AWC once again calls on cities to vocally oppose HB 1622, this time at the bill’s scheduled hearing this week. AWC will testify in opposition to the bill.
Cities can get their opposition on the record by either signing up for oral testimony (remote and in-person options available) or signing in opposed without testifying. You can also submit written testimony. Oral testimony is typically limited to 1 or 2 minutes, so consider that time limit when thinking about what you’d like to say. Committee sign-ins close an hour before the hearing.
Here are some talking points to consider using:
- This version isn’t more narrow in its impacts. While the amendments adopted by the House attempt to narrow the bill so it would not include third party updates that cities have no role in adopting, it still significantly undermines a city’s management right to decide what technology tools they want to use to for city operations. There is still no clear understanding of what decisions the bill would apply to and when exactly bargaining would be required.
- Employees can still be engaged in implementation of AI without this bill. People across the economy are understandably concerned about the long-term impacts of artificial intelligence (AI), and cities have said they are open to providing notice and consultation with impacted employees – outside the collective bargaining process – when considering implementing generative AI tools.
- HB 1622 interferes with cities’ ability to make important business decisions about which technology tools they want to use. Unions should not get to dictate what technology tools city leaders decide are best for serving their community.
- Whether or not HB 1622 passes, unions have their interests protected by the existing bargaining process. If the bill passes, cities will not. Cities are already required to bargain over impacts to wages, hours, and working conditions that come from a decision to use any tool, including AI-related technology. This bill will only encroach on city leaders’ rights to make business decisions about their city.
- It would be needlessly expensive and time consuming to bargain over the decision to use every tool that incorporates AI, since AI is increasingly incorporated into many tools cities use.
- HB 1622 will delay or prevent the adoption of new cost-saving tools that increase efficiency and save taxpayers money. Recent AWC research shows there are far fewer city workers relative to city residents than 20 years ago. Cities are not looking to replace their hardworking workforces, merely augment the existing workforce to improve efficiency and customer service.
- This would be the first time that a business decision by elected city leaders is made subject to bargaining. What other business decisions will be next?
Dates to remember
HB 1622 is scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Labor & Commerce Committee on March 28 at 8 am.
Senators need to hear your city’s story: Speak up now against AI bargaining bill
March 17, 2025
AWC needs cities to continue engaging with their Senators to oppose HB 1622. This is a critical time to make sure city voices are heard. The bill will create a number of new practical burdens and costs for cities by requiring them to bargain over the use of certain AI tools using unclear criteria. More importantly, the bill is an affront to cities’ ability to self-govern and make business decisions for themselves about the best tools to serve their communities.
As of this writing, HB 1622 has passed the House and is in the Senate Labor & Commerce Committee, though it has not yet been scheduled for a hearing. However, public hearings are only one small part of effective advocacy, especially on bills like this one where it is important for policymakers hear directly from cities about how a bill impacts them. No one can tell a city’s individual story like they themselves can. Legislators listen to the real-world concerns of the cities and towns in their districts.
People across the economy are understandably concerned about the long-term impacts of artificial intelligence (AI), and cities would likely be open to notice and consultation with impacted employees – outside the collective bargaining process - when considering implementing generative AI tools.
Cities need to reach out to their Senators and the members of the Senate Labor & Commerce Committee and urge them to oppose the bill. When you do, make sure to mention:
- HB 1622 interferes with cities’ ability to make important business decisions about which technology tools they want to use. Unions should not get a veto over what tools city leaders decide are best for serving their community.
- Whether or not HB 1622 passes, unions have their interests protected by the existing bargaining process. If it passes, cities will not. Cities are already required to bargain over impacts to wages, hours, and working conditions that come from a decision to use any tool, including AI. This bill will only encroach on city leaders’ rights to make business decisions about their city.
- It would be needlessly expensive and time consuming to bargain over the decision to use every tool that incorporates AI, since it is increasingly incorporated into many tools cities use.
- HB 1622 will delay or prevent the adoption of new cost-saving tools that increase efficiency and save taxpayers money. Recent AWC research shows there are far fewer city workers relative to city residents than 20 years ago. Cities are not looking to replace their hardworking workforces, merely augment the existing workforce to improve efficiency and customer service.
- This would be the first time that a business decision by city leaders is made subject to bargaining. What other business decisions will be next?
After back and forth, AI bargaining bill passes House
March 10, 2025
HB 1622, the bill that undermines cities’ management right to make business decisions to choose artificial intelligence (AI) technology tools, passed out of the House on Saturday evening with a mixed 58-38 vote. It was initially unclear whether the bill would be brought up for a vote due to increased opposition from a variety of stakeholders late last week, but eventually the bill was debated and voted out of the chamber.
The bill did get some amendments on the floor that:
- Creates confusing new standards for when an employer must bargain to only include circumstances where implementation or modification affects employee's wages or performance evaluations.
- Exclude AI technology implemented or modified by a third party from bargaining, when the updates that do not “meaningfully impact” employee's wages or performance evaluations.
- Defines "third party" to include certain technology service or equipment providers that do not have an employment or co-employment relationship with the employer.
AWC continues to have serious concerns about this bill, and the floor amendments did not address those concerns. While the amendments attempt to narrow the bill so it would not include third party updates that cities have no role in adopting, it still significantly undermines a city’s management right to decide what technology tools they want to use to improve city operations. There is still no clear understanding of what decisions the bill would apply to and when bargaining would be required.
Now that the bill is out of the House, AWC once again urges cities to reach out to their Senators to oppose this problematic legislation. When you do reach out to your Senators, let them know:
- HB 1622 improperly interferes with cities’ ability to make decisions about which technology tools they want to use. Unions should not get a veto over what tools a city decides is best for serving their community.
- Cities are already required to bargain over impacts to wages, hours, and working conditions that come from a decision to use any tool, including AI. This bill will not change that – only encroach on city leaders’ rights to make business decisions about their city.
- AI is increasingly incorporated into many tools public employers use. It would be needlessly expensive and time consuming to bargain over the decision to use every tool that incorporates AI.
- Cities are generally understaffed and are not looking to replace their workforces with AI, merely help the staff they have already to improve efficiency and customer service. HB 1622 will delay or prevent the adoption of new cost-saving tools that increase efficiency and save taxpayers money.
- This would be the first time that a business decision by city leaders is made subject to bargaining. What other business decisions will be next?
AI bargaining bills survive first policy committee cutoff
February 24, 2025
Both HB 1622 and SB 5422 survived their policy committees at the first policy committee cutoff and have advanced to their chambers’ respective fiscal committees. Both bills have been scheduled for hearings this week and may be scheduled for committee votes on short notice ahead of the February 28 fiscal committee cutoff.
SB 5422 moved out of the Senate Labor & Commerce Committee with an amendment that removes the definition of “artificial intelligence” and “machine learning,” and limits the duty to bargain the decision to adopt AI technology to when the adoption affects employee wages or performance evaluations (rather than wages, hours, and employment conditions).
While the amendment slightly narrows the bill, it still inappropriately erodes public employers’ right to make business decisions by subjecting decisions to use AI technology to collective bargaining. Cities are already obligated to bargain the impacts of business decisions to adopt AI tools. Unions should not have a veto over a public employer’s business decision to adopt or modify the use of technology tools.
HB 1622 is now in the House Appropriations Committee and SB 5422 is now in the Senate Ways & Means Committee.
AWC asks cities to continue reaching out to their legislators and urge them to oppose these problematic bills. Cities should also reach out to members of the House Appropriations Committee and the Senate Ways & Means Committee to oppose the bills and urge committee members to not advance these bills to the floor.
Dates to remember
HB 1622 is scheduled for a hearing in the House Appropriations Committee on February 24 at 1:30 pm.
SB 5422 is scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Ways & Means Committee on February 25 at 1:30 pm, and a committee vote on February 27 at 1:30 pm.
AWC urges cities to oppose AI bargaining bills
February 17, 2025
The problematic bills that give public sector unions veto power over local governments’ decisions to use tools incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) are scheduled to move ahead of the February 21 policy committee cutoff deadline. AWC urges cities to reach out to their legislators to oppose these pieces of legislation that improperly erode management’s business decisions.
HB 1622 had originally been scheduled for a committee vote on Valentine’s Day, but its vote was delayed to this week. SB 5422 is scheduled for both its first public hearing and a committee vote this week, so cities need to reach out to their Senators and members of the Senate Labor & Commerce Committee to oppose the bill. Cities can also register to testify or sign in opposed to the bill on the Committee sign-in page.
When cities reach out to legislators about these bills, make sure to mention:
- These bills improperly interfere with a local government’s ability to make decisions about which tools they want to use. Unions should not get a veto over what tools a public employer decides is best for serving their community.
- Public employers are already required to bargain over any impacts to wages, hours, and working conditions that come from a decision to use any tool, including AI tools.
- AI is increasingly incorporated into many tools public employers use. It would be needlessly expensive and time consuming to bargain over the decision to use every tool that incorporates AI.
- These bills would likely delay or prevent the adoption of new cost-saving tools that increase efficiency and save taxpayers money.
- This would be the first time that a business decision by a city council is made subject to bargaining. What other business decisions will be next?
Dates to remember
HB 1622 is scheduled for a committee vote in the House Labor & Workplace Standards Committee on February 18 at 10:30 am.
SB 5422 is scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Labor & Commerce Committee on February 17 at 10:30 am, and is scheduled for a committee vote on February 21 at 8 am.
Bargaining over AI use would have major impacts on city operations
February 10, 2025
New companion bills could significantly impact city operations and upset the balance of public sector collective bargaining.
Companion bills HB 1622 and SB 5422 modify the Public Employees’ Collective Bargaining Act (PECBA) to require public employers to bargain over the decision to adopt, or modify its current use of, artificial intelligence (AI) technology if the adoption or modification affects employee wages, hours, or other terms and conditions of employment. The bills apply to new contracts and do not require the reopening of existing contracts.
Public employers are already required to bargain over the impacts of business decisions that impact wages, hours, or conditions of employment. However, the decision to use a new technology has traditionally been considered a management right that is not subject to bargaining. Employers get to decide how they want their operations to run and what tools they want to use. Employees get to bargain over the impact those decisions have on them through their wages, hours, and working conditions. These bills would likely be the first time under the PECBA that a management decision was made subject to bargaining.
The bill’s proponents argue that AI technology is unlike any other technology before, with the potential for significant impacts to employees. Because of that, unions argued they should be part of the “conversation” to adopt the new technology up front, not only the impacts of the adoption later. They also argued that despite the increased process and the possible veto employees would have over a management decision on adopting AI tools, the proposal would save governments money by slowing or preventing expensive AI technology upgrades.
AWC opposed HB 1622 when it came up for a hearing on February 5 and plans to oppose SB 5422 if it comes up for hearing. The concern is this legislation would insert bargaining into management’s business decisions, potentially providing employees a veto over how or what AI tools are eventually adopted. Many tools used by cities are increasingly incorporating AI technology, often in ways we do not even realize. They also have the potential to greatly improve efficiency and lower costs for cities and taxpayers. These bills could potentially subject all of those tools to bargaining – slowing down or preventing their adoption regardless of any improvements to city operations or cost savings they would result in.
Dates to remember
HB 1622 is scheduled for a committee vote in the House Labor & Workplace Standards Committee on February 14 at 10:30 am.