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Published on Feb 06, 2024

City Action Days brings city officials to Lacey

Contact: Communications

OLYMPIA – More than 250 city officials from over 80 cities across Washington are arriving in Lacey on Wednesday for City Action Days, an annual advocacy conference hosted by the Association of Washington Cities (AWC).

Mayors, councilmembers, and other city officials from all corners of the state will gather to collectively ask state legislators to support city priorities.

Conference attendees are asking state policymakers to support the following four city legislative priorities:

  • Help recruit and retain police officers for public safety
  • Revise the arbitrary property tax cap
  • Continue investing in infrastructure
  • Provide behavioral health resources

“Our 281 cities have more than 400 new elected officials taking office this year,” noted AWC CEO Deanna Dawson. “As representatives of the governments closest to the people, it’s important for our new and seasoned city elected officials to build strong relationships with our state lawmakers and craft community solutions that benefit all of us. We believe strong cities make a great state, and this event is helps highlight those ongoing efforts.”

City Action Days runs for two days, beginning on Wednesday, February 7. Governor Jay Inslee is scheduled to address attendees on Thursday. All conference general sessions will take place at the Norman Worthington Conference Center at Saint Martin's University.

The complete schedule is available on the AWC website.

AWC serves its members through advocacy, education, and services. Founded in 1933, AWC is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan corporation that represents Washington's cities and towns before the state Legislature, the state executive branch, and with regulatory agencies. Membership is voluntary. However, AWC consistently maintains 100 percent participation from Washington’s 281 cities and towns.


Members of the media are welcome to attend conference general sessions on February 7-8 until 5 pm. However, due to space constraints, we ask that media members alert AWC before attending. All media members must check in and get a badge at the AWC Registration Kiosk.

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