Low Impact Development (LID)

Tools & resources

An evolving portfolio of resources and training is now available for those responsible for implementing low impact development (LID) in their communities or those who must describe it to builders, citizens and the media.

Fact sheets

#1 – LID is coming! What does it mean to my jurisdiction?
A summary of the steps jurisdictions need to take, now, to be prepared for the new regulations.

#2 – LID regulation – What you need to know
Describes the timing for jurisdictions, by geography, and more information about the types of existing codes and ordinances that may be impacted.

#3 – Planning and cost considerations
Suggestions for how planning departments, parks departments, and others can collaborate and how department budgets may be impacted.

#4 – LID tools and resources
Learn more about the guidance manuals and other resources for implementing LID in Eastern and Western Washington.

Talking points

Talking points: Why are we doing LID?
Why LID is the preferred method for stormwater management, and how it works.


These articles are available for reprint in PDF format or by excerpting text from the Word documents.

Stormwater management and LID in a nutshell (Word or PDF)
Background on stormwater as a water quality issue and the associated regulations.

Barrier busters (Word or PDF)
Addresses perceived barriers to LID including cost, effectiveness, and maintenance considerations.

A tale of two stormwater LID projects (Word or PDF)
Case studies from cities on both sides of the state who have successfully implemented LID projects.

Manuals and guidance documents

Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington
Regionally-specific guidance on Best Management Practices (BMPs) for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit compliance

Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington
Regionally-specific guidance on BMPs for NPDES permit compliance

Integrating LID into Local Codes: A Guidebook for Local Governments
Step-by-step approach for integrating LID into local codes, standards, and regulations

LID Operations & Maintenance Guidance Document
Guidance on procedures, equipment and materials, skills, and staffing for LID facility maintenance as well as administrative tools to implement LID O&M programs

LID Technical Guidance Manual for Puget Sound
Research and data to help inform LID application to jurisdictions

Other web sites

Department of Ecology – LID resources
Implementation resource materials – presentations, videos, articles, fact sheets, reports, guidance manuals, links

Washington Stormwater Center
Tools for stormwater management

Additional reports, fact sheets and case studies

Low Impact Development Center
Variety of additional publications and resources

Puget Sound Partnership – Model LID Ordinances
Includes ordinances for:

  • Grading, land clearing and tree cutting;
  • Off-street parking;
  • Planned unit development and
  • Site assessment

Department of Ecology – LID Training
Training materials for a variety of audiences

Tools for estimating runoff, costs and benefits

Water Environment Research Foundation
A spreadsheet-based tool to identify and combine capital and ongoing maintenance costs for stormwater BMPs and LID

Urban Drainage and Flood Control District
A spreadsheet-based tool that analyzes the life cycle costs of BMPs for planning purposes

Green Values Stormwater Toolbox
An online tool to help determine performance, costs and benefits of LID

EPA National Stormwater Calculator
Download an application that estimates the annual amount of rainwater and frequency of runoff from a specific site anywhere in the U.S., input the groundcover, and overlay various LID controls for effect

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