature
First-responder occupational disease compromise bill signed by Governor
AWC requests veto on $300 million LEOFF 2 transfer bill
Bill proposing new requirements for state-paid stormwater fees passes Legislature
Firefighters’ pension levy bill passes with modifications
Paint stewardship bill returns from the dead, passes Legislature
Last minute fix made in key density bill
Opioid treatment bill advances to Governor for signature
Trueblood settlement bill unanimously passes Legislature
Hate crimes bill passes Legislature
Legislature passes bill related to informant and eyewitness evidence
Animal fighting bill delivered to Governor
Final week of session is here!
Data tool explores Transportation Benefit District revenues threatened by I-976
Trueblood bill passes House
Tax bills related to operating budget move out of committees
Senate refuses to concur on changes to firefighters’ pension levy bill
$300 million LEOFF 2 transfer bill advances to the Senate
City pavement data reporting reform bill signed into law
Firefighter safety best practices bill signed into law
Bill concerning the electrification of transportation signed into law
Union dues bill passes Legislature
Robot delivery device bill passes Legislature
Motorized foot scooter bill passes Legislature
Affirmative action initiative gets joint hearing in the Legislature
House amends and passes public works bid limit bill
Bill establishing new law enforcement grant program passes Senate
Behavioral health community facilities bill passes House
New legal framework for short-term rentals passes the Legislature
Self-help housing bill passes House without REET exemption
Pollinator habitat protection bill passes Legislature
Parks deannexation bill passes Legislature
House passes Governor’s broadband bill
City support needed to keep AWC’s public records bill alive
Opioid treatment bill passes House
Voluntary site cleanup for housing bill passes Legislature
Drug Take-Back Program rules released for comment
Chemical Action Plan bill passes Legislature
Amended version of 911 local tax option bill passes House
Smoke alarm bill passes House
Domestic violence reform bill passes Legislature
Firearm removal and protection orders bill passes Legislature
House amends and passes bill dealing with property in impounded vehicles
Legislature passes marijuana convictions vacations bill
Wrongful death bill passes Legislature
Final cutoff looms while budget negotiations are ongoing
Help needed to pass public works bid limit bill
Opportunity to join coalition letter of support for AWC priority housing bill
Key density bill passes Senate and retains local authority
Action needed to support MTCA reforms
Bill changing firefighters’ pension levy spending options passes House
Affordable housing development by religious organizations bill amended
Trueblood bill advances in House
Bill sets new state goal for food waste reduction
Broadband access gains momentum in both Washingtons
House committee moves public records availability bill
Opioid treatment bill advances in House
Bill establishing new law enforcement grant program advances
Delivery robot bill passes Senate
Senate amends and passes union dues bill
First-responder occupational disease compromise bill passes Senate
Tiny house communities bill passes Legislature
Priority REET bill passes Legislature
Self-help housing companion bills diverge
Department of Revenue Partnership meetings
Bill addressing impaired driving amended in Senate
2018 lodging tax report deadline approaching
On-site sewage systems bill passes Legislature
B&O tax annual filer and apportionment bills pass
House B&O surcharge proposal potential impacts on city utilities
Bill addressing sexual assault kits passes the Legislature
Three budget messages to deliver to legislators
The home stretch – three weeks left to make an impact
Public works bid limit bill amendments impact small works roster
Bill to increase local option tax to fund 911 services
Status of recycling and plastics reduction bills
Wrongful death bill advances
House PERS 1 COLA bill moves out of fiscal committee
First-responder occupational disease bill passes committee
State Treasurer introduces new online directory of state grant and loan programs
Save the date: Public Records Act University
Broadband bills divert PWTF dollars
Transportation budgets pass both chambers, head to negotiations
Marijuana convictions vacations bill amended in the House
Tiny house communities bill amended to allow student builders
Ecology requests timely changes to drought response
Lone condo liability reform bill retains key elements after passing House
Transparency of local utility taxes bill in House Rules Committee
B&O apportionment bill in Rules Committee
Annual B&O tax filing deadline bill awaiting further action in Senate Rules Committee
Hearing on new tax bills for Senate operating budget
Budgets, budgets, budgets
Senate proposed budgets released & House-proposed budget floor action
Senate budget proposal includes restructuring MTCA
House and Senate transportation budget proposals released last week
House and Senate use PWTF dollars to support broadband efforts
AWC’s economic priority bill scheduled for Ways & Means hearing
House delivery robot bill scheduled for Senate hearing
$300 million LEOFF 2 transfer bills scheduled for executive action
House Transportation Committee to hear bill on state aviation coordination commission
Bill updates multidisciplinary approach to child abuse investigations
Housing issues come into focus in the home stretch
Bill makes changes to hate crimes and creates a workgroup
Bill aims to standardize firearm removal associated with protection orders
Bill defines and establishes requirements for school resource officers
Bill addresses personal belongings in impounded vehicles
Hearing scheduled for bills implementing new House budget taxes & extending tax structure study
House–proposed budgets released
House releases proposed budgets this week
Mobile home park home siting bill improves out of the House
Public works bid limit bill moves to House for public hearing
Public contracting “piggybacking” bill moves to house for hearing
Design-build bidding bill scheduled for Senate committee hearing
Facial recognition and data privacy bill heard in House
Public disclosure exemption bill heard in Senate last week
Cities’ economic development bill needs your help
Property tax cap bill introduced but not yet heard
Annual B&O tax filing deadline bill advances
B&O apportionment bill scheduled to move out of committee
Industrial insurance claim confidentiality bill moves to Senate for public hearing
Bill prohibiting employers from seeking salary history scheduled for Senate hearing
Emergency work zone bill scheduled in Senate Transportation Committee
First-responder occupational disease bill scheduled for hearing
Plastic bag ban and stewardship bills on the move in the House
Bill to count inmates and custodial patients for redistricting purposes
Bill addressing cyber crimes will be heard in Senate
Grandfathering ADU bill will be heard in the House
Bill allows tribal documents to be automatically admissible in court
Bill to address law enforcement coordinated response to missing Native American women
Record number of bills introduced and budget release expected next week
Bump stock buy-back program bill passes and goes into effect immediately
Bill proposes changes to firefighters’ pension levy
Changes to State Auditor reporting requirements
Motorized scooter bill passes House and gets scheduled for Senate public hearing
AWC-supported pavement data reporting bill set for Senate hearing
New LEOFF 2 pension bills introduced
Bill proposing new requirement on state paid stormwater fees scheduled for House hearing
First-responder occupational disease compromise bill set for Senate hearing
First quarter PFML payment and reporting changed to July 31
Sunshine Committee bill scheduled for Senate public hearing
AWC’s public records reporting improvement bill scheduled for Senate hearing
Bill that would eliminate advisory votes on tax increases set for committee vote
Public records exemption bill scheduled for Senate public hearing
Hearing scheduled for B&O apportionment bill
Status of affordable housing bills at cutoff
Change to B&O tax deadline for annual filers passes House
ADU bills continue to improve for cities
Bill requiring smoke detection devices advances to the House
Round up of land use bills after cutoff
Opioid treatment bill moves to the House
Summary of environmental bills at cutoff
Transparency of local utility taxing districts bill amended
Bill to encourage pollinator habitat passes Senate
Density bill improves for cities
Enhanced State Treasurer services moving forward with a change
Vacating cannabis misdemeanor convictions bill advances
Watch legislator profile videos on TVW
Bills addressing protection orders advance
Bill to provide immunity from prostitution charges in limited circumstances advances
Bill that requires actions by officers in response to domestic violence continues to move
Bill that helps fire departments recover cleanup costs passes House
Bill concerning criminal penalties for licensed marijuana retailers moves to Senate
Bill addressing impaired driving statutes moves to the Senate
New prevailing wage rates for landscape maintenance
2019 Session passes the halfway mark
Wayfair implementation increases city sales tax collections
Bill to expand alternatives to arrest, creates grant program, advances to Senate
Ecology’s recycling market response bill passes the House
Plastic product stewardship bill passes Senate in very different form
Narrowed version of SEPA exemption bill for homeless housing passes Senate
Public works contracting modernization bill passes out of Senate
PFML technical fix moves to Senate
Community forest bill passes out of Senate as a pilot program
Trueblood settlement bill advances
New transportation package, Forward Washington, moves out of committee
Senate passes privacy bill limiting use of facial recognition technology
Public records exemption bill passes House
Progress made on AWC’s public records reporting bill
Update on our BLEA priority
Bill clarifies role of municipal courts to enter temporary protection orders
Open public meeting expansion bill waiting for vote
House passes expansion of volunteer firefighter pension benefits
House passes rural development and opportunity zone bill
Bill to provide for a continuum of care for behavioral health patients advances
Wrongful death bill passes Senate
Proposal to allow tiny house communities passes Senate
Animal fighting bill advances
Public works bills passed House and heading to Senate
Plastic bag and straw bills pass Senate
On-site sewage systems bill passes Senate
Two condo liability reform bills switch to other chamber
Found property bill passes House
House heard proposed changes to Voting Rights Act
Focus is on floor action, while budget challenges continue to loom
Proposed changes to Voting Rights Act pass Senate
Density bill gets worse for cities coming out of the Appropriations Committee
Status of bills on homelessness at cutoff
Status of affordable housing bills at cutoff
Summary of environmental bills after first cutoff deadlines
Status of public safety and criminal justice bills
Union dues bills progress in Legislature
Delivery robot bills move out of House and Senate transportation committees
Motorized foot scooter regulation bills move forward
Wrongful death bills advance
Cannabis bills that have died
L&I responds to AWC petition for emergency prevailing wage rulemaking
Some cannabis bills advance
SEPA exemption bill for temporary shelters and encampments continues to move
Round up of land use bills after cutoff
Governor’s broadband bills on the move
Local government records reporting bill advances
Wayfair implementation increases city sales tax collections
Bill reauthorizes tax structure work group and adds city voice
First cutoff passes – Now it’s time to start talking about the budget
AWC testifies in opposition to pension bill
State bank proposal introduced, but fails to advance
Legislature to hold hearings on I-976, limiting state and local taxes, fees, and TBDs
New 10-year transportation funding package proposed in the Senate
U.S. Supreme Court decides excessive fines forfeiture case against state
Pavement condition data reporting bill set for public hearing
Senate transportation network company bill set for hearing has preemptive provisions
Modernization of government procurement update
Call to action on AWC’s economic development bill
Legislative records bill dies in committee, but several others move forward
Clarifying “piggybacking” requirements
ADU bills diverge in the House and the Senate
House substitute version of density bill passes first hurdle
Fiscal committees begin hearing housing priority bills
Bill aims to codify Boise case on rights of homeless to survive
Bill addressing impaired driving continues to move
Bill that proposes to modernize business crimes passes House
Bill to help survivors of trafficking and prostitution passes out of House
Legislature approaches first cutoff deadline as Olympia thaws out
New “livability” density bill introduced, will be heard this week
AWC priority housing investment bills continue to move and need your support!
Another graduated REET for housing bill
Another set of ADU bills
Bill incentivizes cities to establish housing affordability zones
Bill would create community forest grant program
After a snow delay, Multifamily Tax Exemption bills will be heard
Substitute version of HPA and bulkheads bill moves forward
Senate version of plastic packaging stewardship bill on the move
Updates on public disclosure exemption bills
House committee to hear bill on local government ranked choice voting
Public hearing held on legislative records bill
Opioid treatment bills advance, adds requirements for jails
Bill to address placement of sexually violent predators scheduled for hearing
PERS 1 COLA bill gets public hearing rescheduled
Bills to address hate crimes and add criteria for protection orders
Legislation to protect minors from sexual exploitation
Bills to protect animals scheduled for public hearings
Bill makes changes to driving with a suspended license laws
Motorized foot scooter companion bill
Utility lien bill gets new title and bill number
Hauler recycling bill up for a hearing in the Senate
State considers opportunities to reinvest in critical infrastructure challenges
Bill to allow municipal cannabis retail gets a hearing
Snow closes the Capitol
Motorized foot scooter bill to be heard this week
Watch testimony on one of AWC’s priorities – culvert funding
Bill to regulate religious homeless encampments returns
Bill would create a new legal framework for short-term rentals
Bill restricts annexation covenants for utility services
Companion short plat bill will be heard
B&O tax filer deadline to align with federal tax day
Bill expanding uses for city traffic safety cameras set for hearing
Bill to require public fleets to become electric by late 2020s
Bill would turn Public Works Trust Fund into State Infrastructure Bank
Public records inspection availability bill set for hearing
House to hear bill on restricting weapons in libraries and parks
AWC’s economic development bill amended and voted out of committee
Hearing set for legislative public records bill
Bill makes changes to Growth Management Hearings Board
Local tax flexibility
Proposed changes to public works bidding process
Public works contracting bill updates
Companion Park Benefit District bill gets a hearing
Bills to restore Public Works Trust Fund for infrastructure receive hearings
Small city Multifamily Tax Exemption bill to be heard in Ways & Means
Basic Law Enforcement Academy wait times reduction bill moves
Paid Family & Medical Leave technical fix bill gets second hearing
First-responder occupational disease bills get hearings
Committee to hear bill on PERS 1 COLA
House’s version of a housing and density bill is introduced
Bill would help fire departments recover cleanup costs
Firearm seizure and restricted access related to domestic violence and protection orders
Preemption of cities ability to impose employee-based taxes
Bill proposing community service for litterers advances
AGO request bill would consolidate traffic LFOs
New bills would restore PWTF resources
Recycling market response bills offer a mix of solutions
Open meetings bill scheduled for public hearing
Bill proposes new requirement on state paid stormwater fees
Municipal electric utilities planning efforts for transportation electrification
Proposal to increase fines for violators of High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes
Bills to secure funding for the Transportation Improvement Board
Proposed changes to city pavement conditions reports
Cities banned from attaching some utility liens
Bills related to union dues collection and union security scheduled for hearings
Bill prohibiting employers from seeking salary history scheduled for hearing
Survey for elected officials on experiences with Target Zero
Proposal to change GMA urban services definition
GMA housing element expansion bill
Tiny homes bill receives a hearing
AWC-supported public records bill scheduled for hearing
New local housing revenue ideas emerge
Bills affecting public works contracting thresholds
A new minimum density bill, with implications for Sound Transit
Bill to authorize financing for local government infrastructure
Two Sunshine Committee bills scheduled for Friday hearing
Legislature to hear bills restricting government use of new technologies
Law enforcement behavioral health grant bill gets public hearing
Bill creating efficiencies in adoption of council-manager government scheduled for hearing
Cities testify in support of AWC’s economic development priority bill
Nonprofit homeownership development companion bill will be heard
Senate version of wrongful death bill advances
Bill regulates use of automated license plate recognition systems
Bill authorizes creation of a municipal police district
Bill allows local governments to receive a cannabis retail license
Call before you dig bill
2018 Lodging tax expenditure data reporting site now open
I-940 “fix” bill passes Legislature
Simplification of B&O tax apportionment
More than 1,400 bills have been introduced so far in 2019
Three bills address barriers to building condos
Governor’s request energy efficiency bill up for a hearing
Smoke alarm bill may create unfunded mandate
Orca task force recommendation bill on HPA and bulkheads
Self-help housing bill has House companion
REET bill introduced in the House
The House adds more bills expanding property tax exemption for affordable housing
Bills addressing affordable housing development by religious organizations
AWC priority bill encouraging investments in affordable & supportive housing
Bill streamlines annexations of unincorporated islands
“Best available science” for critical area planning bill is heard
Bill proposes changes to mobile home park home siting
Cannabis home grow and delivery bills to be heard
Food truck bill gets a hearing
I-940 “fix” bill passes the House
Bill authorizes regulation of the open carrying of firearms in public meetings
Senate version of wrongful death bill advances
Two pension bills scheduled for public hearings
Legislators introduce Governor’s behavioral health bills
Rural development and opportunity zone act scheduled for hearing
Committee will hold hearing on broadband expansion bill
AWC economic development priority bill set for public hearing
AWC seeking city feedback on facial recognition privacy bill
Treasurer’s proposal to provide enhanced investment services
Bills address voluntary cleanup of contaminated properties
Prohibition on local governments’ toll authority
Military surplus vehicle bill to be heard
Creation of parks benefit districts provides new revenue options
Hearings on sidewalk delivery devices
Bill allows certain cities to directly impose lodging tax
Work underway to address “unintended consequences” of prevailing wage changes
2019 Legislative Session starts off with a fast pace
Bill creates a private right of action for motorcycle profiling
Chemical Action Plans bill scheduled for Thursday
Foreclosure protection efforts continue this session
Several bills address the proliferation of plastics
Proposed changes to the Voting Rights Act
Several bills expand property tax exemption for affordable housing
Self-help housing sales tax and REET exemption bill up for a hearing
Bill proposes to extend city authority to use REET for housing and homelessness
Wrongful death bills are back this year
Bill proposes to raise the burden of proof in forfeiture hearings
Bill proposing community service for litterers gets a hearing
Senate version of public defense funding bill will be heard
A flurry of Growth Management Act bills in the Senate
Bill to reduce wait time for basic law enforcement training gets a hearing
Public works small works roster bill to be heard
FMSIB annual report
Transportation cameras bill allows use in prosecution of crimes
Senate Remote Testimony Pilot Program expanded to public
Bill restricting cannabis business siting is scheduled for a committee vote
Cannabis home grows bill gets a hearing
I-940 “fix” bills are on the fast track
Senate work session on draft transportation package
Washington infrastructure receives a “C” grade
Adult family home bill gets a public hearing
New legislation requires prepaid postage for all elections
NLC comments on Opportunity Zones tax breaks
Hearing held on Sunshine Committee recommendations bill
Injured worker benefit payment bill set for hearing
Firefighter safety bill scheduled for hearing
Bill would allow state to invest pension assets of first-class cities
Secretary of State certifies I-976, car tab initiative, to Legislature
Bill creates a pilot for cities to hire homeless
Sign on to support funding for homelessness prevention
2019 Legislative Session is here!
Settlement approved in Trueblood case
Study bill to create a disaster planning work group
Hearing scheduled for public defense services funding bill
Governor announces initiative to pardon marijuana misdemeanors
Initiative 940 "fix" bills scheduled for a hearing
Bill restricting cannabis business siting gets a hearing
Transparency of local taxing districts
DRS releases annual financial report on state pension systems
DRS announces 2019 retirement planning seminars for public employees
JLARC releases public records data brief
AWC will file amicus supporting city rights-of-way
I-976 aims to reduce motor vehicle fees & limit Transportations Benefit Districts
Local governments are eligible for Automated Driving System demonstration grants
Premiums have begun – Cities have unanswered PFML implementation questions
A mixed review of the Governor’s proposed budget
Governor releases 2019 budget proposals
Orca Task Force’s recommendations highlighted in Governor’s budget
State Auditor’s Office updates
Governor announces proposal on clean energy and reducing greenhouse gases
Sixteen rural cities receive 2018 CDBG awards
Labor & Industries proposing updated rules that could double overtime exemption threshold
Prefiled bill proposes additional restrictions to cannabis business siting
New year, new leave law: PFML premium collection begins in 2019!
Governor announces plan to significantly increase community-based behavioral health treatment system
WFOA announces 2019 class schedule
Prevailing Wage Agency system updates
City transportation needs discussed at recent Joint Transportation Committee
Commerce releases new buildable lands report guidelines
Round two of Behavioral Health Facilities grant program opens
The mid-term elections and Washington cities
WSDOT survey for users of Interstate 5 in Thurston County
AWC response to FCC franchise rule making
Eyman submits initiative to reduce car tabs
Archives offers free public records trainings
Public Records Task Force hears from local government leaders
Opportunity Zones provide investment incentive for low-income areas
ESD releases PFML toolkit to assist employers
New law may require your agency to send child support payments electronically
Select Committee on Pension Policy votes in support of Plan 1 COLA
Online tool shows local student homelessness data
Provide feedback to Ecology on update to Critical Aquifer Recharge Area Guidance
Initiative 940 – What happens next?
Commerce hosts final workshops on civilian-military compatibility planning
Deadline approaches for cities to adopt the model license threshold
House Finance Committee briefing on B&O tax apportionment workgroup report
New FCC rules preempt cities on small cell deployment
FCC proposes new rules on cable franchise fees
Senate Republicans propose behavioral health package
AWC fights for local decision-making in new amicus brief
Streamflow restoration grant application closes October 31
Bothell and AWC advocate for new economic development tools
EAP overtime exemption rulemaking underway
Select Committee on Pension Policy discusses potential Plan 1 COLA
Public records task force holds second meeting
Feeling overwhelmed by cybersecurity? Check these resources
Do you have ash trees in your parks or streetscapes? Read this
Statewide inventory of untested sexual assault kits complete
Spots available at SAO BARS Roundtable events
Commerce hosting civilian-military compatibility planning workshops
B&O tax apportionment workgroup report completed
AWC collecting information on city adoption of the model license threshold
Final weeks to comment on Western WA stormwater manual
Reminder: Draft stormwater permits workshops & webinars
Innovations and Partnerships in Transportation Conference
AWC finalizes 2019 Legislative Priorities
Budget and campaign season are in full swing
New prevailing wage rates creating sticker shock for cities
Public records task force holds first meeting
The Puget Sound Action Agenda is open for public comment
B&O tax apportionment workgroup nearing final recommendations
Planning for small cell wireless infrastructure
CERB rural broadband program accepting loan grant applications
Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation information session
Deadline approaching for BLS partner cities to adopt model license provisions
Drug take-back program in rulemaking
Ninth Circuit decision on criminalizing homelessness
ESD is seeking city feedback on PFML Phase 3 rules
I-940 will go to the ballot
Municipal stormwater permits out for comment
Limited grant opportunity – Quality indigent defense assessments
Tips for using the legislature’s website for bill information
Welcome to View from the Hill!
Paid family and medical leave is coming to Washington – is your city ready?
AWC participates in Autonomous Vehicle Work Group subcommittees
Settlement reached in Trueblood case
Bellevue resolution honors Chinese-American veterans
Reports submitted to the Legislature on domestic violence reforms
USDA public works funding for rural communities
Public Works Board accepting loan applications
New rulemaking and guidance under the Streamflow Restoration Act
Business license cities must adopt a mandatory model threshold by Jan. 1
B&O tax apportionment workgroup needs feedback from B&O cities
Additional city corrections employees now eligible for PSERS
Employee retirement contribution rates to increase
Cities successfully report public record data under new mandate
Grid modernization bidders’ conference
Net metering update
Public Works Board loan approvals
Summer brings opportunity to dive into legislative issues
Lodging tax update
Visualizing housing costs in Washington
City B&O tax apportionment workgroup
Supreme Court ruling in Janus v. AFSCME will impact city labor relations
JLARC records reporting reopened until July 27
Phase two Paid Family and Medical Leave rulemaking is underway
Take the survey to help strengthen rural businesses in our state
Ecology releases water resources guidance
New AGO resources for human trafficking survivors
City transportation task forces begin their work
Updated Critical Areas Handbook now available
Commerce kicks off civilian-military compatibility planning project
WSDOT’s Consolidated Grant Program accepting applications
Review & comment on Ecology draft stormwater manuals
National workshop explores automated vehicles
Select Committee on Pension Policy recommends rate change
Federal legislation preempting the rights of cities
I-1639: Gun violence prevention
I-1631: Clean air clean energy
I-1634: Taxation of groceries
U.S. Supreme Court issues long-awaited opinion on collecting remote sales tax
Special message from the AWC CEO
AWC’s legislative priorities process underway
Join state officials in discussion on Trueblood proposed agreement
Learn more about the Pacific Northwest Regional Economics Conference
Equal Pay Opportunity Act takes effect
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund intended use plan
U.S. Attorneys highlight black market cannabis in OR & WA
Workgroup considers expanding Don’t Drip and Drive program statewide
Supreme Court will hear I-940 case
Nutrient forum update
New draft guidance for riparian ecosystems may present concerns
U.S. Supreme Court deadlock on culverts case: Ninth Circuit decision remains the law
July 1 deadline for new JLARC public records reporting
I-940: Law enforcement training and community safety
Statewide initiatives and referenda
Saying thanks & getting ready for the long 2019 legislative session
Puget Sound Nutrient Forum begins their work
See the results of most comprehensive municipal stormwater survey ever
Business license threshold input from business community
Next phase of work on water issues begin
Governor’s staff convenes broadband discussion
The Attorney General’s Office updates public disclosure model rules
Local Records Grant Program applications open soon
Local government public records consultation
JLARC public records reporting system open
Minimum wage exemption rulemaking in progress
ESD updates on Paid Family and Medical Leave rulemaking
AWC participates in state behavioral health reform discussions
House Rural Democratic Caucus meets with local rural stakeholders
FCC presentation on challenging mobile data availability
Housing affordability concerns reaching a boiling point
Alternative fuels for fleet vehicles mandate begins in June
Deadline for reporting lodging tax fast approaching
AWC highlights city infrastructure needs during Infrastructure Week
Register now! BUILD Transportation Grants webinars
Solid waste handling rule delayed
Improving recycling in response to China’s ban
Department of Revenue Partnership Meetings
Five things you can expect from AWC
Voting Rights Act resources now available
Culverts case heard in U.S. Supreme Court
Court of Appeals upholds county’s cannabis ban
Legislature’s action on police initiative ruled unconstitutional
Favorable court decision on recreational immunity
City B&O tax service apportionment workgroup
Business license threshold feedback from cities & business community
USDOT replaces TIGER grant program
Road-rail study work continues
Streamlined Sales Tax (SST) Advisory Committee
CERB introduces new rural broadband program
L&I taking input on new minimum wage exemption rules
JLARC updates public records data reporting
AG releases two new workplace rights guides
Archives offering free records management trainings
Poulsbo hosts Co-Responder Summit
Infrastructure week is May 14-21
2017 Lodging tax expenditure data due soon
Local government partnership meetings
Governor approves Opportunity Zones
Register for AWC’s Voting Rights Act webinar
Recreation and Conservation Funding Board (RCFB) grant application deadline
Soliciting Legislative Priorities Committee members
Cities come out strong in 2018
About the 2018 Session Recap
Federal Legislative Priorities update
Two dozen energy & utility bills fail to advance
City priorities found key support in budget, yet some issues remain
A surprise ending to small cell technology discussions
Mixed bag on land use & environmental issues
Housing, homelessness, & human services successes & frustrations
Session outcomes for Voting Rights Act & wrongful death statutes
PERS 1 COLA passes, but few other pension changes
Transportation legislative summary
Economic development gains legislative attention
Public works benefit from capital budget passage
Body camera bill passes, but no others
No significant change for state cannabis laws
After years of stymied progress, many HR & labor bills pass
Some key public safety issues tackled this session
Marijuana excise tax distribution increasing
Applications for tax incentive Opportunity Zones now available
Cities come out strong 2018 session
2018 Capital budget supplemental highlights
Last-minute activity on energy bills unsuccessful
Legislature passes operating budget
AWC letter to the Legislature regarding task force on legislative public record disclosure reform
Broadband bill fails to pass the Legislature
Behavioral health investments from the 2018 regular legislative session
Wrongful death bill that would have expanded city tort liability died
Joint legislative task force on sexual assault exams extended one more year
Attorney General’s Office updates Public Records Act Model Rules
First-responder occupational disease bill fails to make it through the Legislature
Initiative 940, concerning the use of deadly force by law enforcement, and a bill amending it pass the Legislature
Bill buys time for dealing with yard waste in apple maggot areas
Impact fees waived for homeless shelters
LIFT bill passes Legislature
Tourism bill gets big appropriation boost
Sound Transit “fix” will have to wait
Transportation budget passes Legislature
PERS 1 COLA headed to Governor’s desk
Session ends on March 8 – How are city priorities doing?
Legislature agrees to convene a task force for recommendations on legislative public record disclosure reform in 2019
A surprising turn of events for small cell bill
PERS 1 cost of living increase takes another step forward
Apportionment workgroup
"Ban the Box" bill passes the Legislature but must be included in the budget to become law
Lodging tax 2017 expenditure data collection begins
AWC-supported body worn cameras bill passes the Legislature
First responder PTSD bill passes the Legislature
Bill expanding search warrant jurisdiction of specific municipal courts passes Legislature
LFO bill passes the Senate
Bill establishes prevailing wage rate based on collective bargaining contracts
Unit priced bill passes Legislature
State routes bill headed to Governor's desk
Aviation loan bill needs your help
Drug take-back collection program going statewide
Homeless housing bill moves out of Senate
Washington Voting Rights Act passes Legislature
Submit your project for a planning award by March 16
Washington Voting Rights Act is a step closer to becoming law
Senate and House pass supplemental budgets off the floor
Bills & budget items in focus as adjournment nears March 8.
Second draft of rules for Paid Family & Medical Leave now available for comment
Small cell bill deemed necessary to implement the budget
Voting Rights Act awaits floor vote in the House.
ICC proposed building code changes to expand the use of mass timber for tall wood buildings
Human services data story
Key homelessness bills move
Senate and House both release supplemental capital budgets
City option to extend state property tax exemption to local levy lid lift
Wrongful death bill that expands city tort liability passes House committee
Proposed budget summary of criminal justice training funding
Initiative 940, concerning the use of deadly force by law enforcement, receives hearing
House and Senate introduce transportation budgets
Costly first responder occupational disease bills pass out of House committee.
Tourism bill still moving, gets big appropriation boost
Get involved in Ecology’s toxic cleanup rule update
Supplemental budget proposals released
A week that really matters
Sales and use tax flexibility bill continues to roll through the Legislature
Shared revenue interactive tool
Voting Rights Act on its way to enactment - Critical city improvements not included
Carryover bill that affects a convicted defendant's legal financial obligations continues to move this session
Broadband and Small Cell Networks
Changes to aquatic lease terms
AWC-supported body worn cameras bill passes out of Senate
Business license threshold workgroup
Request a Public Record Consultation from the Attorney General's Office
Bill limiting city authority to ban marijuana businesses is dead for now
Updates regarding JLARC's public record performance metrics now available
Wrongful death bill that expands city tort liability is still alive and moving
Costly first responder occupational disease bills continue to move
Local taxing districts transparency bill moves forward
COLA increase for PERS 1 and TRS 1 moves out of the Senate
Ride share bill fails to advance after crucial cutoff
Bill addressing state route population threshold requirements on the move
Checking in on electric utility bills
New building code requirements for areas prone to wildfire
Bill to expand multifamily property tax exemptions moves to House
Pilot program to help cities control the spread of apple maggots
New funding source for small airport infrastructure
Bill seeks to reduce environmental impacts of firefighting foam
2018 Supplemental budgets and revenue
Housing, homelessness, and human services update after cutoff
Opioid use disorder prevention and treatment
AWC & partners’ infrastructure report gains traction
The time is right to remind legislators that new policy initiatives have local costs
Bills to simplify annexation of “islands” move forward, with some changes
City priority House Bill 1570 passes major milestone
Bill requiring cities to itemize taxes on utility bills moves to rules
Three bills supporting individuals suffering from mental health pass out of the House
State approved for $112.7 million in VW lawsuit
Building business ecosystems bill likely dead
Unit price contracting bill passes Senate, onto the House
House and Senate pass bills addressing Sound Transit 3 costs
Only one rideshare bill survives cutoff
Numerous labor relations bills continue to move
Bill limiting city authority to ban marijuana businesses survived committee cutoff dates
First responder occupational disease bills awaiting floor action
State Actuary projects pension contribution rates to be lower in 2021-23
Bill clarifying use of evidence of law enforcement officer misconduct survives committee cutoff
Voting Rights Act bill rescheduled for committee action on Thursday
City priorities and issues of concern at the halfway point
Voting Rights Act bill scheduled for committee action on Wednesday
Bill changes how law enforcement may seize property in civil asset forfeiture cases
Bill that encourages disclosure of sexual harassment in the workplace passes out of committee
Bill giving cities greater flexibility with sales tax and levy lid lifts in House Rules Committee
Bill to create study on state and local property taxes heard
Bill would set disclosure requirements for utility bills
First responder occupational disease bills pass out of committee
AWC-supported body worn cameras bill passes out of committee
Local Records Grant Program accepting applications until February 28
Public defense funding bill has passed first hurdle
Bill limiting city authority to ban marijuana businesses passes out of committee
Mandatory minimum density bill appears to die
Prescription drug take-back bill poised for action in the House
Bills to provide funding for mental health first responders pass out of committee
Military land use compatibility bill hits snag in House, moves in Senate
Senate local option levy lid lift exemption bill moves
Housing, homelessness and behavioral health bill status updates
Both wrongful death bills expanding city tort liability pass out of committee
Bill would increase population threshold for enhanced state route maintenance responsibilities
Bill seeking to incentivize commercial office space development on the move
Bill seeks to address disposal costs of abandoned recreational vehicles on public property
What city officials heard in Olympia
Senate’s Voting Rights Act bill being considered in House committee
House proposes state B&O tax reform for small businesses
Bill clarifying use of evidence of law enforcement officer misconduct has hearing in the Senate
Bills address definition of veteran when determining eligibility for plan membership
Bill would allow for sewer extensions in rural areas for economic development
Hearings scheduled for bills to provide funding for mental health and law enforcement co-response programs
AWC-supported body cameras bill has a hearing this week
Records management training calendar now posted
AWC supports bills that would “codify” revenues for important transportation funding programs
Bill would establish Lend Washington program to facilitate local infrastructure investment
Paid Family & Medical Leave public meeting on draft rules
Resolution on capital budget and water issues finally happens
City officials express their support for local infrastructure financing bill
Dueling Lyft and Uber bills make first public appearance in 2018
Housing and homelessness bill updates
Ways & Means to hear local housing option to exempt property tax
Legislators need to hear from you!
Both chambers have heard and are considering expansion of wrongful death liability proposals
Legislature takes action on capital budget, funds Public Works Trust Fund
Senate passes substitute version of Voting Rights Act bill; House considering its own substitute
Affordable housing and homelessness bills on the move
Bill would authorize fees to cover long-range planning
Annexation bill of concern to get hearing in House committee
Bill on body worn cameras introduced last week
Companion bills that would simplify island annexations up for hearing this week
Two marijuana bills that impact cities have hearing
Bill would require cities to develop ADA on-street parking plans
Hearing scheduled for public defense funding bill
Cities support bill that would allow greater certainty in selling off-street parking
Bill would align LIFT program with LRF
Cities support revived tourism bill
Local Records Grant Program now accepting applications
Senate Ways & Means to hear three bills on PERS 1 COLA increases
City priority: Homelessness, housing, & human services
Short Session - Little time to solve big issues
AWC supports bill aimed at improving participation by minority and women-owned businesses in public works contracts
Two bills related to small cells to get hearings this week
Voting Rights Act bills heard – Senate committee passes a substitute bill
Bills to address the opioid crisis set for hearing
Document recording fee bill gets public hearing
Impact fee deferrals for low-income housing
A trio of marijuana bills that impact cities will be heard in the House
Elimination of the statutory limit for net metering
Bill would provide multifamily tax exemption for unincorporated UGAs
Senate version of wrongful death bill will be heard on Thursday
New affordable housing proposals get hearings
First responder presumptive disease bills to be heard in the House and Senate
Religious property zoning bill comes back
Extending and amending transit-oriented SEPA tool
Bill to allow cities to utilize unit-priced contracts up for public hearing
Bill requires railroads to give notice to communities when planning actions
Bill would increase, but limit access to Main Street Program
Cities oppose bill that would add new reporting requirements on public works projects
Paid Family & Medical Leave draft rules available for comment
2018 session likely to be brief and concise – Cities hope for help to prosper and care for those less fortunate
Hearings on Governor’s proposed state budget
Bill limiting city authority to ban marijuana businesses has early hearing
U.S. Attorney General withdraws federal government’s non-enforcement stance against states with legalized marijuana
Governor’s proposed water bill scheduled for Senate hearing
Sunshine Committee recommendations bill on Public Records Act is set for an early hearing
New wrongful death bill to be heard in House this week
Bill to prohibit employers from asking about arrests or convictions will be heard in the House
Bill to address gender pay equity scheduled for hearing
Military land use compatibility proposal returns
Low-income housing property tax bill heard again
Bill seeks to specify compliance with apprenticeship utilization requirements
Public Depository Task Force finishes work – Treasurer’s Office & OFM make recommendations
Hearings scheduled for Voting Rights Act bills that could impact how city councilmembers get elected
Legislators return in 2018 with different expectations and challenges – what might it mean for cities?
NLC: Net neutrality is just the tip of the preemption iceberg
AWC board finalizes legislative priority to address behavioral health challenges
Governor’s 2018 budget includes increased law enforcement training
Streamlined sales tax mitigation advisory committee meeting
Another bill seeks to implement a Washington Voting Rights Act
Liquor and Cannabis Board releases marijuana home grow report
PERS/TRS 1 COLA recommended by the Select Committee on Pension Policy
Paid Family and Medical Leave rulemaking begins this month
Joint Transportation Committee hears assessment on Transportation Commission
AWC works to develop its economic development priority
Governor releases 2018 supplemental budget proposal
Apportionment workgroup
Business license workgroup
2018 City Legislative Priorities
Control of the state Senate shifts –
How might it impact cities?
Workgroup reviewing Washington’s civil asset forfeiture laws
Capital budget remains locked up
Public records performance metrics in HB 1594 - Guidance expected soon
Business license workgroup
Business license portal participation
Apportionment workgroup
Streamlined sales tax studies
City leaders present at rural jobs summit
"State bank" task force to produce report by the end of the year
Innovations and Partnerships in Transportation Conference is December 5 in Tacoma
Early action on state Voting Rights Act legislation expected in 2018 session
Webinar on new paid sick leave law taking effect January 2018
DRS releases updated guidance on the new LEOFF 2 "third party contract rule"
Washington State Supreme Court hearing to review state’s McCleary case progress scheduled for Oct. 24
City-County Assistance Account 2018 estimates released
B&O tax apportionment task force meeting update
Streamlined sales tax (SST) mitigation committee input needed
Tax reform heats up in the other Washington – SALT on the table
AWC participates in APWA conference
Ecology seeking input on municipal stormwater permits
State releases draft freight system plan
Joint policy summit on gang prevention and intervention in Tacoma on Nov. 1
Liquor & Cannabis Board studying legalized marijuana home grows – Comments due by Oct. 11
Police body camera task force continues to meet, report due by end of year
LCB studying options for recreational marijuana home grow
WSDOT soliciting feedback on Freight System Plan
AWC will be active participant in Ruckelhaus Center’s Roadmap to the Future
Ways to engage as AWC prepares 2018 Legislative Priorities
State agency engaging in new rulemaking on occupational lead exposure
Register for joint summit on gang prevention and intervention, co-hosted by AWC
Rulemaking continues on new I-1433 paid sick leave requirement
AGO proposes changes to public records Model Rules, deadline for initial comment September 29
Task forces on business licenses and B&O tax apportionment begin work
Capital budget update
AWC participates in housing tools conversation
Road mile usage charge study underway
New LEOFF 2 contribution change for third party contracts, timeline update from DRS
Rulemaking continues on new I-1433 paid sick leave requirement – public comment deadline 9/1
New LEOFF 2 contribution change for third party contracts, new policy under scrutiny
Small cell facilities were a hot topic this session
Unexpected excitement in the transportation world
Big issues talked about in public safety & criminal justice
Significant developments in personnel and pensions in 2017
Marijuana highlights from the 2017 session
Big win for AWC, priority public records laws pass this year
Public Works Trust Fund lives on
Some progress made on affordable housing and homelessness
School siting, buildable lands and GMA review addressed during 2017 session
Some positive steps forward on the economic development front
Several city priorities addressed in 2017-19 operating budget & revenue package, including internet sales tax, but disappointing outcome on property tax cap
How to use the 2017 legislative session recap
2017 session recap: It took a record-breaking 193 days to finish, there’s still no capital budget, but overall, city issues were mostly addressed
Third special session ends without passage of a capital budget
New law may require you to update responsible bidder forms
New distracted driving bill now in effect
Liquor and Cannabis Board releases 2017 legislative fact sheets
Preliminary guidance on new public records reporting requirements
Budget includes new LEOFF 2 state/employer contribution shift under special circumstances
Webinar on new public records laws now available
Implementation of business license bill
Marketplace fairness and streamlined sales tax mitigation estimates updated
JLARC lodging tax report
Capital budget and water deal eludes Legislature
Capital budget stalemate intensifies
Long-standing AWC priority marketplace fairness act passes as part of budget revenue package
Budget includes boost in public defense grants
Legislature passes new statewide Paid Family & Medical Leave program
Property tax bill not addressed in budget negotiations
Rulemaking continues on new paid sick leave requirement – public hearings set
Tourism marketing effort revived in final hours of budget negotiations
New budget imposes restrictions on local marijuana revenue
Where to get more information on the McCleary education funding agreement
Capital budget fate still unclear and linked to water rights fight
LEOFF 2 state contribution maintained in the 2017-19 budget but other LEOFF 2 changes made
Legislature still not finished as AWC begins work identifying priorities for the 2018 session
Priority property tax bill
Congress in recess – AWC and partners talk infrastructure
Attorney General guidance on immigration enforcement
New report lays groundwork for a federal Infrastructure Initiative
City officials storm Capitol Hill in the other Washington
Workers’ compensation reform bill on the move in the Senate
Lodging tax bill introduced
Proposal to restore city liquor revenue moves out of committee
Property tax bills changing the levy limit heard this week
City business license and tax bills heard in House and Senate, SSB 5777 moves out of committee
House committee considers proposals for local infrastructure funding
Competing bills on emergency notices in multiple languages move forward
Bill that would change claims process on construction contracts still alive in the Senate
Occupational disease bill moves forward
AWC priority public records bills advance
Deadly force bill moves forward with amendments
Bill crafted to increase cities share of marijuana excise taxes
Bill that requires collective bargaining sessions to be open amended
What 350+ city officials heard in Olympia
Legislative Bulletin – City Action Days Recap | Priority bills advance | Hot sheet
Bill would give expanded authority to Parking and Business Improvement Areas
Bills would allow for greater participation in Main Street Program
Bill seeks authority to set speed limits for trains carrying hazardous flammable materials
Cities testify against small cell pre-emption bills but the work continues
Bill would cap public record penalties in certain cases
Bill would authorize the use of automated license plate readers
Legislation directs state to develop emergency plans for oil train accidents
AWC co-hosts lunch with legislators to discuss funding for removal of fish-blocking culverts
Business license and tax bills to be heard in House and Senate – HB 2005, SB 5777
Glimmer of hope for the Public Works Trust Fund? Your voices needed!
Affordable housing and homelessness bills in play
AWC priority public records bills heard in committee on Friday
Critical water bills get hearing and one bill advances
Bills seek to remedy issues related to abandoned and foreclosed homes
AWC Federal Priorities under review
Bills impacting city finances introduced
Local officials express overwhelming support for new limits on property tax increases
Legislative Bulletin – PWTF | Business license bills | Public records bills
Policy bills face a key deadline this Friday
Ask your legislator to support proposal to restore city and county liquor revenue
Sweeping pre-emption of city authority included in small cell deployment bills
Proposals expand occupational diseases for police and fire
Bills would require prime contractors to bond the subcontractors’ portion of retainage
Lots of opposition to bill aimed at claims process in construction contracts
Local options for affordable housing bill has public hearing on February 7
New responses to the Hirst and Foster water rights court decisions will be heard in the House
AWC priority property tax bill gets hearing
Source of income discrimination bill gets public hearing
With MTCA facing shortfalls a surcharge is being considered again
Bill would require public employee collective bargaining sessions to be open, public meetings
Authorizing manufactured housing communities outside of Urban Growth Areas (UGAs)
Bill would allow employees over 60 the option of opting out of retirement system membership
Bills that change deadly force laws get hearings in House and Senate
Problematic surplus housing bill surfaces again
AWC priority public records bills set for hearing
Major proposal on homelessness, preempting cities on encampments, many policy changes
New bill restricts city authority to regulate homeless camps operated by religious institutions
Bill gives new authority to Boundary Review Boards
Bills would require cities to provide emergency notices in languages other than English
Bill would shift to the state all regulation and licensing of ride-share companies
Working to bring Federal infrastructure investments to Washington
Education funding bills start to frame the budget debate, which will reveal the fate of city shared revenues and key programs
Update on marijuana bills of interest
Legislative Bulletin – City priority bills on the move
Confusion and legal questions surround "sanctuary city" executive order
AWC priority bill to increase and stabilize homeless funding gets public hearing
Authorizing rail dependent uses outside of Urban Growth Areas
New Federal Infrastructure Investment?
Another busy week for personnel bills
Extension of transit-oriented SEPA authority
Bill moves forward that penalizes cities for local restrictions on marijuana retailers
House Committee considers proposal to restore city and county liquor revenue
Bills exempt public employee addresses GPS data from records requests
Proposal linking annual property tax increases to inflation and population growth introduced
Pavement preservation report bill scheduled for hearing this week
Numerous bills address state building codes
Bill would pre-empt city authority to offer safe injection sites
AWC priority public records bills dropped with broad bipartisan support last week
Bill would affect claims on construction contracts
Bill would require cities to pay relocation assistance when property is acquired for public purpose
Several septic and sewer related bills emerge
AWC priority policy bills on the move
Legislative Bulletin – Week four and city priority bills are on the move
Executive orders 101
House and Senate Transportation Committees hear from AWC
Bill to promote tourism would divert funds from transportation account
Hearings scheduled this week on new employee protections and workers’ compensation reform bills
AWC priority liquor revenue bill to be heard in House
Bill grants new authorities for public facilities districts
Major homelessness funding and GMA buildable lands bill up for hearing on January 26
Multiple marijuana bills dropped in House and Senate
Bill penalizes cities for restricting marijuana stores advances
Significant vesting bill up for consideration
Bill would change civil asset forfeiture law and impact law enforcement efforts statewide
FCC threatens to limit local land use authority on wireless siting
Funding proposal for state’s oil spill prevention activities
Inside advice from legislators who’ve been in your shoes
Major water bills heard on Tuesday the 24
Legislative Bulletin – Day 15 and many bills introduced | Priority bill would restore liquor revenue
Is your city eligible for Volkswagen settlement funds?
Implementing the family and medical leave insurance program
Bill would increase grants for public-use airports
Civil asset forfeiture comes under scrutiny by House and Senate committees during first week of session
Bill requires cities without bans to issue local marijuana licenses
Bill prohibiting the use of eminent domain for economic development purposes surfaces anew
Bill aims to reduce overlap between SEPA and other state and local laws
Proposal to restore city liquor revenue introduced in House
Hearings on Governor’s proposed state budget
Dig Law clean-up bill gets hearing
Senate committee holds another work session on small cell networks
Seven principles guide our work as we represent your state budget interests
School siting conversation begins anew
Water bills begin to surface
Final report released by task force on local tax & licensing simplification
Still no agreement about how to fund basic education
Studies conclude pension mergers possible
Legislation expected on regulation of small cell networks
Statewide pharmaceutical take-back program proposed
Over at least the next 15 weeks, we will keep you informed and at crucial times, will ask for your help
AWC's bill tracker
Visit AWC’s bill tracker to learn about legislation with city impacts this year.