Several housing density bills include provisions specific to transit, but this proposal is solely focused on transit-oriented development (TOD). We have been looking forward to the scheduling of this proposal as it is likely to be the vehicle for
the conversation about how to maximize housing opportunities near transit, which is a pillar of the approach put forward by the AWC Housing Solutions Group. This proposal has other elements that are more challenging, however, especially the restrictions
of authority to provide for parking.
SB 5466, sponsored by Sen. Marko Liias (D–Edmonds), is a bill requested by Governor Inslee. Here’s what
the bill would do in a nutshell:
- Establishes TOD as floor area ratio of four or more for a “station area” and six or more for a “station hub.”
- Station area is defined as 3/4 walkable mile from major transit.
- Station hub is defined as 1/4 walkable mile from major transit.
- Definition of “major transit” is close to what you expect for “major transit” except, by our read, it includes any bus routes with seven-day service that operate on a schedule set by the transit authority.
- Minimum standards:
- Can't prohibit multifamily residential in station area where other residential use is allowed.
- Must include density bonus in TOD areas of 50% for 60% AMI or below.
- No maximum floor area ratio allowed that is less than that prescribed.
- No maximum density allowed in TOD.
- Prohibits requiring off-street parking in station area.
- Allows an alternative to minimum standard #3: Exemption if average minimum floor area ratio of TOD area meets the minimum AND no part of a station hub is subject to a maximum floor area ratio that is less than 1.0, AND no part of a station area is
subject to a maximum floor area ratio that is less than 0.5.
- The proposal contains the same concerning anti displacement review that appears in the middle housing bill.
- Establishes categorical exemptions for infill development near stations.
- Planning grants, competitive housing financing TOD project grants, and compliance review provided.
Date to remember
SB 5466 will be heard in the Senate Local Government, Land Use & Tribal Affairs Committee on Tuesday, January 31 at 8 am.