Published on Mar 01, 2021

Reminder: In-person meetings permitted under Phase 2

Contact: Candice Bock, Jacob Ewing

With all of Washington state now in Phase 2 of Governor Jay Inslee’s Healthy Washington – Roadmap to Recovery Plan, cities can begin holding limited, in-person meetings again.

Under Phase 2 of the reopening plan, city meetings subject to the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) will follow the same guidance as business meetings in the miscellaneous venue guidance document.

Cities in Phase 2 are permitted to hold in-person public meetings in addition to continuing with virtual meetings. Cities in Phase 2 who decide to hold in-person meetings must also provide the public with, at a minimum, telephone access to virtual meetings. The capacity of in-person meetings is limited to 25% of the posted room capacity or 200 individuals – whichever is fewer.

On the legislative front, HB 1056 and HB 1329 have passed through the House and now await action in the Senate. Both bills update the OPMA to allow cities to hold virtual meetings without the need for an emergency proclamation from the Governor.

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