The Department of Commerce and its advisory committee are seeking your input on the draft of the fourth iteration of the Evergreen Sustainable Development Standard (ESDS).
ESDS is a green building performance standard required of all affordable housing projects receiving capital funds from the state Housing Trust Fund program.
For this update, some criteria remain unchanged, others tweaked, and other parts of the standard have been completely reworked. Additionally, new criteria have been added. Since its inception in response to RCW 39.35D.080,
ESDS has been modified and updated through a process of collaboration with affordable housing stakeholders, housing developers, and local governments administering capital funding programs.
To comment on the draft ESDS:
- Send your written comments no later than January 8
or - Attend the public hearing from noon to 4 pm on January 6:
- Call in option: Dial +1 (253) 215-8782
- Meeting ID: 836 2199 6056
- Passcode: 372133
- Online option