Published on Apr 12, 2021

Governor issues executive order regarding archeological and cultural resources

Contact: Carl Schroeder, Maggie Douglas

Last week, Gov. Jay Inslee issued an executive order aimed at enhancing the public’s awareness of the value of protecting Washington’s heritage and the need to establish effective consultation with Native American tribal governments.

Gov. Inslee’s executive order renews former Gov. Christine Gregoire's executive order, requiring all state agencies implementing or assisting capital projects with funds appropriated in the State's biennial Capital Budget to consider how future proposed projects may impact significant cultural and historic places.

This year’s order applies to state-funded capital construction projects and land acquisition projects for the purpose of capital construction. It also requires meaningful, face-to-face consultation with both Department of Archeology and Historical Preservation (DAHP) and federally recognized tribes. Agencies must present the project description, location, proposed ground disturbance, historical buildings or structures affected, photographs of the building/site, and information about the consultation with interested tribes.

Although the Governor’s executive order specifically applies to state-funded capital construction projects, there was a push last session to expand the application to include any project that involves groundbreaking activity and is funded with state revenue.

For more information about the executive order and compliance, visit DAHP’s website.

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