Published on Apr 12, 2022

Don’t get scammed by fake emails

Contact: Jacob Ewing

Be aware that unscrupulous actors are targeting cities offering help with registrations and renewals.

As a reminder, entities that receive federal grants are required to create an account with the System for Award Management (SAM) - this includes cities that receive federal funds under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The federal government does not charge fees to create, renew, or update a account. is a free service provided by the federal government.

Scammers are targeting cities offering help with in hopes of securing payment for a free service or gaining access to sensitive information like banking or login information. Common subject lines from scammers create a sense of urgency to act. They may read something like the following:

  • “Your Federal Profile is Almost Complete. Immediate Action Required!”
  • “Get started with the renewal process online”
  • “Update your account before it expires”

Other reports have indicated scammers are calling cities directly under the guise of being a federal employee directing cities to pay or provide information to create or update their account.

The federal government will never ask you for payment to create a account. If you need to create or renew your account, visit directly. If you need assistance with your account, you can visit the Federal Service Desk’s (FSD) website at FSD is also a free federal service.

  • Advocacy
  • Emergency management
  • Federal
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