Employee Benefit Trust

Elected official benefit participation criteria

Providing stability and affordability in our health plan designs is a priority for the Board of Trustees. We take pride in offering pooled coverage with excellent service and competitive rates. The Board’s adopted elected official participation policy supports our pooling efforts and is designed to avoid adverse selection. The below participation rules and underwriting requirements pertain specifically to elected officials:

  1. Elected officials may participate in the health plans currently being offered by their city (medical, dental, vision, life and LTD).
  2. For a city to offer medical coverage, 50% of all elected officials must be enrolled on a Trust-sponsored plan. For example, if a city has a mayor and seven council members, at least four individuals must enroll in the medical program. There is no contribution requirement, the city can choose to pay 0-100% of premium. With regard to all other benefit programs, the established participation levels and contribution requirements will be applicable.
  3. If authorized by your city council, mayors in a mayor-council (strong mayor) form of government can participate in the Trust even if you do not provide coverage for your other elected officials.
  4. Benefit participation for elected officials whose salary and benefits are determined by a salary commission will be individually reviewed.
  5. All carriers' specific underwriting requirements must be followed once the 50% participation level on the medical program is satisfied. These include dependent enrollment, participation requirements and premium contribution guidelines.
  6. Elected officials who do not enroll in the medical plan when initially offered may do so only during the open enrollment period.
  7. As is applicable to all participants, 75% participation of elected officials is required on the dental and vision, 100% participation is required on the life and LTD insurance programs. (75% of the premium must be paid by the employer for dental and vision; 100% must be paid for life and LTD.)
  8. Life and LTD insurance may be provided at the same level as being provided to city employees, but only if 100% of all elected officials are enrolled.
  9. Elected officials are eligible for COBRA continuation coverage rights unless the elected officials group’s participation levels drop below the minimum during the year. In that case, coverage for all officials will be terminated the first of the month following non-compliance (this is not considered a COBRA qualifying event) An exception will be made to this policy termination rule should the elected official terminate his/her elected position mid-term. The city/town will be required to come into compliance the first of the month following the newly-appointed or newly-elected official’s placement in office.
  10. Newly elected officials will be allowed to join the plan(s) when they assume their position as mayor or council member. Re-elected officials initially offered the plan may only enroll during the carrier's open enrollment period (if one exists).

If you or the elected official group have any questions regarding the benefit programs, or the underwriting policies specific to the elected group, contact Trust staff at benefitinfo@awcnet.org, (360) 753-4137 or toll-free at 1-800-562-8981.

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