Published on Sep 11, 2020

Proposed court rules change presence of a defendant requirements

Contact: Sharon Swanson, Jacob Ewing

The Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts is considering a rule change that would allow criminal defendants to appear in court through their attorneys for certain hearings which they are currently required to attend in person.

The proposed changes to CrR 3.4 and CrRLJ 3.4:

  • Intend to prevent indigent defendants from being unnecessarily pulled deeper into the criminal justice system.
  • Create a more effective and efficient court process for all parties.
  • Include a court finding of good cause to require the presence of a defendant in some instances.

AWC encourages cities to review the proposed changes and submit comments to the Administrative Office of the Courts. Comments must be submitted no later than September 30, 2020.

  • Public safety & criminal justice
  • Advocacy
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