Published on Mar 17, 2023

Employer access to PFML data in the lineup this week for House labor

Contact: Candice Bock, Matt Doumit

The bill to allow employers access to certain Paid Family & Medical Leave (PFML) claims data for employees on leave is scheduled for a public hearing this week in the House.

SB 5586changes the data privacy provisions of the PFML statutes to allow employers access to certain claims data for their employee’s PFML claims. The bill would allow the Employment Security Department (ESD) to share with employers:

  • The type of leave the employee is taking
  • The approved dates/duration of leave
  • Remaining hours of the employee’s PFML entitlement
  • The employee’s weekly benefit amount
  • The actual benefits paid and hours claimed

Employers can only use the claims information to administer their own internal leave and benefit practices. The bill passed the Senate unanimously on March 1.

AWC supports SB 5586 because it will help clean up the PFML statutes and allow employers access to data they need to track employees’ use of the PFML program and better manage their own internal leave and benefits. Current law doesn’t allow ESD to share this information, and it is often difficult for employers to coordinate with employees about their return to work or other matters when they are on leave.


Dates to remember

SB 5586 is scheduled for a public hearing in the House Labor & Workplace Standards Committee on Wednesday, March 22 at 8:00 am.

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