Published on Jan 20, 2025

Neighborhood cafes bill returns

Contact: Carl Schroeder, Shannon McClelland

The proposal that got so much press last year—mandating that all cities allow neighborhood cafes in every residential zone—is back, albeit slightly modified.

HB 1175 is sponsored again by Rep. Mark Klicker (R–Walla Walla) but this year includes stores as well as cafes. Here’s the entirety of what the bill requires:

  1. A city or town must allow neighborhood stores and neighborhood cafés to be permitted in any zone allowing residential uses provided that a café must offer food if alcoholic drinks are offered.
  2. Cities and towns may regulate parking provided that the regulations are not infeasible.
  3. Hours of operation may be limited by the city or town provided that neighborhood cafés are permitted to operate for at least 12 consecutive hours.
  4. Cities may establish additional regulations as necessary, including maximum square footage requirements.
  5. Defines “neighborhood café” as an establishment that serves a limited menu of food items and has at least 500 square feet of gross floor area.

This is a less prescriptive version than last year but still opens the door for a store or café to spring up next door to your home. The fundamental purpose of zoning is to allocate uses of land – what is appropriate where. Is it appropriate for the state to paint a broad brush across every city and town to allow potentially incompatible uses?


Date to remember

HB 1175 will be heard in the House Local Government Committee on Tuesday, January 21at 10:30 am and is scheduled for a committee vote on Friday, January 24 at 10:30 am.

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