Published on Jun 10, 2022

AOC releases Blake reimbursement details

Contact: Sharon Swanson, Jacob Ewing

The Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) released information detailing the amount of reimbursement cities may receive for actions taken between July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 in response to the Blake decision finding the state’s simple drug possession law (RCW 69.50.4013(1) unconstitutional.

The state supplemental budget approved in the 2022 legislative session included $21.5 million for cities to address resentencing, vacation, and refunds of legal and financial obligations related to convictions or sentences impacted by the Blake decision. For more information on how these funds will be distributed, please review materials available on AOC’s website, including:

  • A recording of an AOC webinar hosted on May 17
  • The PowerPoint presentation from the May 17 webinar
  • A list of municipal courts that AOC anticipates will have costs associated with vacating convictions as well as repayment of legal & financial obligations (LFOs)

Please review the list of municipal courts. The Blake decision impacts convictions from 1971 – 2021. If your city has or had a municipal court that is not listed, you will need to contact AOC to ensure your city receives reimbursement for any costs associated with vacating convictions and/or repayment of LFOs.

AWC encourages cities to review your historical cases and inventory which misdemeanor convictions may be derivative of a felony possession of controlled substance conviction. There is concern this allotment of money may not be enough to repay all LFOs. Additionally, there are at least two Division II appellate cases applying the Blake decision to misdemeanor possession charges. AWC will need your input in order to advocate for further investments from The Legislature in the next budget.

If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact Chris Stanley with AOC at: 360.357.2406 or

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