Retro staff were delighted to spend an evening with members, talking about accomplishments of 2022, and what we are focused on for 2023. Thank you to all those who were able to join us. A major highlight was member connections, sharing lessons and stories – thank you for your caring dedication to your staffs and the vision of Retro of Every employee, home safe, every night!
Here are some highlights of the presentation.
Engaging governance boards
This was a focus for 2021 and 2022; while not an explicit goal this year, we want to continue to emphasize the importance of communicating with – and educating – your boards on workplace safety and workers’ compensation. Increased engagement and knowledge are good things!
Safety outcome trends
Staff shared with attendees what trends we are seeing in injury claims, and how people are getting hurt on the job. We then showed what resources we have developed to work at counteracting these trends.
PTSD presumption claims
We are still in the early years of engagement with presumptive PTSD claims, but we are committed to share the data and lessons learned with members. The latest claim frequency and outcome data was shared, and resources provided that can help provide preventative and restorative care. Information on financial impacts of PTSD claims recently provided by L&I was passed to members as well.
2023 Retro program focus areas
- Technology enhancements
- Actuarial work and analysis
- Training
- Elevated member services
Want to learn more?
View the 2023 Retro Annual Meeting slide deck. And as always, contact your Retro staff with any questions or comments, we’d love to hear from you.
Check out the photos!
Enjoy some photos taken at the Retro Annual Meeting in sunny Yakima!
![2023 Retro Annual Meeting](