Published on Dec 09, 2020

OPMA and PRA emergency proclamation extended until January 19

Contact: Candice Bock, Jacob Ewing

On Monday, legislative leadership approved the extension of Proclamation 20-28 modifying the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) and Public Records Act (PRA) until Tuesday, January 19.

Under Proclamation 20-28.14, all cities in all phases may now include an in-person component for public meetings. In-person city meetings will need to follow additional guidelines outlined in the “Miscellaneous Venues COVID-19 Requirements” document. These guidelines include limiting meeting room occupancy to 25% of the room's occupancy limit (per fire marshal code) or 100 people, whichever is fewer, so long as attendees can maintain six feet of physical distance.

However, under the COVID-19 guidance Gov. Inslee issued on November 15, in-person business meetings, including in-person attendance at city council meetings, are prohibited until at least Monday, January 4. This also means the previous exception for in-person meetings in phase three jurisdictions is no longer allowed.

Before implementing an in-person component to public meetings after the prohibition expires, cities should review these updated guidelines with their legal counsel.

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