Published on Feb 20, 2023

Attorney General investigative power over law enforcement misconduct

Contact: Candice Bock, Lindsey Hueer, Katherine Walton

HB 1445, giving the Washington Attorney General (AG) the authority to investigate and address law enforcement and local corrections agency misconduct through investigations and legal actions, was heard in the House Appropriations committee last week.

The bill would permit the Washington State Attorney General to investigate and bring action against law enforcement or local corrections agencies for violation of WA laws or constitution, including allowing civil actions for insufficient accountability systems, training, and policies leading to violations. It also requires the AG’s office to develop and publish model policies.

AWC opposes HB 1445 because of the punitive nature of the bill. AWC asks bill sponsors to balance punitive measures with voluntary compliance, focusing on technical assistance to law enforcement agencies to assist in making necessary policy changes to remedy any concerning patterns or practices that the AG’s office believes are in violation of the state law or inconsistent with model policies.

AWC also asks for a technical change in Section 3 of the bill that refers to a violation, clarifying that the law applies to a pattern or practice rather than just an individual violation.

Read more: Bill would grant Attorney General greater authority to investigate law enforcement misconduct.


Dates to remember

HB 1445 is scheduled for executive session in the House Appropriations Committee on Wednesday, February 22 at 1:30 pm.

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