About us

The Healthy Worksite Summit is a collaborative effort by a group of non-profit organizations. Formerly known as the Evergreen Everwell Conference, the Healthy Worksite Summit has been offered annually since 1987. The first conference was a project of the Governor’s Council for Physical Fitness, Health and Sports. When the Governor’s Council was disbanded, the conference was continued by a group of statewide non-profit organizations. Though the partners and hosts have changed over the years, the Summit continues.


The mission of the Healthy Worksite Summit is to provide training and networking opportunities for promoting worksite health in Washington State. The Summit supports anyone interested in designing, promoting and implementing strategies to promote worksite health. Participants represent both large and small organizations from the public and private sectors. The Summit is designed for those representing health promotion, employee benefits and injury prevention.

Partners and hosts

The Healthy Worksite Summit is presented by the AWC Employee Benefit Trust and the Washington State Health Care Authority Washington Wellness program.

Planning Committee

The Healthy Worksite Summit Planning Committee works to carry out the mission of the Summit. Planning Committee members are appointed by the AWC Employee Benefit Trust. Members may serve as long as they like on the committee and may elect to participate in one or more sub-committees.

The planning committee generally meets 3-4 times by Zoom in addition to sub-committee meetings held independent of the full committee meetings. If you are interested in joining the Planning Committee, contact Laurell Kaiser.

For more information contact

Laurell Kaiser, Health Promotion Supervisor, AWC

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