Low Impact Development (LID)

Western Washington

What’s required, when

The timeline for your jurisdiction depends on whether you are a Phase I or Phase II permittee. To find out, visit the Department of Ecology’s web site.

The new Phase I permit came into effect on August 1, 2013 and relevant jurisdictions must fully implement LID site requirements and development codes by June 30, 2015.

The Western Washington Phase II permit became effective on August 1, 2013. Phase II jurisdictions must integrate the new requirements at the time of their next scheduled Growth Management Act Comprehensive Plan update. Most Phase II communities have until December 31, 2016, although a few jurisdictions have deadlines into 2017 and 2018.

Western Washington resources

Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington
Regionally-specific guidance on Best Management Practices for the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit compliance

LID Technical Guidance Manual for Puget Sound
Research and data to help inform LID application to jurisdictions

Additional tools and resources

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