We are disappointed to report that HB 1428 has died for the legislative session. The bill was our preferred approach to reach our shared goal of keeping our communities safe via increased public safety funding for cities.
We appreciate Rep. Alicia Rule for introducing the bill and working with us to ensure it got its time in the spotlight with a public hearing.
HB 1428 was our favored approach to address the critical need for public safety funding throughout the state as cities face increased costs for providing these vital services. The bill would have represented a stable, ongoing, and direct funding source requiring the least hoops for cities to jump through to access it.
While this particular bill is dead, we remain engaged on this issue, through a few other city priority public safety funding bills that are still alive and moving through the legislative process. We continue to meet and work with legislators on several bills to make them as beneficial as possible and try to improve ease of access to funding for all cities.
Those bills still moving through the legislative process include:
- HB 2015: Establishes new local option sales tax for public safety funding as well as creating a new grant and direct funding model for eligible cities and counties
- SB 5060: $100 million for grants to hire new officers
- SB 5775: Expands authority for cities and counties to impose existing local public safety sales tax
Reach out to your legislators and let them know your thoughts on which of the above approaches works best in your city.
From a flurry of public safety funding bills this session, AWC still favors this approach
February 24, 2025
We are so thrilled to see a blizzard of bills this legislative session, and hope that cities will join us in loud support our favored approach, HB 1428.
The other bills with various funding mechanisms includes:
- HB 1095: Public safety sales tax credit proposal would fund criminal justice needs
- HB 1896: A new sales tax for police officers, plus BLEA classes
- HB 2015: Establishes new local option sales tax for public safety funding
- SB 5060: Governor Ferguson’s often-mentioned $100million for cops grant
- SB 5775: Expands authority for cities to impose existing local public safety sales tax
These are all great ideas that we support, and while we won’t say no to any new public safety funding ideas, we remain ever more supportive of an existing state-shared revenue account, HB 1428 that would increase direct, sustainable, flexible, and equitable funding across a wider swath of cities.
You can help us by contacting your Representative and telling them that you support HB 1428 because it allows for the widest use and requires fewer hoops for cities to jump through to access vital public safety funding for our communities.
Find more talking points in the article below.
AWC testifies in strong support of priority bill to increase public safety funding
February 7, 2025
AWC, several member cities, and public safety partners testified in the House Appropriations hearing last week to show our strong support for HB 1428.
While we were limited on time in the committee, we appreciate the cities that signed-in as “pro” on the bill and for the cities that added comments and testimony.
Watch the testimony on TVW, which includes statements from the cities of Issaquah, Kennewick, and Toppenish.
The bill needs to be brought to a committee vote next to keep moving in the process. You can help by reaching out to your Representatives to tell them how this funding would impact your city. Use the talking points below as guideposts as you tell your city’s own personal story.
Talking points
- Thank you: We appreciate the ongoing partnership for this vital state-shared funding source. Cities currently rely on these vital funds as they allow us to recruit and retain officers and address holistic city public safety and criminal justice needs.
- The funding is significant: An additional $25 million per biennium goes direct to cities, without any grants to apply for or cumbersome restrictions.
- It’s helpful to all cities: The funding is ongoing, sustainable, and equitable revenue for public safety. The flexibility also means different cities can use it for the greatest public safety need in their area. Whether that’s more officers, behavioral health co-response, legal aid, or more.
- This idea is preferrable to cities: This is our favored approach this legislative session to achieve our shared goals of keeping our communities safe.
AWC’s favored priority bill addressing local public safety needs gets a budget committee hearing
January 31, 2025
AWC is especially pleased to share that HB 1428 has been scheduled for a public hearing February 5 in the Appropriations Committee. The bill increases the existing Municipal Criminal Justice Assistance Account by 50%, thus increasing the overall distribution bucket by $25 million per biennium. It makes a similar adjustment to county funding as well.
This is legislation that we have been working on with bill sponsor Rep. Rule throughout the legislative interim to help come up with creative ideas and solutions to address statewide public safety needs. We like this option because it’s more direct, ongoing, and equitable than some other funding bills this session that may rely on time-consuming grant applications, restrictions on use, or fluctuating sales tax revenue.
to support the bill
Please take a few seconds to sign-in here as “pro” to note your support on the legislative record. Then, contact your legislators and ask for their support on this bill. Tell your local story about how this funding will impact your community, keeping some of the following talking points in mind.
Talking points
- The funding is significant: An additional $25 million per biennium goes direct to cities, without any grants to apply for or cumbersome restrictions on usage.
- It’s helpful to all cities: The funding is ongoing, sustainable, and equitable revenue for public safety—the formula already distributes the funds on a per capita basis and increases each year. The flexibility means different cities can use it for the greatest public safety need in their area. Whether that’s more officers, behavioral health co-response, legal aid, or more.
- This idea is preferrable to cities: While we are grateful for the Legislature’s focus this session on several positive public safety funding conversations, this is our favored approach to achieve our shared goals of keeping our communities safe.
Dates to remember
HB 1428 will be heard in the House Appropriations Committee on Wednesday February 5 at 4 pm.
AWC priority to address local public safety needs via state-shared revenues gets a bill number
January 20, 2025
We are excited to announce that one of our legislative priorities this year has been introduced into the Legislature and assigned a bill number.
HB 1428, sponsored by Rep. Alicia Rule (D–Blaine), represents a significant source of ongoing funding for cities to use towards public safety needs. We appreciate Rep. Rule for her support and commitment to helping cities address critical community safety needs by proposing to increase a vital state-shared revenue source by 50% with an additional $25 million per biennium distributed to cities and towns.
It’s never too early to contact your legislator and let them know that you support a bill. If this one would help your city, reach out today with your support.
AWC priority bill to address local public safety needs via state-shared revenues
January 13, 2025
AWC’s legislative priority to increase fiscal tools and resources to address local public safety challenges has an emerging bill.
As part of our efforts to gain more state support for local law enforcement, we have a goal to ask the state for increased funding. One of the avenues for achieving that is by including additional direct state funding via the Municipal Criminal Justice Assistance Account (MCJAA).
The account is a state-shared revenue that was first established in 1990 when the Legislature found that local government criminal justice systems needed help due to congested courts, crowded jails, and increased police staffing and education. Moneys distributed must be spent exclusively for criminal justice purposes.
AWC-proposed amendments
AWC is proposing to increase the distribution from the recent biennium’s $51.7 million distribution total to $75 million in the overall fund.
We have a legislative champion, Rep. Alicia Rule (D-Blaine), who will be proposing a bill to make the change, which aims to increase the overall distribution bucket via a formula to increase the distribution by 50% and then share that revenue with cities via the existing formula as detailed below.
When a bill number gets assigned, we will share more information and closely track this priority bill here in Bulletin throughout the session.
Background information
Here’s how the Municipal Criminal Justice Assistance Account distribution formula works:
- The state treasurer transfers money from the general fund into MCJAA in four equal parts each year on July 1, October 1, January 1, and April 1
- Each year, the fund grows from the year 2000’s starting sum of $4,600,000
- (For the 2023-25 biennium, that final sum was $51,700,000)
- The sum increases yearly in July after the prior year’s November OFM forecast using a calculation called the fiscal growth factor, which is the average growth in state personal income for the prior ten fiscal years
- Money from that final calculated sum is distributed using two formulas to direct the funding amount to each city/town:
Per 82.14.320, half goes to cities based on population and also:
- High crime: Each city must have a crime rate over 125% of the statewide average—as calculated in the most recent annual report on crime published by the Washington association of sheriffs and police chiefs
Per 82.14.330, the other half goes to cities based strictly on population and also:
- Violent crime: 20% for cities with a three-year average violent crime rate that is over 150% of the statewide three-year violent crime rate
- Population: 16% for cities based on per capita (but no less than $1,000)
- Contracted services: 10% for cities that contract with another governmental agency for the majority of the city’s law enforcement services
- Innovative programs: 54% for cities, and must use funds for any one (or a combination) of the following:
- Innovative law enforcement strategies;
- Programs to help at-risk children or child abuse victim response; and
- Domestic violence victim and reduction programs.