Originally passed in 2022 and amended last year, the Organics Management Law is again up for expansion of how local governments, residents, and businesses should manage the organic portion of their waste stream – although some of these changes affect all materials.
HB 1497, sponsored by Rep. Beth Doglio (D–Olympia), proposes several changes but the key reforms for cities are in two areas:
Solid waste collection cart colors and labels
Beginning January 1, 2028, for all containers smaller than 101 gallons purchased after August 1, 2025, cities must purchase the following colors:
- Gray or black for garbage (landfill bound materials)
- Blue for recyclable materials
- Green or brown for organic materials (composter bound materials)
Importantly, cities are not required to replace functional carts or lids if they are the “wrong” color. AWC greatly appreciates this change from the original bill. Cities may also petition Ecology for a waiver under other circumstances.
Very specific labeling requirements are also mandated by January 1, 2028.
Multifamily organics collection
Solid waste planning jurisdictions must also include a phase-in organics collection requirement for multifamily residences in jurisdictions where single-family services are provided. The program must include service to newly constructed or “substantially remodeled” multifamily residences. The bill requires the State Building Code Council to amend the building code to ensure that sufficient space is allocated for organics material collection at multifamily residences.
HB 1497 is in the House Appropriation Committee awaiting scheduling for a committee vote.