The House passed SB 5424 on Wednesday. The bill would allow Washington law enforcement agencies to adopt flexible work policies and remove the requirement that an officer be employed full-time to be a general or limited authority Washington peace officer. These changes would allow part-time work or alternative schedules and allow agencies to supplement during peak hours with part-time officers. Critically, the bill also allows part-time officers to participate in the LEOFF 2 pension system.
SB 5424 now awaits concurrence by the Senate.
Part-time and flexible work hours for police bill passes the Senate
January 21, 2024
SB 5424, sponsored by Sen. John Lovick (D–Mill Creek), allows Washington law enforcement agencies to adopt flexible work policies and removes the requirement that an officer be employed full-time to be a general or limited authority Washington peace officer. These changes would allow part-time work or alternative schedules and could allow agencies to supplement peak hours with part-time officers. Critically, the bill also allows part-time officers to participate in the LEOFF 2 pension system.
This bill passed the Senate unanimously and awaits committee action in the House.
The bill also passed the Senate last year but failed to make it out of the House by cutoff. Read last year’s coverage here: New bill on flexible work hours for police (January 20, 2023); More HR bills on the week 10 hearing schedule (March 10, 2023).