Commerce is hosting two public meetings in December on the initial draft changes to the Growth Management Act (GMA) administrative rules update. The preliminary draft of the proposed amendments will be published on November 18. Commerce is hosting two
identical, virtual meetings to share information about the project, hear your perspectives, and answer questions. The meetings are scheduled for:
- Thursday, December 9 from 10:30 to noon
- Monday, December 13 from 1:00 to 2:30
If you cannot attend one of the meetings, your written comments will be accepted through January 19, 2022. You can find more information about the update, and a copy of the preliminary draft when it is available later this month, on the project website:
Growth Management Act WAC update.
Commerce intends on holding a public hearing on the proposed rule next spring. The upcoming preliminary draft and meetings provide a chance for the agency to work with stakeholders early in the process to address concerns and incorporate feedback before
initiating the formal adoption process. There will be additional opportunities to comment during the adoption process in the spring.