Published on Jan 16, 2023

Producer responsibility for packaging—will Washington be next?

Contact: Carl Schroeder, Shannon McClelland

AWC has been working over the interim with stakeholders to rework a bill that has been years in the making – extending producer responsibility to recover and recycle the packaging they send into our state to sell their consumer products. In Washington, this represents over 2.3 million tons of packaging and printed paper each year. Of this total, 1.3 million tons (54%) are recycled. The percentage of materials recycled has plateaued despite the fact that curbside recycling programs have expanded and are now available to 80% of Washington residents and drop-off recycling is available to the other 20%.

The policy aimed to address this problem is known as EPR – extended producer responsibility and is nothing new. Washington has EPR programs for e-waste and mercury containing lights. Western Europe has had EPR for packaging for decades; and our neighbor to the north, British Columbia, also has EPR for packaging—all provided by the same companies that sell the products lining your fridge and pantries. Shouldn’t they be held accountable in the U.S., as well? The state legislators in Maine, Oregon, California, and Colorado thought so and passed EPR for packaging laws for their states in the last two years.

The proposal before our state legislators, companion bills HB 1131 sponsored by Rep. Liz Berry (D–Seattle) and SB 5154 sponsored by Sen. Christine Rolfes (D–Bainbridge Is.), is a behemoth and is referred to as the Washington Recycling and Packaging (WRAP) Act. Here are some fact sheets that cover the key provisions of the WRAP Act and EPR, in general:

Please share the above fact sheets with your legislators in advance of the committee hearings below!

AWC appreciates the leadership by the sponsors and the lengthy list of legislators signing on to the bills in support. Every state study in recent memory points to EPR for packaging as the solution to modernize our recycling system. This bill has been worked and reworked by stakeholders over the last few years. AWC, on behalf of cities across the state and the residents who fund our recycling system, asks you to carry this proposal across the finish line in 2023.


Dates to remember

HB 1131 will be heard Tuesday, January 17 at 4 pm in the House Environment & Energy Committee.

SB 5154 will be heard Tuesday, January 17 at 1:30 pm Senate Environment, Energy & Technology Committee.

  • Advocacy
  • Environment & natural resources
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