The authority provided to municipal airport commissions, and the conditions governing their formation, would grow and change according to a new proposal from Rep. Tom Dent (R–Moses Lake).
HB 1243 expands municipal airport commission authority from industrial and commercial development, to construction,
enlargement, improvement, maintenance, equipment, operation, management, and regulation of a municipal airport.
The bill also delineates criteria for adding members and authority to the governing body. The commission must consist of at least five members appointed by the governing body of the municipality, subject to the following:
- In a municipality with a population of 35,000 or greater, members must be residents of the municipality.
- In a municipality with a population of fewer than 35,000, at least two members must be residents of the municipality or the county in which the municipality is located, with any remaining members residents of a county or counties adjoining the municipality
or the county in which the municipality is located
- A majority of the commissioners must have expertise in the aviation industry, business administration or operations, finance, accounting, marketing, economic development, commercial real estate development, engineering, planning and construction,
law, utilities, or other related experience from industries that have a logical nexus with airport administration, operations, and development.
Finally, a municipality may vest authority in a commission to apply for loans through the public use general aviation airport loan program.
AWC supports these expansions and thanks the sponsor.
Date to remember
HB 1243 is scheduled to for public hearing in the House Local Government Committee on Tuesday, January 17 at 10:30 am.