Published on Mar 14, 2023

Sunshine Week 2023 highlights the importance of open government

Contact: Candice Bock, Katherine Walton

Monday marked the start of the 18th Annual Sunshine Week, running March 12-18. Sunshine Week is a national initiative to educate the public about the need for open government and freedom of information.

Started in 2005 by the American Society of News Editors, Sunshine Week brings together news organizations, advocacy groups, and residents to discuss the importance of open government. This week you may be contacted by one of the above groups asking about your city’s commitment to open government. We encourage you to prepare a few talking points or facts to share if you are contacted.

Washington state has one of the strongest open government laws in the country. The Public Records Act went into effect more than 40 years ago and continues to provide the public with direct access to government records. Cities are committed to open transparent government. Beyond complying with the Public Records Act and Open Public Meetings Act, cities work constantly to engage their residents in local government through regular information-sharing and community outreach.

In 2021, 62 Washington cities reported a total of 127,503 public records requests – about half of all public records requests to public agencies that submitted data. Responding to such requests requires skilled and dedicated staff. In 2021, cities reported that they spent over $80 million responding to records requests and maintaining public records. AWC greatly appreciates public record staff and the many hours they commit to managing records and staying up to date on current laws.

Be sure to check out AWC’s free eLearnings on the Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records Act, which meet important state training requirements for elected officials. For more information on Washington’s open government laws, we invite you to review resources from the Attorney General’s Office. We wish everyone a happy and productive Sunshine Week!

  • Advocacy
  • Open government
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