Published on Mar 01, 2024

Congress passes fourth continuing resolution to prevent partial government shutdown

Contact: Candice Bock, Sheila Gall

On February 29, Congress passed a resolution that moved deadlines to pass the twelve federal budget bills and avert a partial federal government shutdown that could have taken effect over the weekend. Under this fourth continuing resolution, the new deadlines were moved a week—to March 8—for six of the agency budgets (such as transportation, where agreements have reportedly been reached), and an additional two weeks—to March 22—for others with remaining controversial issues, such as defense.

For more information, see NLC’s article.



Congress averts partial federal government shutdown for now with third continuing resolution

January 19, 2024

With a winter storm in the forecast for Washington, D.C., Congress passed another continuing resolution through March 1 for some federal agencies, such as transportation, and March 8 for others like defense. Congress had until Friday, January 19 to act on the federal budget to avert a partial government shutdown according to the two-tiered continuing resolution they passed in November.

While last week saw announcements about big picture agreements on the federal budget, Congress ran out of time to pass more than another continuing resolution with winter conditions disrupting operations. Time is growing short for reaching agreement on the federal budget before automatic across-the-board budget reductions go into effect under existing law.

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