Published on Mar 12, 2021

Cities may be given more time to redistrict due to late census data

Contact: Sharon Swanson, Jacob Ewing

Last year, the 2020 Census faced a number of challenges causing extreme delays in sending final census data to states and cities. Due to the delays, what began as a simple “good government” bill soon turned into a one that would create unrealistic redistricting deadlines for cities and counties. However, thanks to a potential amendment, local governments would be given additional time to complete the redistricting process.

SB 5013 set about to bring city and county redistricting deadlines in-line with the state constitution and the 2018 Voting Rights Act (VRA). Under the original draft of the bill, cities that use districts to elect city officials would be required to submit redistricting plans to the state by November 15, 2021, or eight months after the receipt of census data – whichever occurs earlier. However, with census data delayed to September 30, 2021, it would be impossible for cities to meet the new deadline.

A proposed compromise will move the deadline to December 31, 2021, for counties and will allow more time for cities using districts to elect city officials to complete the redistricting process. More information on the VRA is available on AWC’s website.

If the proposed compromise is adopted, AWC will support SB 5013.

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