Drug & Alcohol Consortium

checkmark-blue-icon-75Regulations & compliance

The AWC D&A Consortium is your partner in ensuring you meet all U.S. DOT mandated testing requirements, but we can’t do it without your help. Make sure you know everything your agency needs to do to stay up-to-date with mandatory testing and recordkeeping.


Compliance starts with you

There are specific things you must do in order to be compliant with your federal and agency drug and alcohol testing requirements. Learn what you need to do to ensure essential documents are up-to-date.



Find out all you need to know about the Commercial Driver’s License Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse, including logging in, registration steps, forms, rules, sample policies, and more.


Should you be testing? Federal U.S. DOT testing requirements

All safety-sensitive transportation workers are subject to drug and alcohol testing. This includes Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), Public Transportation (FTA), Pipeline (PHMSA), and Aviation (FAA), Railroad (FRA) and Maritime (USCG). Learn which tests, if any, your employees need.


Recordkeeping compliance

Do you ever wonder how long you are required to retain certain documents relative to employee drug and alcohol testing? Employers required to comply with U.S. DOT drug and alcohol testing regulations must maintain records documenting that the testing program is consistent with 49 CFR Part 40 and other industry specific regulations. Understand what you are required to keep and how.

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