Published on Jan 22, 2021

Substitute plastic packaging bill receives a hearing

Contact: Carl Schroeder, Shannon McClelland

Senator Mona Das (D–Kent) has introduced a bill to address the 2020 independent study and resulting recommendations for how to reduce plastic packaging in Washington State. Substitute SB 5022 intends to reduce certain uses of plastic packaging and increase recycled content of plastic beverage containers.

The original version of SB 5022 proposed a comprehensive extended producer responsibility (EPR) program for all packaging sold into the state. The substitute scales back the scope but retains the focus on producers by requiring them to take responsibility for the packaging they send to market.

By implementing a minimum recycled content requirement for plastic beverage containers, prohibiting the sale and distribution of certain expanded polystyrene (foam) products, and establishing request-only plastic serviceware requirements from food vendors, the proposal intends to take another step towards ensuring plastic packaging materials are reduced, recycled, and reused.


Date to remember

The substitute version of SB 5022 will be heard in the Senate Environment, Energy & Technology Committee on Tuesday, January 26 at 10:30 am.

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