Published on Mar 10, 2023

Bill expanding the Washington Voting Rights Act passes House, scheduled in the Senate

Contact: Candice Bock, Lindsey Hueer, Katherine Walton

HB 1048 would amend the Washington Voting Rights Act (WVRA) in two significant ways. First, the bill would allow a person or organization to be awarded up to $50,000 for costs incurred prior to submitting their notice of intent to file a lawsuit against a local government alleging polarized voting if they prevail. Second, the bill gives standing to organizations and tribes to challenge election systems on behalf of at least one member residing within the jurisdiction. The bill also allows an organization to recover reasonable costs for work prior to filing a claim even if they don’t prevail with no cap on those costs.

AWC strongly supports voting rights and ensuring appropriate representation in all levels of government. However, we have concerns about the potential fiscal impact on cities related to the potentially unlimited recovery of costs in cases where a group does not prevail. We continue to try to minimize these impacts while supporting voting rights.

Need a refresher on the WVRA? AWC maintains an implementation webpage.


Dates to remember

HB 1048 is scheduled for public hearing in the Senate State Government & Elections Committee on Tuesday, March 14 at 1:30 pm and for a vote in the same committee on Friday, March 17 at 8 am.

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