Published on Jan 14, 2022

Senate looks to make courts subject to the Public Records Act

Contact: Candice Bock, Jacob Ewing

New legislation in the Senate would bring courts under the Public Records Act (PRA) and add new records subject to disclosure.

SB 5550, sponsored by Sens. Kevin Van De Wege (D–Sequim) and Mark Mullet (D–Issaquah), would subject courts and offices within the judicial branch to the PRA. This would include state and local courts. In addition to records already covered by the PRA, the legislation would also add court case files and judicial records; however, it would not include chamber records.

Currently, Courts have developed their own version of public records requirements that differ somewhat from the PRA.


Date to remember

SB 5550 is scheduled for a public hearing in the Senate State Government & Elections Committee on January 21 at 10:30 am.

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