Published on Jun 17, 2020

Amendments to AWC bylaws forwarded for approval by AWC membership

Contact: Sheila Gall

AWC’s bylaws provide for a review of the bylaws at least every five years. Any proposed changes related to topics such as board qualifications, voting, or duties must be approved by the membership represented at the Business Meeting. Last fall, the board created an Ad Hoc Bylaws Review Committee to review the bylaws and make recommendations for changes.

At its June 17 meeting, the AWC Board of Directors forwarded the committee’s recommended amendments to the full membership for approval during the Business Meeting on June 25. The proposed changes include two proposals for amendments:

  • technical changes defining supermajority votes, eliminating proxy voting to reflect current voting delegate procedures, and clarifying officer succession practices in the case of vacancies; and
  • a substantive amendment to board qualifications to require achievement of a Certificate of Municipal Leadership (CML).

If anyone wishes to propose an amendment to the bylaw changes they must submit the form by June 24 at 5 pm.

To view the proposed changes and make amendments, please visit the AWC Business Meeting webpage.

Thank you to the members of the Bylaws Review Committee for their thoughtful discussion and time on this this effort.

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