New info on bills related to implications of city moratoria/bans and the masking of marijuana odors.
HB 1099
HB 1099, a bill that penalizes cities for enacting marijuana restrictions on retailers was heard in the House Appropriations Committee on Thursday, February 2. During the hearing the bill sponsor, Rep. Sawyer (D-Lakewood) agreed to amend the bill significantly so that it would no longer broadly apply to cities with zoning or other regulations, but would be very specific to one particular scenario where a city hasn’t adopted a ban, but is not issuing local business licenses.
While AWC opposes the current version of the bill, we believe that we will be able to be neutral on the amended version of the bill that the bill sponsor will propose the Appropriations Committee consider.
HB 1911
A bill related to the masking of marijuana odors, HB 1911, is scheduled for hearing on February 7 in House Commerce & Gaming Committee. The bill would require the Liquor and Cannabis Board to authorize masking of marijuana production and processing odors by planting vegetation or other natural means.
AWC is interested in feedback from cities as to how this type of odor masking would work. If you have any experience or concerns with this proposal, please contact Logan Bahr,