Published on Jan 07, 2022

New bill introduces emergency broadband infrastructure fund program and updates existing loan and grant program

Contact: Brandy DeLange

A number of bills introduced this year aim to provide cities the opportunity to access broadband infrastructure funding.

HB 1673, sponsored by Rep. Cindy Ryu (D–Shoreline), updates and streamlines the broadband infrastructure grants and loan program within the Public Works Board and establishes an emergency broadband grant and loan fund.

Under this update, eligible entities will need to submit evidence of outreach to incumbent providers prior to submitting an application to the Board. Similarly, the applicant must submit the proposed geographic service area and broadband speeds no later than 30 days prior to application submittal.

In addition to these updates, the bill will allow an emergency broadband grant and loan program for eligible entities. The loans are intended to be used for the repair, construction, replacement, or improvement of critical broadband infrastructure that has been lost or damaged due to a catastrophic event.

SB 5586, sponsored by David Frockt (D–Seattle), would create a loan and grant program within the Community Economic Revitalization Board Rural Broadband Program (CERB). Cities may apply to CERB for financing to build broadband infrastructure. Projects approved for CERB’s program must drive job creation, promote innovation, expand markets for local businesses, promote public safety, or support the needs of public education.


Dates to remember

HB 1673 is scheduled for public hearing in the House Community & Economic Development on January 11 at 8 am.

SB 5586 is scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Business, Financial Services & Trade on January 11 at 8 am.

  • Advocacy
  • Broadband & telecommunications
  • Public works & infrastructure
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