
All conference sessions and events are at the Marcus Pavilion and the Norman Worthington Conference Center at Saint Martin’s University, unless otherwise noted.

Subject to change.

Wednesday, February 19

Shuttle service between Saint Martin’s campus and Capitol Campus will be available Noon – 5 pm.

8 am – 6:30 pm

AWC Registration Kiosk open

8 – 9 am

Coffee and continental breakfast

9 – 10:15 am
Optional early start session

Advocacy Academy 101 
As an elected official, it’s your job to make sure legislators know your city’s needs. Catch this overview of the legislative process and learn how to make the best use of your time when advocating for cities. Understand how to navigate the state legislative process, what information and tools are available to you from AWC, and how you can make a difference at the state level.

10:15 – 10:30 am


10:30 am – Noon

Opening session & Talk to your lobbyists
The opening ceremony is followed by a rousing session with our AWC lobbyists as they share insights into the legislative session and how it impacts cities. Gain an overview of this year’s legislative priorities and how the Legislature is partnering with cities to work on important issues.

Noon – 1:15 pm

Networking lunch

1:15 – 2:30 pm

Concurrent sessions

Exploring city data – State of the Cities & City Conditions Survey
Every year, AWC conducts surveys to gather information and insights from Washington communities with the goal of finding and communicating those stories with state and federal policymakers. Join AWC staff for a look at the trends, stories, and insights collected from the latest surveys, and learn how you can access and share this information with others.

Housing conversation
Housing supply and affordability are again a major focus of the Legislature, as the cost of housing continues to rise across the state. Examine the proposals that are advancing this year and how they will affect your community.

Advocacy Academy 400
Looking to build your advocacy skills beyond the basics? Then this session is for you. Take a deeper dive into the legislative process and discuss the tools that can help you further your engagement. Discover messaging and communication strategies that can help you successfully advocate for your city.

2:30 – 2:45 pm


2:45 – 3:45 pm

Concurrent sessions

Transportation funding
The Legislature is considering several strategies to address both short- and long-term transportation funding needs that face the state and local governments. Learn about this year’s state transportation budget and the most recent developments in transportation revenue options, including a road usage charge and retail delivery fee.

Public safety discussion
Public safety has been front and center for many cities and towns in Washington. Examine some of the legislative proposals impacting public safety in our communities, including AWC’s efforts to increase state funding for law enforcement and criminal justice needs. Take the opportunity to share your ideas and efforts to enhance public safety in your community.

3:45 – 4 pm


4 – 5 pm
General session

City hot topics roundtable discussion
City officials are called upon to address a myriad of issues in their communities, from infrastructure funding to affordable housing to climate action. Join AWC staff and your city colleagues for a roundtable discussion of these critical issues, where you can share ideas and resources and learn more about related legislative proposals.

5 – 6:30 pm

AWC Legislative Reception
This popular legislative reception provides an opportunity to network with legislators, state agency representatives, and fellow local officials. Remember to personally invite your legislators to this fun event and consider connecting with them afterwards for dinner and more discussion.

Thursday, February 20

Shuttle service between Saint Martin’s campus and Capitol Campus available 7:30 am – 3:30 pm.

7:30 – 8:30 am

Networking breakfast

8:30 – 9:30 am

Legislative general session
Hear the latest about the state’s budget and how your city may be impacted from the Director of Washington’s Office of Financial Management.

9:30 – 9:40 am


9:40 – 10:15 am

Federal legislative update
Interested in what is going on in the other Washington? Join our partners at National League of Cities for an overview of what the new Congress and new administration are working on and how it will impact cities.

10:15 – 10:30 am

General session

A conversation with Attorney General Nick Brown
Get to know Washington’s 19th Attorney General, Nick Brown, and gain insights into the priorities and initiatives of the Attorney General’s Office.

10:30 – 10:40 am


10:40 – 11:20 am

General session

A conversation with State Auditor Pat McCarthy
Hear from State Auditor Pat McCarthy about the efforts of the State Auditor’s Office to increase public trust in government.

11:20 – 11:25 am

General session

That’s a wrap for City Action Days! Safe travels home and remember to register for our Friday lunchtime City Action Calls.

11:25 am – 12:15 pm

Networking lunch

12:30 pm

Photo at the Capitol steps
We encourage everyone to gather at the Capitol steps at 12:30 pm for a group photo.

12:30 – 3 pm

Hill climb

2 – 3 pm

Capitol campus tours
Tours begin on the second floor in the North Foyer of the Legislative building; this is the main entrance at the top of the grand staircase.

Please note that the ADA accessible entrance is on the South side of the building. Take an elevator to the second floor and follow the signs around to the North side of the building. You may familiarize yourself with the map of the Capitol Campus, which includes parking information.

Updated 2/17/25

Copyright © 2018-2025 Association of Washington Cities