Published on Mar 09, 2021

Retirement & workers’ comp claims - consider carefully

Contact: Retro

Retirement notifications should not automatically be accepted when there is an open workers’ comp claim. Why? This can be a very costly decision for the employer.

Transitional work may be an option

In many cases, a transitional work assignment can meet the work restrictions of the employee wishing to retire. When a transitional work (light duty) assignment offer is made and turned down by the employee, time loss benefits will not be paid during retirement. Without this offer of transitional work from the employer, if retiring due to an injury, the costs of the time loss will drastically affect your premiums.

Contact Retro staff, we can assist you in making a transitional work offer.

Here are three things you can do to alleviate undue burdens during the retirement process.

  1. Tell your directors, fire chiefs, and police chiefs not to accept a retirement if there is an open workers’ comp claim before discussing with Retro staff.
  2. Tell them why: Labor & Industries can still pay time loss during retirement.
    • Most important, the language in the retirement letter will state if they are retiring as a result of an injury or retiring for another reason.
    • If retiring as a result of a workplace injury, do not communicate back with the employee until consulting with Retro staff.
  3. Contact AWC Retro.

We’re here to help!

A call to your Retro staff could save your organization a bundle. Contact Retro staff if you need assistance in making a transitional work offer or need more information – we’re here to help.

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