Senate Local Government Committee chair Sen. Jesse Salomon (D–Shoreline) has introduced another, but new, preemption bill focused on housing related land use.
SB 5555 requires cities to:
- Allow the addition of housing units in ground floor commercial or retail spaces that are in a “station area” within a half mile walking distance of a light or commuter rail stop and a quarter mile walking distance from stops on bus rapid transit lines.
- Identify major pedestrian corridors where this requirement would not apply, but only in 10% of a commercial or mixed-use zone.
- Offer an expedited process to deviate from street level use standards if a developer makes a showing that they would result in the creation of fewer housing units in the development.
- Somewhat disjointedly, adopt zoning regulations that provide for a density and height bonus for developments built with “mass timber products” such as cross-laminated timber.
Date to remember
SB 5555 will be heard in the Senate Housing Committee on Wednesday, February 5 at 10:30 am.