Published on Jan 10, 2022

Wishing you a happy new year and a productive virtual 2022 Legislative Session

Contact: Candice Bock

Happy new year and congratulations to the city officials recently sworn-in to your new roles! The new year of course brings a new legislative session and this will be the second year of a primarily virtual, online session.

Both the House and Senate recently opted to revise their plans and move to a nearly entirely virtual session, at least for now (a few legislators and staff will be on hand in Olympia – they will be subject to regular testing requirements). The decision was based on climbing COVID-19 case counts. The format will be like that of 2021 with no in-person meetings or participation at committee meetings. Committee meetings and floor action (votes) will be conducted via Zoom and live streamed on

Like last year, we encourage city officials to use your voice and engage in the legislative process. These short sessions move really quickly, so it is important to stay up to date on what’s happening. Most importantly, don’t delay in reaching out to your legislators to weigh in on bills. There are already many bills up for public hearing this first week of session and a few bills will soon see their first committee votes.

If you would like to testify remotely or provide written comment on a bill, you can sign up on the legislative website under the link participating in the process.

AWC will do our best to keep you informed with our weekly Legislative Bulletin , weekly Hot Sheets (starting January 17), and —new this year— a weekly city action call on Fridays at 12:30 pm via Zoom.

If you have any questions about the legislative process or issues going before the Legislature, please feel free to reach out to the Government Relations team. We are happy to help and there is no such thing as a bad question.

If you want a refresher on our city legislative priorities, take a look at this webpage where you’ll find more information and fact sheets. Or watch the brief video below.

We appreciate your support during the session and encourage you to get involved and frequently communicate with your legislators about how legislation will impact your city and what your city needs.

  • Advocacy
  • View from the Hill
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