Published on May 24, 2024

EOE webinar series: Finance 101 for elected officials

Contact: AWC online learning

Learn the fundamentals of the municipal budgeting process! Newly elected officials often face frustrations when coming into office as the budget has already been set by predecessors. Build an understanding of the role of elected officials when budgeting and working with established budgets.

This webinar explores the basics of budgeting for a newly elected official and for staff who support newly elected officials.

  • Find out where the money comes from and where the money goes
  • Learn your responsibilities as an elected official in fiduciary accountability as you tackle the key elements of city finance
  • Discover how city staff can best support newly elected officials and learn what questions you should be asking

Recorded: May 16, 2024

Cheryl Grant, Finance Consultant, MRSC
Eric Lowell, Finance Consultant, MRSC



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CML-icon-75City elected officials earn 1 credit toward your Certificate of Municipal Leadership and meet the public sector resource management requirement. Elected officials click here to let us know you’ve completed watching.

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  • Elected officials essentials
  • Elected officials essentials
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