Published on Dec 22, 2021

Treasury announces ARPA reporting tool for NEUs

Contact: Candice Bock, Jacob Ewing

On December 14, the U.S. Treasury announced the opening of the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (CSLFRF) Non-Entitlement Unit Reporting Portal. Non-entitlement cities (NEUs) that received funds under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) will use this portal to submit annual reports to the Treasury over the next several years.

Cities that received funds under ARPA will be required to submit their first project and expenditure report by April 30, 2022. This report will cover spending of federal ARPA CSLFRF funds incurred between March 3, 2021, and March 31, 2022.

In order to access the reporting portal, NEUs will either need to use a preexisting account or use the new system established byTreasury. It is highly recommended that NEUs use the system. Each staff member who needs access to the reporting portal will need to create a account.

In order to access the reporting portal for the first time, cities will need to have their account administrator assign roles to city staff members. The account administrator is the point of contact (POC) provided by the state to the Treasury. In most cases this is the mayor of the city at the time the city accepted ARPA funds from the state. If you are unsure of who your POC is, please contact Treasury at

Treasury has released a full guide on how to set up a account as well as how to access the online reporting portal. We strongly encourage cities to set up their account and confirm they can access the portal before the reporting deadline in April.

Read more about the requirements for the upcoming reports. Please note, NEUs are only required to submit an annual project and expenditure report. In addition to the first project and expenditure report, NEUs will also need to submit:

  • Copy of the signed award terms and conditions agreement (which was signed and submitted to the state or U.S. territory as part of the request for funding);
  • Copy of the signed assurances of compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (which was signed and submitted to the state or U.S. territory as part of the request for funding); and
  • Copy of actual budget documents validating the top-line budget total provided to the state or U.S. territory as part of the request for funding.

For further questions, please refer to Treasury’s website or contact Jacob Ewing.

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  • Federal
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