Low Impact Development (LID)

Are you planning for LID?

Remember: LID code requirements differ between Eastern and Western Washington – talk to your Ecology permit manager if you have questions about your jurisdiction’s responsibilities.

Low impact development (LID) will soon be the required method for managing stormwater in Western Washington’s urban areas. Eastern Washington urban areas will also have to allow LID in the near future. The best way to start planning for LID is to break it into pieces:

  • Identify your jurisdiction’s timeline: when must you integrate new permit requirements
  • Focus on your budget needs: what will the LID transition cost your community
  • Start planning now: look at the project team, budget and staff, and interdepartmental coordination
  • Incorporate LID sooner than later: Early planning lets you develop the best strategies
  • Review your regulations: Make sure existing codes and ordinances aren’t a barrier to implementing LID
  • Take advantage of training and resources: Ecology and AWC can help make your transition easier
  • Engage your community: Talk to your community early and often about LID and stormwater

Planning for LID

Tools & resources

Check out these new videos!

Thinking about Low Impact Development (LID) code review and update process?

Understand policy issues and why LID is important to elected officials. Partnering with the Department of Ecology and others, AWC created a series of short videos to help you. Designed for elected and other officials, they explain what LID is and how these stormwater permit requirements present new opportunities and challenges. Watch and learn why this matters to your community.

LID and stormwater: An overview

Low impact development is where green infrastructure and stormwater management meet. What are the terms, the benefits to the community and the landscape, and why it matters in today’s regulatory environment

LID and stormwater: An elected official’s perspective

Low impact development techniques are now the “preferred method” for stormwater management in Washington. Local elected officials need to understand what this means to their jurisdictions and the policy issues they need to consider

LID and stormwater: The view from a program manager

Stormwater management best practices are changing in Washington. What do local jurisdictions need to consider when integrating LID into local codes and work programs? Budget, staff training, and community conversations all need to change.

LID code webinar for electeds

Are you thinking about your Low Impact Development (LID) code review and updates process? Do you need to understand the policy issues and why this is important to you as an elected official? Then watch this webinar recorded on March 19 hosted by the WA Department of Ecology.


Stormwater managers, public works directors, and elected officials will find the resources needed to comply with these requirements through this web portal. Select your region below for tailored information and links.

lidbuttonwestern lidbuttoneastern

More than LID

Are you a stormwater program manager? What are some of the “best practices” for achieving better effectiveness from your local stormwater program? What does current research say that can help you align your program with new permit requirements? Click here for some resources that can help.

Pervious paving allows water to seep between holes and into a storage layer beneath. This allows the water to slowly infiltrate into the soil over time.

Bioretention facilities, such as rain gardens and bioswales, absorb stormwater using soil and plants, releasing it slowly.

Green roofs provide a number of benefits including slowing and filtering stormwater and providing an attractive amenity for building occupants.

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