AWC priority bill, SB 5510 (Rep. Curtis King, R–Yakima), has steadily progressed through the legislative process
this year and is headed for a hearing in the House. As our readers know, the bill would modify the existing sales and use tax authority imposed by a transportation benefit district (TBD) and allow for voters to approve the tax every ten years in perpetuity.
You can help keep the bill rolling by signing into to testify in support. Let legislators know how important this authority is to fund transportation projects such as new road construction, public transit, and preservation and maintenance for existing
roads and multimodal systems. Many cities are now in the second of their ten-year terms and are concerned about this important tool expiring while transportation needs continue to grow.
See our fact sheet for more information to help you communicate with your legislators.
AWC would like to thank the bill sponsor for carrying this important piece of legislation on behalf AWC.
Dates to remember
SB 5510 is scheduled for a hearing in the House Committee on Transportation on Wednesday, February 23 at 3:30 pm.